Somewhat interesting random fact:
That 32-31 Giants/Bucs score is actually quite rare. Only the 7th time an NFL game has ended in that score and the first time since 2002. And this is going back to the 30s.
Actually, there were a few fairly rare scores this past week. 33-28 (Chiefs/Ravens) is also rare, it has only happened 9 times, the first time in the 60s and just 5 other times since 2000. Likewise with the Redskins/Bears 31-15 score, only the 9th time in NFL history. 31-15 did not happen until 1994 and last happened in 2014.
Had Dallas gone for 2 at any time and won by 32-6, that would have only been the 5th time (and first since 1986) that a team won by that score. 31-6 is a little more common. (43-0 from last week was only the 5th time and first since 1999)
We are getting some pretty unique scores lately. I always like to see scores that have not happened yet. (example: 11-9 or 22-18 or 39-16 has never happened - it takes some....interesting things for some of these scores to occur).