I'm sure there are exceptions everywhere; and I'm guessing--in general--that boys are somewhat more inclined than girls. I have three daughters and each has been a bit different with respect to attitudes about driving, but it would hard for any of them, or your son, to compete with the amount of driving I did as a kid. I got my license as soon as possible and bought my own car soon thereafter. Drove a half hour each way to school; and then to and from work; and then out for the night. I bought and sold more than a half dozen cars by the time I was out of law school and drove across the country four times during that time--driving every single mile myself.
It's a good thing that kids have so many other options these days; I shudder to think about the conditions under which I drove much of the time back then. But it's also true that the vast majority of kids now have much less experience driving as a result, and I see the consequences on the road every day.