Orange Bowl Announces 12-year ACC agreement | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Orange Bowl Announces 12-year ACC agreement

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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The ACC is a better conference than the Big East because it has better schools, better history, and more eyeballs/fans. The Big East being better on the field doesn't matter.

None of those things are true. The only significant advantage the ACC has over the Big East is that ESPN is trying to help the ACC and trying to harm the Big East. When the Big East signs with NBC, the playing field will be more level.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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None of those things are true. The only significant advantage the ACC has over the Big East is that ESPN is trying to help the ACC and trying to harm the Big East. When the Big East signs with NBC, the playing field will be more level.

I agree that we really need to get that contract in order very soon so that we can stop the negative publicity. We are now a conference without a permanent commissioner and without a long-term tv contract. Those two things, coupled with an ESPN that is now trying to de-value the league, and we have really suffered in the realm of public opinion over the last 8 months or so. We need to stop the bleeding, and the tv negotiation period can't get here soon enough.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I agree that we really need to get that contract in order very soon so that we can stop the negative publicity. We are now a conference without a permanent commissioner and without a long-term tv contract. Those two things, coupled with an ESPN that is now trying to de-value the league, and we have really suffered in the realm of public opinion over the last 8 months or so. We need to stop the bleeding, and the tv negotiation period can't get here soon enough.

ESPN will do anything short of murder to damage the Big East in the next two months. Hold on tight.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I think it's hysterical how insane you all sound trying to poo-poo the Orange Bowl.

It's the friggin' Orange Bowl. If you think this is a bad deal, you're insane.

It's a good deal for the ACC to know at worst, in most years there champ has a desirable bowl and location.

That being said, I find myself agreeing more with Nelson and his stance that the bowls have been on a downward spiral in terms of significance and now that the playoff ball is rolling, they are going to mean even less.

I think the playoff is going to be a pure cash cow and that once it's fully realized by everyone that the playoff will expand and these bowls will continue to mean less and less.

The Orange Bowl was great and prestigious, but let's face it, it's a pretty much meaningless ACC vs. BE game almost every year and I think that has hurt it's overall grandeur.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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The vanity bowls are just that. They are cheap content to put up against the Kardashian empire.

I think Chewbaccah makes more on her series than ESPN pays out net for the 40 teams in the bottom 20 bowl with payouts of $1.5 mil or under. Chewie got $1 mil for her Weight Watcher gig, $300,000 for her marriage photos and $250,000 for 4 hours of series work for Chloe and Lamar the first season. Throw in some personal appearances and that's $2 million for less work than a college bowl team puts on for their 3 hour stint on TV. and that's the PT gig and they actually rerun the damn series for extra mileage.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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Well that past in part helped us move out of that dumpster fire so..yeah.

But hey, Yankee Bowl! Metlife Stadium! Houston and San Diego State!


Don't crow too much. Syracuse will suck in a better conference. Go you!


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Why do ACC bowl affiliations matter to Syracuse fans? Syracuse won't ever be playing in a bowl.
Aug 26, 2011
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Am I missing something? The ACC Champion will play who in the Orange Bowl? Doesn't the SEC and others have contracts to send their Champion, 2nd, 3rd , 4th place teams etc to certain bowls? I guess all bowl contracts to be renewed? If so, how does the Orange Bowl compare to other major bowls when Clemson Ranked 14th plays Mich State Ranked 17th? NNBE Champion may be the best available and may be a very good get. Maybe Boise ranked 5th or 6th (won't be higher as they need to keep them out of playoffs). OB may no longer a Major Bowl or soon will not be.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I agree. The Big East needs to keep building up the status of the Yankee Bowl. It has huge potential as a new years day bowl. NYC and that stadium can draw a healthy TV audience.

If Boise or San Diego State ever win the Big East they will be very likely to receive a Fiesta Bowl bid. Houston, SMU and Memphis could win the Big East and get a Cotton Bowl bid. The Orange Bowl would actually be foolish to committ to ACC champ vs 2nd or third place from another conference because a USF or UCF team ranked in the top 10 would fill up the stadium.

Orange bowl nightmere BC vs Iowa State. Yikes! Lock in those conferences and you will eventually get a major stinker. I guess the bowls didn't learn anything from the failed AQ bid disaster.

The Yankee bowl? Really? Maybe it is because I never liked NYC, but I seriously doubt that anyone in NY is going to go sit outside in January and watch two teams they don't care about. If Notre Dame is playing Penn State, it will do well. Other than that...I doubt it.

HDTV killed the bowls (along with airfares). They're empty because aside from a few teams that travel very well, and others playing close to home, most people would rather watch the games on TV. They are made for TV events. The Rose and Sugar will always be in good shape. Fiesta needs good matchups. Orange and Cotton need very good matchups.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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It's a good deal for the ACC to know at worst, in most years there champ has a desirable bowl and location.

That being said, I find myself agreeing more with Nelson and his stance that the bowls have been on a downward spiral in terms of significance and now that the playoff ball is rolling, they are going to mean even less.

I think the playoff is going to be a pure cash cow and that once it's fully realized by everyone that the playoff will expand and these bowls will continue to mean less and less.

The Orange Bowl was great and prestigious, but let's face it, it's a pretty much meaningless ACC vs. BE game almost every year and I think that has hurt it's overall grandeur.

I'd agree, except- they have a bowl and the Big East doesn't. Just because their influence is waning doesn't mean it isn't a major problem to not have a legitimate anchor bowl.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I'd agree, except- they have a bowl and the Big East doesn't. Just because their influence is waning doesn't mean it isn't a major problem to not have a legitimate anchor bowl.

The Big East has never had an anchor bowl, which must explain why the Big East has been so terrible the last seven years. Oh wait, the Big East has been pretty good during most of that stretch.
Sep 24, 2011
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Why do ACC bowl affiliations matter to Syracuse fans? Syracuse won't ever be playing in a bowl.

Good point. I can't remember the last time Syracuse played in a bowl game.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Why do ACC bowl affiliations matter to Syracuse fans? Syracuse won't ever be playing in a bowl.

.Syracuse wll never play in the Orange Bowl? That's Poetic Justice.
Sep 20, 2011
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It's a good deal for the ACC to have a tie in to a traditionally elite bowl but how much longer will the Orange Bowl be seen as elite if most years it will be pitting the ACC champ against the number 2 or 3 team from one of the top 4 conferences. I honestly think it would be better for the Orange bowl to get the BE champ in most years and that it very well may end up being a common occurance for the BE champ to play the ACC champ in the Orange bowl. The fact that the ACC would rather play the runner up or second runner up from the SEC or Big 12 over the BE champ is kind of silly if you ask me. I understand the poor perception of the BE but to acknowledge that your league champ doesn't deserve to play the champ from another league just doesn't make sense.
May 7, 2012
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It's a good deal for the ACC to have a tie in to a traditionally elite bowl but how much longer will the Orange Bowl be seen as elite if most years it will be pitting the ACC champ against the number 2 or 3 team from one of the top 4 conferences. I honestly think it would be better for the Orange bowl to get the BE champ in most years and that it very well may end up being a common occurance for the BE champ to play the ACC champ in the Orange bowl. The fact that the ACC would rather play the runner up or second runner up from the SEC or Big 12 over the BE champ is kind of silly if you ask me. I understand the poor perception of the BE but to acknowledge that your league champ doesn't deserve to play the champ from another league just doesn't make sense.

And the teams from the NBE that travel well are?

Or the NBE teams that are a good TV draw?

It is all about TV ratings and tickets sold and a matchup of the top available ACC team against a runner up from the SEC, Big12; B1G in the Orange Bowl will do better than any NBE team.

Also, dont forget ND. Like thewm or not they draw fans and eyeballs.


Aug 24, 2011
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And the teams from the NBE that travel well are?

Or the NBE teams that are a good TV draw?

It is all about TV ratings and tickets sold and a matchup of the top available ACC team against a runner up from the SEC, Big12; B1G in the Orange Bowl will do better than any NBE team.

Also, dont forget ND. Like thewm or not they draw fans and eyeballs.

despite what u may think, uconn travels pretty well for a 10 year old program. our bcs game had a good uconn following there. was it ok good? no, but it wasn't ugly by any means. its well known what a wreck the tix sales were because of the way they sold them in packages with the other game. that year was also tough becuase both bball teams did well and fans were picking which games they wanted to go to. fans went to maui earlier in the year and by the time the bcs game happened alot of fans were thinking ncaa runs for both bball programs. going across the country for a fball game is tough for young fanbase, we actually did quite well and have been doing good travel wise. its only going to get better for us as we grow unlike other schools.

cincy travels alright, so does lville. bsu travels well btw.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Louisville, USF and UCF would all bring 30K plus to the Orange Bowl if they were the BE champ and a top 10 team.


Aug 24, 2011
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Louisville, USF and UCF would all bring 30K plus to the Orange Bowl if they were the BE champ and a top 10 team.

agree. also navy will be a big tv draw and i think the conf bump may see a fan base come back to life travel wise also. ecu would be another 1 if we added them that would travel well.
Sep 20, 2011
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And the teams from the NBE that travel well are?

Or the NBE teams that are a good TV draw?

It is all about TV ratings and tickets sold and a matchup of the top available ACC team against a runner up from the SEC, Big12; B1G in the Orange Bowl will do better than any NBE team.

Also, dont forget ND. Like thewm or not they draw fans and eyeballs.

There are teams that travel well and draw eyeballs. Boise St. is probably going to continue to perform at a high level and they travel well and draw good TV ratings. Most years they'll probably be ranked higher than ND or the 2nd or 3rd team out one of the Big 4. If they can finish in the top 10 playing in the WAC and MWC they can do it in the BE if they keep winning. Ideally on the field play will count for something when these selections are made. I think it'll be best for all involved if the best available team is selected and think that more often than not the BE champ will be a better team than the 3rd team from the SEC/Big 12 or ND.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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And the teams from the NBE that travel well are?

Or the NBE teams that are a good TV draw?

It is all about TV ratings and tickets sold and a matchup of the top available ACC team against a runner up from the SEC, Big12; B1G in the Orange Bowl will do better than any NBE team.

Also, dont forget ND. Like thewm or not they draw fans and eyeballs.

The Orange Bowl is getting the #4 team from any of those leagues, at best.

Every Big East team except Pitt and Syracuse travels very well. Cincinnati and Louisville both sold very well when they went to the Orange Bowl, a lot better than their ACC counterpart.

The Big East does fine in ratings on an apples to apples comparison.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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The Big East has never had an anchor bowl, which must explain why the Big East has been so terrible the last seven years. Oh wait, the Big East has been pretty good during most of that stretch.

What's it say that the ACC is still in much better shape despite being so crappy on the field?


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Louisville, USF and UCF would all bring 30K plus to the Orange Bowl if they were the BE champ and a top 10 team.

Any nobody would watch. Louisville might draw some fans, because at least people outside of their campus have heard of them. USF and UCF are non-entities in the college sports landscape, no matter how good they are. Name recognition trumps on field performance every single time. The ACC schools have much better name recognition than the NBE schools. UConn and Louisville have national names...but for a different sport. Boise has developed a rep through repeated strong seasons, a blue field and winning bowl games. They're America's underdog. SMU has some name recognition for the split title, and d The rest of the league is nowheresville, with no more appeal than the CUSA schools (which many of them were).
Nov 29, 2011
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Louisville, USF and UCF would all bring 30K plus to the Orange Bowl if they were the BE champ and a top 10 team.

That would be great, if that ever happened. I think it happened once in the last decade. Although it could be moot, the opponent may end up being Notre Dame...
May 7, 2012
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Well let me see if I follow because I am often a little slow.

The BE teams all travel well and they all attract eyeballs when they are on TV in a bowl game.

Right, that explains why the BE has he crappiest collection of bowl games of any conference and of those they have they have to share with ND.
Sep 20, 2011
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I think that in most years the BE champ will get into one of the Big 6 bowl games. Honestly, I expect Boise to win the BE with some consistency and continue to have 1 or 2 loss seasons so I think if they win the BE in that fashion they'll be fine and could very well make it to the playoff. I think that the days of 3 or 4 loss BE champs are pretty much over and that is a good thing for a variety of reasons. However, it certainly hurts that the BE won't have a fall back in years when there is no dominant team in the league. It also really hurts that if the BE champ does make the playoff there wouldn't automatically be a BE runner up to replace them in one of the Big 6 bowls whereas for the other five former AQ leagues there would be.
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