In the late 50s- early 60s, movies (double feature, cartoons) were 25 cents, but Disney movies were 50cents. First movie I saw when the price went up to 35 cents was " Battle in Outer Space". Movie theaters packed every Saturday. In the winter, going into the theater at 1pm and coming out in the dark........walking home 2 miles in the snow.
Walking 1.5 miles to my elementary school (few kids took bikes). Elementary Schools didn't have cafeterias- so at lunchtime you walked all the way home for a sandwich and then walked all the way back again.........all in 1 hour and 15 minutes. For me, it was a total of almost 7 miles a day.....and could be a tough slog in the Winter.
Neighborhood stores located on the first floor - or slightly below ground - in 2/3 story houses. The only "supermarkets" we're " downtown". When the first supermarket - a "First National" - was built closer to home.......most of those mom and pop stores began to struggle and eventually disappear.
When the first editions of Playboy were published - sneaking peaks in the back of the local Rexall Drug Store with my other degenerate 10 year old friends, and then running outside and laughing like crazy. And then going back in to buy our nickel candy or Popsicle.or bag of Stateline potato chips.