Been a while since I‘ve logged my recent purchases (and consumptions) here.
Don’t remember if I mentioned that I finally picked a bottle of Monkey Shoulder. Agree with all the favorable comments here; I was pleasantly surprised. I think
@storrsroars nailed how I feel about it. It won’t replace my Famous Grouse because it has a different place, in that I drink the Monkey Shoulder neat and I drink the FG over crushed ice. But definitely a blend that good Scotch drinkers should enjoy.
Couldn’t find the Lagavulin 16 under $90 for a few weeks and finally picked up a bottle of the Ardbeg Wee Beastie;
@HuskyHawk , you’re right, it does scratch that itch (although not nearly as smooth as Lagavulin 16, which I have restocked since).
Also picked up a bottle of the Lagavulin Game of Thrones 9 year after reading some really good reviews. I’ve only had one dram so far but I really enjoyed it and hope this may replace my 16 addiction because it’s a much better value.
I also restocked another Auchentoshan Three Wood, my “dessert” Scotch and usually the last drink of the night.
On the Mezcal front, really liked the Juu Bal as a mixer, still enjoying the Bozal and finally found the Fidencio Classico, with which I have been making some great cocktails. One that I really like at one of the local joints in town has the Fidencio and a liquor called Clockwork Orange, which is like a triple sec with cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla and coriander. They add a touch of sour, jalepeno simple and fresh cilantro then rim with a mixture of spices and sugar and garnish with a dried chili pepper. It‘s amazing and dangerous, so of course I am trying to replicate that. I finally found the Clockwork Orange yesterday and have yet to use it, but in the meantime I found another craft liquor called Tepache, an 80-proof pineapple liqueur blended with Mexican spices. I mixed that with the Fidencio, a fresh lime, a touch of Gran Marnier, rhubarb shrub, island plum bitters, fresh jalapeño and fresh cilantro. Shook with ice and then poured into a highball glass and topped with mandarin orange seltzer. It. Was. Awesome. That was Sunday night. Monday morning was not so awesome.