I wish Dribbles a speedy recovery and can relate to what you're going through. My dad just went through something very similar to this past week. The Pulmonary doctor pretty much told my sister, who has the power of attorney with my Dad, to take him off the respirator and let him die the day he went into the hospital. Thank God, my sister had the wisdom to wait till the cardiac doctor who has treated him the past assessed him later that evening. He told my sister to keep him on the respirator overnight and see how he is in the morning. He bounced back so quickly that they took him off it that next day and after a few days in the ICU, he's now back home recovering nicely. He's 90 plus and one tough son-of-gun. I hope I have his robust genes. At 92 or 93 (I know, I should know that) he still regularly does 9 holes of golf a few times a week. Sad to say he probably, make that definitely, can still beat me in a round of golf.
Anyhow, my prayers are with you, Dribbles and your entire family. I hope he recovers just as well as my Dad has. I hope he has many more UConn NCs to witness and enjoy!