Here is my best dieting tip. My daughter just had her wedding on the beach. I had 4 months heads up. I lifted like a fiend for the first 2 months. The last 2.5 months I dieted like a fiend. I'd keep it to under about 800 calories a day and I stayed busy with work (tiling, cutting wood, working in the yard, and so on). I did not do any heavy exercise. The way I see it, most of the ladies who I know who live to 85 never exercised a day in their lives. And it's much easier to not eat the calories to begin with than to burn them off. Exercise is, in my opinion, way overrated for losing weight or for longevity.
I lost about 28 pounds in 2.5 months (229 to 200ish)
What was the main secret - keep majorly stocked on low cal foods, by which I mean lettuce, green beans carrots, celery, green peppers, mixed veggies, and so on. 2nd tier would be apples and other fruits. During the day, pound the low cal foods, snack on the 2nd tier foods. For dinner, have 1/2 of what you usually would have of meat, and double the veggie serving. Have a small scoop of carbs (corn, pasta, rice, et cetera).
The only time you should feel hungry with this approach is first thing in the morning. Eat an apple to start the day, and start pounding the veggies and you should not have hunger pangs.
Lots of s e x with wife helps too.
Set markers - every 10 pound drop, go out and eat at a restaurant, no restrictions.
Good luck. The most important thing to do to lose weight and keep it off is to change your habits - stock different food, eat smaller portions, and avoid large doses of carbs, as carbs are the quickest way, in my world, to pack it back on. Cereal, pasta, pizza are the big 3 where I have to limit my portion size.
Most importantly - gotta change your mindset. Gotta decide you are going to wake up and be a different man and you have to decide that you are never going back.