OT: I recently ... | The Boneyard

OT: I recently ...

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Jul 19, 2014
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I recently intercepted the following AP release from the very near future. (To eliminate any possible confusion, you cannot actually receive a message from the future. This is not a misprint it's a parody. I'm... just... making... it... uuuuuuuuuuuuuup.)

"Fresh from his victory protesting the movie title A Man For All Seasons for excluding women and various frontier westerns for calling the wind Maria, Donald Dimwitty, who heads the enforcement arm of the PC Imperium, has turned his attention to the Disney movie released in 1961 titled Babes In Toyland for making women worldwide feel vaguely unsettled. He has also suggested that Mr. Disney be blanched, vivisected and stored away in cans and would undoubtedly do the deed himself if the movie mogul hadn't died forty-eight years ago."


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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So, which is worse Ricky?

Being called a troll or being called a drunk?
Jun 10, 2012
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This is actually a clue to the nocturnal rickyH...himself a better mystery than his curious posts...Disney has, indeed, become a target of the PC Imperium, and particularly the feminist arm, for its depiction of women...this was somewhat of a revelation to me, but was part of the extended sensitivity training I've undergone in obtaining this teaching degree...as I recall, Beauty falling for the Beast was pretty much the last straw in the matter...

So, what is rickyH telling us here? He has been exposed to the same sensitivity training...but how...perhaps unwillingly given the tenor of the post which he admits is parody...


Aug 26, 2011
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I may be one of few, but I enjoy reading rickyH's posts because rH's posts are wonderfully wrapped in sarcasm, disguised by obscurity and cloaked in the obtuse. If bourbon is the fuel then I want what he's drinking. I hope it's either Pappy Van Winkle's Family Reserve 20, Black Maple Hill 16 Small Batch, or Jefferson's Presidential Select 21 cuz those make me very very happy.



The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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Wait a minute - feminists are going after Disney because the lack of PC and they cite Beauty and the Beast as an example?
please - there are two messages in Beauty and the Beast:
1 be nice and
2 don't judge a book by its cover

This society is rapidly becoming such that PC is synonymous with overkill. you will never please all of the people all of the time so pick your battles and don't be ridiculous.

Obviously I am a Disney fan

And on a side note I proudly watch Bugs Bunny cartoons in their original uncut versions.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction Score
rickyH said:
I recently intercepted the following AP release from the very near future. (To eliminate any possible confusion, you cannot actually receive a message from the future. This is not a misprint it's a parody. I'm... just... making... it... uuuuuuuuuuuuuup.)

"Fresh from his victory protesting the movie title A Man For All Seasons for excluding women and various frontier westerns for calling the wind Maria, Donald Dimwitty, who heads the enforcement arm of the PC Imperium, has turned his attention to the Disney movie released in 1961 titled Babes In Toyland for making women worldwide feel vaguely unsettled. He has also suggested that Mr. Disney be blanched, vivisected and stored away in cans and would undoubtedly do the deed himself if the movie mogul hadn't died forty-eight years ago."

ok I get it.
this is hysterically funny


Aug 26, 2011
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Wait a minute - feminists are going after Disney because the lack of PC and they cite Beauty and the Beast as an example?
please - there are two messages in Beauty and the Beast:
1 be nice and
2 don't judge a book by its cover

This society is rapidly becoming such that PC is synonymous with overkill. you will never please all of the people all of the time so pick your battles and don't be ridiculous.

Obviously I am a Disney fan

And on a side note I proudly watch Bugs Bunny cartoons in their original uncut versions.
Ah, yes.... Looney Toons... I love my Looney Tunes and now I know why I love your posts.

Bugs Boonny


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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doggydaddy said:
I'm partial to cartoon characters as well.

Hey! me too! maybe that's why we're such good friends!!

have I ever met you in person? ( just kidding I know I have)

I hope this thread or some of the posts don't get deleted it's probably one of the funniest ones I've seen around here in a while...


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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It is my personal (but considered) belief that Mr. Disney should be dug up and re-buried with a stake through his heart, for the sin of having desecrated, bowdlerized and just generally stomped on just about every children's story ever written, from Snow White to The Jungle Books to Mary Poppins. In and of itself, the depiction of Wise old Baloo as a g--d---ed dancing blue bear should be enough to justify desecrating Walt. He and his successors have done more to take the magic out of childhood than any other single cause or maybe all causes taken as an entry.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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It is my personal (but considered) belief that Mr. Disney should be dug up and re-buried with a stake through his heart, for the sin of having desecrated, bowdlerized and just generally stomped on just about every children's story ever written, from Snow White to The Jungle Books to Mary Poppins. In and of itself, the depiction of Wise old Baloo as a g--d---ed dancing blue bear should be enough to justify desecrating Walt. He and his successors have done more to take the magic out of childhood than any other single cause or maybe all causes taken as an entry.



The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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I can see our sensitivities need a bit of tweaking...don't make me post Part 2...

I see these stories told in ways that are reflections of their times.
Earlier ones show the women in a domestic role - there are some men who see that role as belittling, and in doing so, possibly influence weaker minded women - not all women mind you into thinking as such.
Later ones show women doing what they felt they had to do in order to get what they want.
They show the women being heroes.

At the end of the day, I grew up with most of these films, and later on the little ones that surrounded me grew up with them and sang all the songs with me, too. People can think what they want I suppose, but IMO folks who want to take the stance that these stories are meant to demean women are in the same category as the people who think that watching unedited Bugs Bunny cartoons teach children violence. And in removing any of the violent depictions from cartoons for example, they do not allow the teaching of the children to differ that what they see on television or in the movies is pretend vs what actually happens in real life. There are valuable lessons in the telling of most of these stories as well.

If feel that whole movement is a violation of First Amendment Rights. Don't tell me what I should be seeing. Let me make that decision for myself.

And for those who had.....er...how shall I put this? Difficulties growing up - losing oneself in a happily ever after for a short time was a pleasant though temporary escape.

I see women depicted poorly in many, many places, but I don't think that this forum is the place to debate these issues. Therefore I will say on the record to those who share opposite viewpoints from mine that we must agree to disagree.
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Jun 10, 2012
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I see women depicted poorly in many, many places, but I don't think that this forum is the place to debate these issues. Therefore I will say on the record to those who share opposite viewpoints from mine that we must agree to disagree.
I have no strong feelings either way, even though I never quite trusted old Walt after seeing Bambi's mother killed. My youngest felt the same after seeing the Lion King killed, so not much has changed on that front over the aeons. I did think it would be interesting to see what rickyH was alluding to...


Post Poster
Sep 15, 2011
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I can see our sensitivities need a bit of tweaking...don't make me post Part 2...

Good thinking Judy.JPG
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The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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I have no strong feelings either way, even though I never quite trusted old Walt after seeing Bambi's mother killed. My youngest felt the same after seeing the Lion King killed, so not much has changed on that front over the aeons. I did think it would be interesting to see what rickyH was alluding to...

Oddly enough, I was strongly affected by the death of Bambi's mother. I saw it when I was very little, and ran out of the theatre and never went back in. To date I have not seen the entire movie, but that is simply because I never took the opportunity.

The Lion King deals also with the death of a parent, the father, and this I watched, with tears rolling down the face, but I was an adult and understood that it was part of the story. When I watch the Lion King with children, particularly with very little children, I advise the parents that this section will be fast forwarded because I feel that the parents should handle the questions and so on.

Disney does have other scary moments in is movies, and some parents do choose to wait for the child to be older and will fast forward through those parts. Some parents do not edit their children's television watching at all. It depends upon the parents. When I am caring for children, I follow the parent's rules. It's not up to me.

I feel strongly against banning literature and media, and the edit to purify said literature, media, even history the same. As mentioned I believe that it is the choice of the person to view or not to view, to read or not to read. Again, people may have other viewpoints, but there it is.
Jul 13, 2013
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Oddly enough, I was strongly affected by the death of Bambi's mother. I saw it when I was very little, and ran out of the theatre and never went back in. To date I have not seen the entire movie, but that is simply because I never took the opportunity.

The Lion King deals also with the death of a parent, the father, and this I watched, with tears rolling down the face, but I was an adult and understood that it was part of the story. When I watch the Lion King with children, particularly with very little children, I advise the parents that this section will be fast forwarded because I feel that the parents should handle the questions and so on.

Disney does have other scary moments in is movies, and some parents do choose to wait for the child to be older and will fast forward through those parts. Some parents do not edit their children's television watching at all. It depends upon the parents. When I am caring for children, I follow the parent's rules. It's not up to me.

I feel strongly against banning literature and media, and the edit to purify said literature, media, even history the same. As mentioned I believe that it is the choice of the person to view or not to view, to read or not to read. Again, people may have other viewpoints, but there it is.

RL. Maybe you shouldn't watch this. From the late 60's.
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