One Day ... | The Boneyard

One Day ...

Aug 26, 2011
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We are going to return FIVE (5) DBs returning and starting a year. And quite frankly, they will be very good.

I liked Tyler Coyle, Omar Fortt, Tahj Herring-Wilson and Ian Swenson last night. One more kid needs to step up ... and they will. We have had a lot of DBs that played at Rentschler that advanced to play for money. I think all four of these kids have a damn good chance of making that level as well. Were they flawed last night ... yes. However, EACH OF THESE KIDS ... have a chance to be really good. As good as we have produced. Tackling was better from Herring-Wilson and Swenson than we ever saw early last year with Bell and Summers.

Edsall ... you should trust on these secondary development projects. He is the same as he was.

Will the AAC stop throwing wild games? No. This is our new normal. Five kids plus some depth is crucial.

I don't know where guys in a fan board get to regularly throw young student athletes under the bus on this " ... They quit on the Team" notion. That tells me that you haven't played sports AT ANY LEVEL. We get our butts kicked in sports. I know how they felt last night. But, I certainly was impressed by some things from the UConn team; and I don't leave when we fall down early in the 3rd. The best part of College Athletics is watching the Rise and the Development of young athletes. We are at UConn. We have been amongst the most fortunate fans ever. But nothing is given to us.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I’d probably stop a single drive before looking for them on Sundays but you do you.

As for being the luckiest fans - lol - we are castaways like Tom Hanks. And we got stuck with Chief instead of a friendly volleyball.

Trust me it’s much better if they quit in the second half. It’s better than that performance being at a full effort.
Aug 24, 2011
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That’s a great post Pudge.

We’re in a tough spot and some of that was brutal to watch. That said, the crowd wasn’t bad for a Thursday night.

I had a good time. Always do.
Aug 26, 2011
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Too bad Brayden Brown and Jordan Morrison transferred. They gained valuable experience last year and had their moments despite obvious struggles.
Aug 26, 2011
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Too bad Brayden Brown and Jordan Morrison transferred. They gained valuable experience last year and had their moments despite obvious struggles.

Psst... Jordan Morrison is the incoming freshman from New Jersey;)
Aug 26, 2011
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Psst... Jordan Morrison is the incoming freshman from New Jersey;)
Whose the other Maryland kid that left? Got torched against Missouri, but forced a fumble and got an INT.
Aug 26, 2011
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Whose the other Maryland kid that left? Got torched against Missouri, but forced a fumble and got an INT.

Jordan Swann and I agree that he showed promise.
Aug 26, 2011
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Saw some good things Thursday night. Had no illusions for a win as HCRE was starting frosh & redshirt frosh at many positions. Liked that our 360lb. nose tackle plugged the middle. Let the rookies get the mistakes out of the way early & learn from them. Down the line there is hope. Edsall's grand scheme is preparing for 2019 & beyond. Thursday was brutal, next week on Smurf Turf may be just as bad. I'm looking for improvement as the season progresses.
Aug 26, 2011
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Can you quit the sanctimonious BS just once?


Sorry. I am not from Connecticut. I don't wallow in the Scoreboard and leave at the 10:30mark of the 3rd. (you could have gotten FREE Chick-fil-a sandwiches if you left after the final whistle) I am looking for improvement. I am looking for the kids that want to hit and get better. This is entertainment ... and I refuse to sink into a funk because a very accurate top=rated QB just threw a few amazing passes to open the season. I was very disappointed, for example, with Jamar Summers ... now I am excited by Herring-Wilson and Swenson.

That game would have been far different - IMHO - if Scott hadn't fumbled. When Lorenzen played here, we often moved the chains and scored the first series. That changes tone in a game where you are challenged.
Aug 30, 2018
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Sorry. I am not from Connecticut. I don't wallow in the Scoreboard and leave at the 10:30mark of the 3rd. (you could have gotten FREE Chick-fil-a sandwiches if you left after the final whistle) I am looking for improvement. I am looking for the kids that want to hit and get better. This is entertainment ... and I refuse to sink into a funk because a very accurate top=rated QB just threw a few amazing passes to open the season. I was very disappointed, for example, with Jamar Summers ... now I am excited by Herring-Wilson and Swenson.

That game would have been far different - IMHO - if Scott hadn't fumbled. When Lorenzen played here, we often moved the chains and scored the first series. That changes tone in a game where you are challenged.

You’re kidding, right? It would’ve been a different game?
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry. I am not from Connecticut. I don't wallow in the Scoreboard and leave at the 10:30mark of the 3rd. (you could have gotten FREE Chick-fil-a sandwiches if you left after the final whistle) I am looking for improvement. I am looking for the kids that want to hit and get better. This is entertainment ... and I refuse to sink into a funk because a very accurate top=rated QB just threw a few amazing passes to open the season. I was very disappointed, for example, with Jamar Summers ... now I am excited by Herring-Wilson and Swenson.

That game would have been far different - IMHO - if Scott hadn't fumbled. When Lorenzen played here, we often moved the chains and scored the first series. That changes tone in a game where you are challenged.
Did you make the UCF game?
Aug 26, 2011
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I had a good time.

The Band - Pride of Connecticut - was excellent. That's 25% of your Entertainment dollar right there. Makes me think of my Dad who loved bands.

I thought Zavier Scott fumble changed the game; I thought Pindell's INT changed the game; I thought Buss's fumble was unfortunate ... but changed the way we feel today. That 56 (and NO ... I know we never stopped them but one Punt) was well earned. Milton is extraordinarily accurate on long balls. Best Team we have seen? Nah. West Virginia with Pat White as amazing; that Va Tech game (when Caulley got hurt); Miami; etc. I think last year's UCF probably was better.

I am not going to wallow in the score. We should have scored in the 20s. Sorry

Yes. If you score on the first drive, you change the game.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I felt bad for Paul as the corner as his confidence was shot by the third quarter and was good he was pulled at that time.

Hey I didn't beg Chick-fil-a and I was there till the end like I am every game I go to
Aug 5, 2017
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Sorry. I am not from Connecticut. I don't wallow in the Scoreboard and leave at the 10:30mark of the 3rd. (you could have gotten FREE Chick-fil-a sandwiches if you left after the final whistle) I am looking for improvement. I am looking for the kids that want to hit and get better. This is entertainment ... and I refuse to sink into a funk because a very accurate top=rated QB just threw a few amazing passes to open the season. I was very disappointed, for example, with Jamar Summers ... now I am excited by Herring-Wilson and Swenson.

That game would have been far different - IMHO - if Scott hadn't fumbled. When Lorenzen played here, we often moved the chains and scored the first series. That changes tone in a game where you are challenged.

We live a 1000 miles away and try to get to a home game as well as one or two away games every year and we never leave before the end, no matter the score.

Always hoping to see something positive like a freshman or other young player do something well and show promise. We don't understand people claiming to be fans and then leaving in the third quarter or saying they'll stop going to games if we look bad against Boise, etc.
Dec 2, 2017
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We live a 1000 miles away and try to get to a home game as well as one or two away games every year and we never leave before the end, no matter the score.

Always hoping to see something positive like a freshman or other young player do something well and show promise. We don't understand people claiming to be fans and then leaving in the third quarter or saying they'll stop going to games if we look bad against Boise, etc.
That’s what happens we as UConn fans were all spoiled through past success. We need to stand behind every UConn team. Will the succeed yes. Will they have bad games yes. The American is growing and we will only see it succeed more. The rise is coming we just need to make a stand and start showing everyone who we are
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm certainly not going to tell long-time fans what they can and cannot vent about. I'm also not going to begrudge anyone who decides to check out for a season or two if they want to come back at some later point. Rooting for a program isn't the same as raising a kid. Credit can only be accumulative.

But @Pudge is right. There's enormous value in having a good attitude. That doesn't mean you lie to yourself or pretend to enjoy things you dislike, but it should allow you to bottle everything you love about the fan experience in a way that rubs off on everyone else. Even if part of the appeal lies in the constant self-pity, you're at least creating an identity for others to latch onto. A bad attitude would be to let surrounding negativity diminish your enjoyment in something that doesn't really require a comparative basis beyond your own expectations. Some here really sound like teenage girls. Oh my God I would be mortified if someone saw me at a UConn-URI game, can you say life over? And I'd probably be by myself, because, duh, asking anyone else to go with me would be social suicide. Do you know bad we are? It's like, embarrassing how bad we are, more embarrassing than the time I ran into my ex bf at the mall. How will I show my face when we lose to UMass? I'm way too self-conscious, I know, somebody help me. My self-esteem will be wrecked if we go 2-10 again! In the AAC no less, which is embarrassing enough!

You know what that's a bad analogy because teenage girls care about real problems and not whether their street cred is ruined because they're playing Tulane instead of Rutgers.

Us being obnoxious and immature has always been what's made anything fun - I see no reason the state of our football program changes that until we don't have one. Then we'll need to find another hobby that showcases those gifts.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Well if you want to enjoy UConn football not caring about the score is probably your best bet.

It’s probably a bit much to expect other people to not notice the score but at this point maybe the band would sell more tickets.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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We live a 1000 miles away and try to get to a home game as well as one or two away games every year and we never leave before the end, no matter the score.

Always hoping to see something positive like a freshman or other young player do something well and show promise. We don't understand people claiming to be fans and then leaving in the third quarter or saying they'll stop going to games if we look bad against Boise, etc.

That’s awesome guy who doesn’t go to games that doesn’t leave.

Sit through 2011-2018 and then show us in year 9 you still sit to the end of boring 56-17 games.

Do it with kids. Do it in bad weather. Do it when you’ve got to get up in the morning. Do it when you’ve got to get to a youth football or soccer game. A lot of schools opened last week.

Here’s the thing. The people subjecting them to sitting there until the end of uncompetitive blowouts are the idiots.

Lose the first two 120-40 and yeah who wouldn’t give up one of the last nice Saturdays to watch UConn embarass themselves against URI.

I only spent $720 on tickets this year and at 14-0 I was questioning why I even spent that much.
Aug 24, 2011
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Well if you want to enjoy UConn football not caring about the score is probably your best bet.

It’s probably a bit much to expect other people to not notice the score but at this point maybe the band would sell more tickets.

I don’t think anybody posted that. Just that in spite of the score, some of us had a good time and dealt with a
Well if you want to enjoy UConn football not caring about the score is probably your best bet.

It’s probably a bit much to expect other people to not notice the score but at this point maybe the band would sell more tickets.

I don’t think that’s what anybody posted or meant to post. One can deal with the disappointment of the outcome of the game and still have a good time.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am beginning to see the world through whaler11 eyes. And can clearly see why he thinks UConn Football has a dismal future and hard economic times ahead.

It’s entertainment. When compared to other pursuits - and my opportunity set a little farther in life with no kids to drag along and no ball&chain wife to appease - it’s a good Thursday night /Saturday. One I’ve been doing most all my life. I loved Union College football. UCLA at the Rose Bowl. And I love bands.

The State & UCONN has invested $300m+ in this Football venture. It’s here for us. It’s not that expensive and I laugh at the parking grievances. Like Met Life or Foxboro are easy.

If you want to sit around and rant - go ahead. I know how bad we’ve been; we just played a top 20 Program and I saw positives.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I stay until the end of games that don't have inclement weather, but that's because I'm the most hopeful idiot out there. I blame Tate George and Ray Allen. I blame DJ Hernandez and Zach Frazer.

Even I suffer from fan fatigue, let's be honest. And it was hard not to see the fumble on the first drive and say "here we go again." Still, there are hopeful moments to hang on to. Let's hope that the hope turns into something better on the scoreboard soon...


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I don’t think anybody posted that. Just that in spite of the score, some of us had a good time and dealt with a

I don’t think that’s what anybody posted or meant to post. One can deal with the disappointment of the outcome of the game and still have a good time.

I still go and have a good time but it’s actually true the less you care about the score the more fun you’ll have.

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