Phantogram--Black Out Days
Henry Mancini- Days of Wine and Roses
Save The Whale - Country Joe MacDonald Laura Nyro -- Save the country
Heat of the Moment - Asia
30 days in the hole. Humble Pie
The song that was next in the cue was "this magic mement by the drifters
The song that was next in the cue was "this magic mement by the drifters
Ahhh followed your own song with another one of your own....that is not within the rules or even the spirit of the I used my song
Burning The Church House Down - Kevin GordonAlice In Chains--Down in a Hole
I wasn't aware of that my sincere apology to the song meister.
As the grasshopper to your sensei, there is no need or desire for an apology. And the song meister not I be.