OT: Bat in House | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT: Bat in House

Sep 20, 2014
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A brown bat can eat 1000 mosquitoes an hour. Consider yourself lucky.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Do you think I can use the fire extinguisher on chipmunks?
They make life like statues of owls and hawks to scare away rodents and snakes. Get one of these, position it properly and the Chipmunks will quickly find a new home.
Aug 14, 2012
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A rat trap baited with peanut butter will handle it, albeit one chipmunk at a time.

If you're looking to street-sweep an entire population, get a five-gallon bucket. Fill it halfway with water.

Get some of those black sunflower seeds. Pour a bunch of them onto the surface of the water. They float, so pour enough in so that it looks like the bucket is actually filled with the seeds.

Put the bucket near where the chipmunks frequent. Make a little ramp to the top of the bucket - paint-stirring sticks work well.

Leave the bucket. Go inside and wonder if what you've just done has put your soul at hazard.

Check back in a day.
I tried both methods. I have watched chipmunks deftly scoop the peanut butter off of the rat trap without setting it off and I have even super glued a nut to the trap with no luck. They learn quick. I have also done the black stripped sunflower seeds( because they are the floating type, NOT) in a 5 gal bucket of 1/2 water trap with only a 1st night success. 1 chipmunk that night and then nothing and then the seeds were scooped up by ingenious squirrels. After a couple of days the seeds sank to the bottom of the pail and stunk to high heaven. We live right next to a farm so there are red tail hawks always flying and still the local chipmunk population is up. They have been undermining my rock walls for years. On a good note just yesterday I caught a woodchuck, who was living under my shed, in a Havahart trap using cantalope and water melon as bait. I should have cleaned the trap before we started using it. After a couple of weeks of frustration(watching the varmit munch clover and not pay attention to the trap. I power washed the trap as it was borrowed and had skunk smell on it. Then I wore rubber gloves so as not to leave my scent on it. Then covered the bottom with weeds and grass before I threw the bait in. I called my buddy and told him I was returning his useless trap when we went to visit him and his wife at the beach on Sunday. Went to church and when we returned home I saw that the trap was sprung. The woodchuck was then deported to the next town over. GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I agree--I'd like to keep the bats around. I just don't want 'em getting into my house. We've got a place with a lot of woods around us and there are tons of critters and I really love it. I'd like to coexist with the creatures if I can.

A rat trap baited with peanut butter will handle it, albeit one chipmunk at a time.

If you're looking to street-sweep an entire population, get a five-gallon bucket. Fill it halfway with water.

Get some of those black sunflower seeds. Pour a bunch of them onto the surface of the water. They float, so pour enough in so that it looks like the bucket is actually filled with the seeds.

Put the bucket near where the chipmunks frequent. Make a little ramp to the top of the bucket - paint-stirring sticks work well.

Leave the bucket. Go inside and wonder if what you've just done has put your soul at hazard.

Check back in a day.

Bats = good. Chipmunks = bad. I didn't go the bucket route (Defcon 4). I'd heard it works. Instead, I got several bags of pea gravel, and a solar powered noise emitting critter annoying spike. I also have a cat, which is not quite as good as that Hawk.

Fill chipmunk holes with pea gravel. Check the next day, fill again. Stuff cat hair in there or the litter box specials. Repeat until the little buggers tire of digging themselves out. I think I had a few hundred of them, now I don't see any. Easier for them to just move to the neighbors' houses. I'm surprised it worked really, I was ready to go with the bucket.


Aug 14, 2011
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Use a shopvac with a long hose. It's (usually) harm the bat.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Bats = good. Chipmunks = bad. I didn't go the bucket route (Defcon 4). I'd heard it works. Instead, I got several bags of pea gravel, and a solar powered noise emitting critter annoying spike. I also have a cat, which is not quite as good as that Hawk.

Fill chipmunk holes with pea gravel. Check the next day, fill again. Stuff cat hair in there or the litter box specials. Repeat until the little buggers tire of digging themselves out. I think I had a few hundred of them, now I don't see any. Easier for them to just move to the neighbors' houses. I'm surprised it worked really, I was ready to go with the bucket.

What's the big problem with chipmunks?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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They make life like statues of owls and hawks to scare away rodents and snakes. Get one of these, position it properly and the Chipmunks will quickly find a new home.
Puh-lease. I had one of those and birds and small rodents came from miles around to take selfies on it.



The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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What's the big problem with chipmunks?

They burrow against fixed objects. For example, my bulkhead, and the concrete front steps of my house. They can do structural damage by creating these massive burrows. I read somewhere that if you see one, you have 20. The vast majority of them stay underground reproducing.

Where they built burrows out on the edges of my property near the woods, I leave them alone. Up against my foundation? I go into Elmer Fudd mode.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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URGENT UPDATE: After nearly four days of a bat-free existence and a visit from a pest control service today, I'm in my living room getting ready to watch an old tape of UConn vs. WVU in 2010 and I see another GD shadow above my head. Another bat. Keeping my composure this time, got all my ducks in a row, had animal control on the line in a split second. This bat will not live to see another day. Couldn't have gained this type of confidence and insight without all of my friends on the Boneyard--especially @Chief00 . Although you've been silent through this whole ordeal, Chief, I've felt your strong presence.

Until next time,


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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UPDATE: Bat captured. Under one hour from first sighting to this bat's final breath. And you idiots said the Boneyard wasn't the place to go when you've got a bat crisis (looking at you Serrano)--I beg to differ. You've taught me well.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Lol! Our bat guy told us he saw no signs of any bats or colonies and basically told my wife she was lying about the bat coming in through our pellet stove even though we watched the damn thing do it.

We've been bat free since Friday as well but still can't get that safe feeling yet! Stupid wildlife. Just gotta hope I stay in my wife's good graces because I used to not mind sleeping on the couch. That has all changed since the bat came in that room! :(


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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UPDATE: Bat captured. Under one hour from first sighting to this bat's final breath. And you idiots said the Boneyard wasn't the place to go when you've got a bat crisis (looking at you Serrano)--I beg to differ. You've taught me well.
Good to hear but it is clear you got some type of infestation or possible a poltergeist. While it is great that your Boneyard honed reflexes jumped into action, how long can you continue to hold the fort against the relentless horde of flying pestilence and death? I mean you've got to sleep sometime right? And they mostly come at night. Mostly. No, my friend, you have a sole choice in front of you (well two but I am ruling out suicide for the time being.) You must flee the house. Don't wait another day, another hour or another minute even. Don't pack. Don't weigh the odds or the inconvenience. No. Just...flee...the... house! You can thank me later.

(PS, the house next to @whaler11 is available.)
Aug 22, 2016
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Good to hear but it is clear you got some type of infestation or possible a poltergeist. While it is great that your Boneyard honed reflexes jumped into action, how long can you continue to hold the fort against the relentless horde of flying pestilence and death? I mean you've got to sleep sometime right? And they mostly come at night. Mostly. No, my friend, you have a sole choice in front of you (well two but I am ruling out suicide for the time being.) You must flee the house. Don't wait another day, another hour or another minute even. Don't pack. Don't weigh the odds or the inconvenience. No. Just...flee...the... house! You can thank me later.

(PS, the house next to @whaler11 is available.)

I liked this but mostly for your last line.
Mar 24, 2012
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Had a bat in the house two nights ago. I had gone to bed, my wife usually stays up until about 1 am watching TV before going to bed. At about 12:30am she sees a bat flying around the room and yells that we have a bat in the house. That got me up. We put the dog (a German Shepherd) outside and opened the front door and tried to shoo it out of the house. It kept flying in circles. At some point the bat disappears, we don't know where it went, but we last saw it in the den. Meanwhile the dog is barking up a storm. I let the dog in, and it immediately starts sniffing. My wife says "where is it?" to the dog. It heads toward an open window with a screen that is in the den. Naturally, we find the bat resting on that screen. I lifted the screen slightly, and slam shut the window. We see the bat almost immediately find the opening and it flies off. Now I have new found respect for our dog.

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