With the $1.26B market cap, $0 in revenue as of 12/31/20, and 3 F/T employees? What am I missing, because it smells like I'm in Denmark?
TL,DR: You are investing in a 2-3 year plan if you are HODL HMBL.
This is in the OTC market for a reason. High risk, high reward. For me this was a bounce play first and foremost, I entered at 1.12.
I could argue a long hold here though as well. The future of monetary transactions will likely be done utilizing the blockchain, as that is cheaper, quicker and via an intuitive app, more convenient.
Note that competitors Venmo and Zelle are domestic options at this time. HMBL is hoping to be worldwide P2P and B2P. SOFI is another potential competitor on the investment side of things, it may come down to who is willing to nut up on the crypto front, regardless of regs.
That is the base level of what they are doing and they are first to market with this sort of thing. I like their gameplan in general:
Weekly podcasts (starting August) that bring on cultural influencers/athletes/musicians, athletes brand building, and NFTs. They are going to end up having cornered the market if they make that synergistic enough. Celebs are going to be giving HMBL free advertising as they hype their latest NFT, or whatever BS they have going*. Really good timing as well with the supreme court decision on likeness**.
*Note: Celeb culture is exhausting. Unfortunately as consumers we are simple minded and that is still the quickest way to mass adoption.
**Note: In the 90s, David Bowie created Bowie Bonds for a couple of his albums. It didnt really work then, but I think like most of what he did he was just ahead of his time. We may start seeing these middle and high schoolers issue stock of themselves (via the blockchain, BaaS) and take control of their earning power. You or I could "buy stock" in an obscure athlete or musician, and cashout when they sign their $300m deal.
Once you get that celebrity hype train rolling you can add revenue streams at a rapid rate.