This whole thing is sad and stupid.
Guy admits he punches his wife and knocks her out. Video shows her getting dragged off elevator.
2 game suspension from league and his team rushes to his defense and puts out material indicating he is a good guy.
Video of the "punch" shows up, which doesn't add anything at all, except maybe his apparent indifference to her unconsciousness.
Indefinite suspension and he is fired.
Seems to me that the NFL and the Ravens knew they screwed up, and that this wasn't going away, and the magical appearance of the videotape was a very poor pretext to dump this loser out of the NFL.
Best part about all of this is the following:
Fiancee walks up to him in the hallway and smacks him in his face, totally provoking him.
Guy keeps it together long enough to wait until he gets in the elevator - I would have smacked her back right in the hallway.
He then gives her what appears to be a minor tap in the face on the elevator.
So what does this crazy woman do? Does she get the message that he is not going to allow her to hit him freely?
She physically attacks him in the elevator.
What does he do? He punches/forearms her like he believes Mike Tyson is coming at him.
So she's incredibly stupid for provoking him and physically assaulting him (she should be arrested and convicted of two counts of assault).
And he's incredibly stupid for escalating it and laying the heavy gloves on a dainty woman.
And which one do you think regrets their decisions more? Him or her?
At the end of the day, she deserved to be slapped just like she slapped him. Anything less, or that tired old, mysogenistic, anti-woman, paternalistic, demeaning tripe that you should "never hit a woman", is disrespectful to her and all women.
I tell my girls - never let a man strike you. I also tell them, never hit your man, and if you do, and he hits you back with the same force, you deserved it, and learn a lesson.