OT - Two "Disturbing Videos" from Yesterday | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT - Two "Disturbing Videos" from Yesterday

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formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Mock indignation?
I've played and watched a fair amount of football in 60 years Chin. It is not my impression that teams or players routinely target officials for dangerous cheap shots. Those kids should be done with football and facing assault charges.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I spent a decade officiating high school games. I hadn't seen that video until this morning - it was 100x worse than I expected.

It's really just premeditated brutal assualt by multiple people against a defenseless person.

I don't think I can say what should happen to the program or coaches without an investigation but I know what should happen to those two.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Some really odd comments.

I'm actually amazed that people don't realize this happens every week. The atrocious execution and blatant out in the open hit is the only reason this is news.

Hockey, basketball and baseball have it happen too.

It took all of 36 hours to complete an investigation, suspend the players and not rule out criminal charges. I'd hate to see what this country would look like without due process.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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What are you talking about? Do you think that video was a simple crossing pattern gone awry?

I suspect you are not that closely involved in youth sports any more. Every single parent of kids of every youth league in Connecticut that I am aware of has to sign a form regarding the behavior of themselves and their children, and that form includes a statement regarding respect of officials. Mock indignation? Those kids pledged to respect the officials before ever taking the field.

The attack was premeditated with the intent to injure the referee, and the kids knew it because they started making excuses for their actions almost immediately. I would expect that their town youth sports leagues would be distancing themselves as quickly as possible from that excuse.

I hope that at the least those boys youth athletic career is over, forever, for every sport.

There has to be zero tolerance for attacking refs.

Once again you show your ignorance. Your assumptions of: me not having kids currently playing sports- completely wrong. You said those kids pledged to respect the officials- proof? None. You said it was premeditated and intended to hurt the official. Proof. None. Town youth sports? No. It was high school.

You are a low level asssss clown and you show it every time post here.

Go back to your UConn should go independent in football threads.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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I remember the soccer official getting punched and killed and have heard many little league stories over the years but really, shame on all of us if we accept this as routine.
Sep 16, 2011
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Some really odd comments.

I'm actually amazed that people don't realize this happens every week. The atrocious execution and blatant out in the open hit is the only reason this is news.

Hockey, basketball and baseball have it happen too.

It took all of 36 hours to complete an investigation, suspend the players and not rule out criminal charges. I'd hate to see what this country would look like without due process.
Again, what are you talking about? You think high school athletes take vicious shots on referees all the time? You don't think these players should have been suspended?


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Some really odd comments.

I'm actually amazed that people don't realize this happens every week. The atrocious execution and blatant out in the open hit is the only reason this is news.

Hockey, basketball and baseball have it happen too.

It took all of 36 hours to complete an investigation, suspend the players and not rule out criminal charges. I'd hate to see what this country would look like without due process.

Chin, you're usually a really good poster but this is just plain insanity. Are you suggesting a receiver using a back judge to screen lb or db has some relation to this clear assault? I played 11 years of football and coached for a number of years and haven't seen anything within a thousand miles as ridiculous as this. Have you actually watched the video? It's absolute lunacy to suggest that is commonplace.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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One kid blindsided the ref from behind, knocking him over. Another kid took a running start at the ref and hit him while he was on the ground. The ref had his back turned to both. The actual play was nowhere near where the ref was standing. I have never seen any player attack a ref, aside from some lunatics playing some sort of minor international soccer league from time to time.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Once again you show your ignorance. Your assumptions of: me not having kids currently playing sports- completely wrong. You said those kids pledged to respect the officials- proof? None. You said it was premeditated and intended to hurt the official. Proof. None. Town youth sports? No. It was high school.

You are a low level asssss clown and you show it every time post here.

Go back to your UConn should go independent in football threads.

Actually, my main assumption is that you are the kind of guy that would sucker punch a ref since you don't think it is a big deal.

The premeditation is obvious from the video. When the two DB's waited, for even a few seconds, in formation before attacking the ref, it became premeditated.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Since they both did it - there isn't any way it was premeditated.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Since they both did it - there isn't any way it was premeditated.

Are you missing a negative in this sentence, or are you going Chin on us?

They got back into formation, waited, and then attacked on the last play of the game. That by itself is evidence of premeditation. The fact that it was the last play doesn't help their case, since it would be harder to argue it was in the heat of the moment if they waited until the consequences of getting kicked out were lowest.

I have seen parents act like jerks, and some of the worst behavior is at men's rec games. There actually was a ref killed by a sucker punch at a men's soccer game in Michigan a few years ago. I don't think I have ever seen or heard about a planned attack on a ref on the field. That is the worst part of this in my opinion, and why I am suspicious about the coach's involvement or at least pre-knowledge of the attack.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Are you missing a negative in this sentence, or are you going Chin on us?

They got back into formation, waited, and then attacked on the last play of the game. That by itself is evidence of premeditation. The fact that it was the last play doesn't help their case, since it would be harder to argue it was in the heat of the moment if they waited until the consequences of getting kicked out were lowest.

I have seen parents act like jerks, and some of the worst behavior is at men's rec games. There actually was a ref killed by a sucker punch at a men's soccer game in Michigan a few years ago. I don't think I have ever seen or heard about a planned attack on a ref on the field. That is the worst part of this in my opinion, and why I am suspicious about the coach's involvement or at least pre-knowledge of the attack.

missing the n't.
Aug 26, 2011
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I googled the incident and found a news story in Texas. This was not the last play of the game. There were 2 more. Though 2 players were removed after the attack on the referee, the officials made a mistake and only tossed 1 of the 2 involved in the attack. The missed player committed a personal foul on the next play and was ejected. In total 5 players from that team were ejected in the loss. The head coach apologized.
Oct 6, 2013
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Actually, my main assumption is that you are the kind of guy that would sucker punch a ref since you don't think it is a big deal.

The premeditation is obvious from the video. When the two DB's waited, for even a few seconds, in formation before attacking the ref, it became premeditated.
Since they both did it - there isn't any way it was premeditated.

Never seen anything similar, even remote.... would think the Texas state high school athletic association would jump all over this....
It does appear to be premeditated... all be it perhaps a spur of the moment decision by 2 idiot DB's but it does appear planned (even if it was planned 1 minute before), -have to agree with Nellie.
Will be worth following to see what transpires


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I googled the incident and found a news story in Texas. This was not the last play of the game. There were 2 more. Though 2 players were removed after the attack on the referee, the officials made a mistake and only tossed 1 of the 2 involved in the attack. The missed player committed a personal foul on the next play and was ejected. In total 5 players from that team were ejected in the loss. The head coach apologized.

Last play or third to last pay doesn't make a difference. The other team was taking knees and the game was over.

I bet the coach is sorry. I am suspicious about whether he knew about this or at a minimum created an atmosphere where cheap play was rewarded. Even if he is completely blameless, which seems unlikely, letting him go is going to be an easy decision for the school district, and his coaching career is probably over after that happens.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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LOL 'appears' from the school's statement:

The bottom line is, Northside will not tolerate this type of behavior. It does appear the athletes intentionally tackled the referee, but we have not confirmed it.
Sep 30, 2014
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I strongly suspect the coaches were behind putting the players up to this. Like Deflategate, it's hard to believe two high school players would decide to go rogue and do this on their own.
Aug 27, 2011
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Some really odd comments.

I'm actually amazed that people don't realize this happens every week. The atrocious execution and blatant out in the open hit is the only reason this is news.

Hockey, basketball and baseball have it happen too.

It took all of 36 hours to complete an investigation, suspend the players and not rule out criminal charges. I'd hate to see what this country would look like without due process.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're doing a terrible job of explaining your position. Because from here it sounds bizarre.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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The Cliff Notes versions of what I have said in this thread

1. This isn't the first time players have done this and it's not isolated to football.
2. The players and coaches need to be held accountable.
3. Let due process work itself through
4. The primary reason people are "shocked" or "offended" is they were blissfully ignorant of prior incidents due to lack of recordings and social media.

Like I said, weird responses. I clearly stated in my first post that players and coaches need to be held accountable and several people respond asking if I think nothing should happen or ask me to clarify.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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The Cliff Notes versions of what I have said in this thread

1. This isn't the first time players have done this and it's not isolated to football.
2. The players and coaches need to be held accountable.
3. Let due process work itself through
4. The primary reason people are "shocked" or "offended" is they were blissfully ignorant of prior incidents due to lack of recordings and social media.

Like I said, weird responses. I clearly stated in my first post that players and coaches need to be held accountable and several people respond asking if I think nothing should happen or ask me to clarify.

The Cliff Notes versions of what I have said in this thread

1. This isn't the first time players have done this and itc's not isolated to football.
2. The players and coaches need to be held accountable.
3. Let due process work itself through
4. The primary reason people are "shocked" or "offended" is they were blissfully ignorant of prior incidents due to lack of recordings and social media.

Like I said, weird responses. I clearly stated in my first post that players and coaches need to be held accountable and several people respond asking if I think nothing should happen or ask me to clarify.

You actually said it happens "every week" and that you are "amazed" " people didn't realize it. I'm just saying I've been on the sidelines for well over 200 games in my life and NEVER seen anything remotely similar. If it's commonplace there would be a number of similar videos online. Can any produce a single one?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The Cliff Notes versions of what I have said in this thread

1. This isn't the first time players have done this and it's not isolated to football.
2. The players and coaches need to be held accountable.
3. Let due process work itself through
4. The primary reason people are "shocked" or "offended" is they were blissfully ignorant of prior incidents due to lack of recordings and social media.

Like I said, weird responses. I clearly stated in my first post that players and coaches need to be held accountable and several people respond asking if I think nothing should happen or ask me to clarify.

The reason I am shocked and offended is because an official was hit in the back. Clearly that doesn't bother you, and I am not as inclined as others to give you the benefit of the doubt. That is just how you roll.
Aug 26, 2011
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You'll enjoy this.

K-State Marching Band
"The chart below represents the drill from tonight’s show. There was absolutely no intent to display anything other than the Enterprise and the Jayhawk in battle. If I am guilty of anything it would be the inability to teach the drill in a manner that these young people could have succeeded. I do apologize for the misinterpretation and I assure you that I meant absolutely no disrespect or malice toward the University of Kansas."

Frank Tracz
Director of the K-State Marching Band


RedditCFB 12:43pm via Twitter Web Client
K-State announces sanctions for halftime performance, citing the sportsmanship pledge all students signed:

The sanctions implemented by President Schulz demonstrate the university's commitment to provide additional leadership in this area:

• A self-imposed $5,000 fine to be paid to the Big 12 Conference for violation of the league sportsmanship policy.
• A single-game suspension for the university director of bands. The suspension will take place Nov. 28 at the game against the University of Kansas.
• Prior approval for the content of all band halftime shows by representatives from the Office of Student Life and the Athletic Department.
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