ctfjr said:
This week I managed to get up a new hummingbird feeder. They may be cute but unfortunately aren't as colorful as their southern cousins
Whoa! anyone know why the image came out so dark???
I had a face to feather encounter with a hummingbird this weekend. I have seen many but never this close. I was surprised at how loud and how low the pitch is of their wings. We had a nice long look at each other, then before I thought to reach for my camera, the bird was off again!
I love watching the birds as some can now attest. Before I moved to the city I had feeders and suet outside my condo sliders, giving me a large screen look at the Connecticut bird world - coupled with a few squirrels of course. There are squirrel-proof feeders, but I didn't own one.
Sadly, my attmpt with a hummingbird feeder yielded only evil looking wasps - the little birds preferred my flowers
I did try to feed birds once I moved to the city, however anytime I put out food, it would be beset with large ravenous birds and completely gone within an hour. Also, being a newbie to the reality of the city at the time, I was advised by a neighbor that my charity would attract less desirable members of the rodent family, namely rats and mice, so I stopped.