Anyone have any good contacts for beginner guitar lessons? Would have to be a weeknight and be close to the West Hartford area. PM if you want to keep the names off the board.
p.s. - I already checked out the music store on Lasalle and they're pretty expensive.
Many teachers that do it for a living have to do just that. Usually $25 a half hour and up. The half hour because as you have stated it adds up and also, that is all a student is going to absorb and be able to come back next week and have it some what down.
I could say nobody works for nothing but I would be wrong. Just as you have reached out here music is no different that any other hobby where if you get with the right people you can learn a lot for free.
By this I mean get (not sure of your age) go to open mike nights. These are people of all ages just want to play and absorb knowledge from others better than them and pass it on to those that are learning. Free teachers all!
Get a cheap guitar and as someone said above a tuner. It took me forever to be able to tune a guitar with out one because everyones ear is different. Get it use it and that is your first cheap lesson. Find out what you have for ears. My own suggestion is an acoustic as it is the most versitile and not needing ampflication but could be added later.
Why a cheap guitar? Because as a rookie you are going to break strings and scratch the hell out of it. There are so many things availble on line that make learning a lot more easy than in years past and less expensive. Check out the watch & learn series... I am not here to pormote anything or one but there are a lot of publications available for what I call dirt. This giving someone weeks of lessons for less than a half hours cost.
If you get a teacher and can afford it, sometimes they will go bi-weekly which helps. If they teach you to read music after that you can teach yourself! Start easy! The series I mentiond above is cool. Play some blue grass like Gerry Garcia, it will evolve, it is mostly three cords and we have events in Ct where you can walk in and jam. This is where you start to really learn and get the group vibe....A lot out there not hard to find , you just need to reach as you have done....Good luck and lets jam some day!
Rock on........