I get that they will survive working on the outside. I just think it weakens them through further isolation. If the tech itself proves useful, they won't have it. It's inherently decentralized and too hard to control. Sooner or later the policy of censorship and isolation from information will fail, just as it did in the USSR ...
Time will tell, yet my take is "West Taiwan" (mainland) will end up far less isolationist than more than many westerners now project. Less compliant with post-WW II western powers sure, but potentially far removed from isolationist. More high-population growth eastern Asia, southern hemisphere and Russkie oriented than the UK, EU, North American and ANZAC nations prefer. Separate, yet different including the RMB crypto which will likely tie in/into global cryptocurrency exchanges.
If (or when?) wayyyyyyy more mainlanders truly objected to domestic controls, western-perceived isoliationism, censorship, etc, the global internet might matter more. However, the vast majority simply do not. At least now, and mainland China is massively removed from the USSR. Just no comparison based on direct experiences shortly after the Berlin Wall fell, living/work experience shortly thereafter in ex-Warsaw Pact nations and Russkiville, and more recently in "West Taiwan" (mainland China).
Hollywood, pfft. Humorously and ironically, Hollywood wing nuts bend over backwards kowtowing to the CCParty Boys' whims. However, mainlanders can and oft do access any Hollywood and other western films, many western websites and news sources, same same with domestic info, etc. Nationalism is rife and censorship obviously occurs, yet info's availed via fairly readily available VPNs.
Time will tell ...