- Joined
- Aug 26, 2011
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Give me your tired .... your poor ....Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,the wretched refuse of your teeming shore ..... Send these no-talent, unemployed,
Miller High-Life sluggin' clowns to me ..... I lift my lamp beside
~ T H E . B O N E Y A R D ~
► OT: All Hands On Deck !! - - Navy Quiz #2 This Is not a drill !
Beginning immediately, Vtcwbuff must wait at least 72 hours before answering any Navy Quiz offerings! (Give 'em a chance, for crying out loud) So it shall be written . . . so it shall be done!
(1) What is a SNIPE?
(2) What is a DECK APE?
(3) What is a C.O.D.?
(4) What is a SHELLBACK?
(5) What is BLUENOSE?
(6) What is PORT ... what is its derivation?
(7) What is STARBOARD ... what is its derivation?
(8) What is a FANTAIL?
(9) What is a FORECASTLE? (how do you pronounce it?)
(10) What is a SHELLBACK?
(11) What is a SCUTTLEBUT?
(12) What is a BUOY WATCH?
(13) When does a ship HAVE A BONE IN ITS TEETH?
(14) Why would someone in Marine dress blues be wearing a NAVY ARM INSIGNIA?
(15) Why do enlisted blues have THREE WHITE STRIPES? (history)
(16) Why do Sailors WEAR A BLACK NECKERCHIEF? (history)
(17) What large Navy craft are properly called BOATS?
(18) What is ON A SHINGLE?
(19) What is an AIRDALE?
Special Question: The USS CONSTITUTION, a commissioned ship in the US Navy, has a
steering wheel from a British ship. Why?