When I was 7-8ish, my mom would send me to the grocery store to pick up a couple things. It was only a couple blocks away though. I did have to cross a couple streets. Doubt too many parents do that anymore.
I was probably a year or so younger the first time my mother sent me to the store with a quarter to buy a pack of Raleighs for her. It was close -- the backyard of the house to which Buck's Store was attached abutted the backyard of my house. So all I had to do was walk halfway around a short block (there was a fence between the yards). My pay for the effort was the candy I could buy with the 4 cents change.
We never locked the car.
We rode our bicycles everywhere, and drivers were observant enough that we didn't die from our frequent inattention to traffic. (There was traffic, it was a large town.)
We drank untreated water from ponds and streams.
We didn't fly anywhere -- feet, bike, car, bus.
I often walked to high school, even though there was a bus available -- it was only a bit over two miles.
Playing games with baseball cards (matchem, topper, closest-to-the-wall, etc) to win someone else's cards at recess in elementary school.
School outings on foot.
Walking barefoot on the street or sidewalk or in the parks with no nasty or painful repercussions.
Collecting cans & bottles to make money on the refund at the store.
Putting salt on the driveway and sidewalks.
Those would be mid-50s to mid-60s.