If you have a cursory interest in Civil War history you will enjoy the place. If you have a real interest in the war that's when the place becomes 3D for for you.
It's funny, I never read anything about the Civil War until I was almost 50. I read Killer Angels, and for the next two
years I only read about the War. Killer Angels is supposed to be historical fiction, as I remember it. However
it is extremely faithful to the actual battle details. I was told by a guy who worked at GE that Killer Angels was required reading for those in the executive training program. Classic case of how hubris (Lee) will ultimately do you in.. " Those the gods would destroy, they first make proud,"according to the Greeks.
Somebody above mentioned the movie Gettysburg. That is Ted Turner's rendition of Killer Angles. I think the movie is great, It is the most accurate rendition of a book I have ever seen. Turner basically used the book Killer Angels as a screen play.
I have read at least 3 books on the battle. My pick is Gettysburg by Stephen Sears. It is not the dreaded litany of events. He weaves in a true narrative. You will learn why the Union owes everything to Major John Buford and whoever the rebel was who shot Stonewall Jackson by mistake. If Lee had marched to DC instead, things would have been a whole lot different.
BTW--I was last there a long time ago. I think I drove there with my kids from Hershey Park. Always a favorite.