Ollie Made the Right Call | The Boneyard

Ollie Made the Right Call

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Ollie looks like he has made the right call moving forward with this team. Rodney needs to come off the bench from now on. Jalen Adams played solid basketball and brought tempo and energy to the team as well as finishing ability. He needs to improve the handle and make some better decisions but was a huge positive as I had predicted. Big shout out to Gibbs who is playing very good basketball now for us. My motivation has been successful. Happy for Gibbs. Hamilton played much better today and showed more grit and intangibles especially in the second half. When Brimah comes back we are going to be very good going forward.

Starting lineup with Brimah: Adams, Gibbs, Hamilton, Miller, Brimah
Starting lineup without Brimah: Adams, Gibbs, Hamilton, Miller, Nolan
Jan 11, 2013
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Ollie looks like he has made the right call moving forward with this team. Rodney needs to come off the bench from now on. Jalen Adams played solid basketball and brought tempo and energy to the team as well as finishing ability. He needs to improve the handle and make some better decisions but was a huge positive as I had predicted. Big shout out to Gibbs who is playing very good basketball now for us. My motivation has been successful. Happy for Gibbs. Hamilton played much better today and showed more grit and intangibles especially in the second half. When Brimah comes back we are going to be very good going forward.

Starting lineup with Brimah: Adams, Gibbs, Hamilton, Miller, Brimah
Starting lineup without Brimah: Adams, Gibbs, Hamilton, Miller, Nolan
Yes, thank goodness for you and your "motivation".
Aug 26, 2011
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Wonder what the spark-in-the-ass the team got in the last 6-8 minutes. Very different feel / confidence.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I'm not in the hate KO and his coaching group.
While I will admit he has made some errors, but even the divine Coach K makes errors.
I'm not sure if RP should be on the bench at the start of the game. I agree that this move today may be have been needed BUT you have to be careful with a scorer when it comes to PT. A scorer needs to work out of it. I am glad he didn't do the same with DHam.
JA did some nice things but some of those TOs were not only backbreaking but should not be expected from someone who handles the ball so much.
The SCJr experiment needs to be OVER. The guy does not have what it takes to be a player at this level. Loved his Dad but I don't care who he is related to, the guy is eating a scholly that could be used with someone else.
PN had nice moments today and should be seeing more time. However, the move to sit KF really befuddles me. KO is asking the guy who is barely a stretch 4 to guard the oppositions 5 who is 5" plus taller and outweighs KF buy 20 + lbs. I personally thought KF was doing OK
The issue with this team is that collectively and individually they don't know how to react to negativity and to bad times. They don't have that guy who gets into their faces (not a coach but a player/leader) and I can't think of a recent UConn team that lacked that component.
I think KO is scratching his head and I think if you asked JC he would be doing the same thing. You simply can't read this team or it's players.
After the recent performances, did anyone really think that this team had the fortitude to play like they did in the final 4 minutes today? This team is schizoid
I see that in SM - he can play some real good ball and play within himself then he turns around and plays like he's never played the game before.
I am happy/ecstatic that UConn won today - especially the way they came back BUT I don't have the confidence that this will carryover
Please, UConn, surprise me


What do I know.
Aug 28, 2011
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Adams still makes a few bond head mistakes. However he is an asset. Not afraid to take it to the hoop. Kid doesn't stop all game. Good call by Ollie to start him. I think Ollie was still searching for the right combo. Adams is going to be very special. Cannot wait to see the lineup Tuesday.
Aug 28, 2011
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I'm not in the hate KO and his coaching group.
While I will admit he has made some errors, but even the divine Coach K makes errors.
I'm not sure if RP should be on the bench at the start of the game. I agree that this move today may be have been needed BUT you have to be careful with a scorer when it comes to PT. A scorer needs to work out of it. I am glad he didn't do the same with DHam.
JA did some nice things but some of those TOs were not only backbreaking but should not be expected from someone who handles the ball so much.
The SCJr experiment needs to be OVER. The guy does not have what it takes to be a player at this level. Loved his Dad but I don't care who he is related to, the guy is eating a scholly that could be used with someone else.
PN had nice moments today and should be seeing more time. However, the move to sit KF really befuddles me. KO is asking the guy who is barely a stretch 4 to guard the oppositions 5 who is 5" plus taller and outweighs KF buy 20 + lbs. I personally thought KF was doing OK
The issue with this team is that collectively and individually they don't know how to react to negativity and to bad times. They don't have that guy who gets into their faces (not a coach but a player/leader) and I can't think of a recent UConn team that lacked that component.
I think KO is scratching his head and I think if you asked JC he would be doing the same thing. You simply can't read this team or it's players.
After the recent performances, did anyone really think that this team had the fortitude to play like they did in the final 4 minutes today? This team is schizoid
I see that in SM - he can play some real good ball and play within himself then he turns around and plays like he's never played the game before.
I am happy/ecstatic that UConn won today - especially the way they came back BUT I don't have the confidence that this will carryover
Please, UConn, surprise me
Well the thing with DHAM is he does so many other things besides score. He can rebound and assist on baskets. RP is very one dimensional. I think him coming off the bench might be the right decision. He will play a lot in the 3 guard sets we play when DHAM is at the 4.
Aug 26, 2011
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The major flaw I saw today was not a Purvis flaw but a coaching flaw.

If the opposing team is 1-14, don't change the defense. Houston got hot against the zone. Our guys can't seem to stop penetration when they zone. Zone seems to mean something else to them.
Aug 25, 2011
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Not sure if its permanent, but good to see him take action and make a change.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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The major flaw I saw today was not a Purvis flaw but a coaching flaw.

If the opposing team is 1-14, don't change the defense. Houston got hot against the zone. Our guys can't seem to stop penetration when they zone. Zone seems to mean something else to them.

I think KO saw that and changed it to MoM.
Probably trying to throw a wrinkle at UH who is an outside shooting team. While they were 1-14 you just knew they were going to heat up so I think KO was trying to prolong that drought with a wrinkle. Didn't work.
I have seen the zone work OK for UConn at isolated times this year BUT you need to play it a lot to get good at it and I don't think UConn has enough guys withy the wingspan to make an effective zone
Aug 28, 2011
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I'm not a D1 coach, but what took Ollie so long? It was easy to see, I posted this on 12/8

JA is not a true PG, more of a comob guard,but yes he needs to start to keep the ball moving and give them someone who can take it to the hoop and score. I expect to see the freshman start at PG next year with JA playing the 2.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not a D1 coach, but what took Ollie so long? It was easy to see, I posted this on 12/8

People are hilarious. Jalen has a nice game and everyone is pounding their chest.

He played good, still isn't a pure PG but as we see his ability helps Gibbs find space. Let's see a little more before we make this the line up which will get us to the dance. I'm happy and it worked but so has the other line ups which no on likes.
Aug 26, 2011
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The major flaw I saw today was not a Purvis flaw but a coaching flaw.

If the opposing team is 1-14, don't change the defense. Houston got hot against the zone. Our guys can't seem to stop penetration when they zone. Zone seems to mean something else to them.

We were in the zone to start the game, no? Looks to me like we switched once Houston started to get comfortable against the zone.
Jan 10, 2014
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People are hilarious. Jalen has a nice game and everyone is pounding their chest.

He played good, still isn't a pure PG but as we see his ability helps Gibbs find space. Let's see a little more before we make this the line up which will get us to the dance. I'm happy and it worked but so has the other line ups which no on likes.

I didn't realize this board was full of Red Auerbachs. Someone alert the staff to check the boneyard and Twitter so we can take advantage of the basketball geniuses on the Internet.


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not a D1 coach, but what took Ollie so long? It was easy to see, I posted this on 12/8

Nice good for you. Adams still had too many turnovers and his defense is soft. Worked OK for today. Still needs to come off the bench. Purvis is our leading scorer and needs to start.
Mar 29, 2015
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Ollie had to do something. He gets a point for doing something for this game. We can still lose to almost anybody on our schedule.
The offense has has been so stagnant with next to zero penetration by anybody. Hamilton's attempts were painful to watch over this past stretch. And despite the maddening turnovers Jalen had, he was crucial in accelerating the break and penetrating. His teardrop is not Jeremy Lamb amazing, but it is fun to watch when he converts. He's not a point guard, but he's the closest we've got.

I think Purvis is one emotional dude. How he handles this change is going to be critical for us.


Wonder what the spark-in-the-ass the team got in the last 6-8 minutes. Very different feel / confidence.
Simple - they played man to man defense - and not the zone that Glen Miller advocates. Also, Dham dove for the the ball - opposite of him pulling up in the Temple game. There is also a recognition that Gibbs is the best clutch shooter.
Sep 23, 2011
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I'm not a D1 coach, but what took Ollie so long? It was easy to see, I posted this on 12/8

Good call. I felt the same thing. Team lacked a focused leader. With Kimba, Bazz or Boat you knew who the floor general was. Gibbs has earned the mantle now. He is earning trust and respect and as a 5th yr senior should embrace the challenge and get better as the season progresses.
May 7, 2014
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Dialing it in real good

Aug 26, 2011
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People are hilarious. Jalen has a nice game and everyone is pounding their chest.

He played good, still isn't a pure PG but as we see his ability helps Gibbs find space. Let's see a little more before we make this the line up which will get us to the dance. I'm happy and it worked but so has the other line ups which no on likes.
Gibbs isn't a true PG either. Going to be an interesting lineup next year when Gilbert gets here. Adams will play off the ball more and fill in at PG ala Ben Gordon.
Feb 7, 2012
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This is LOL funny. Adams starts. We are down at half by 7. With ten minutes left, we go on a great run to close out the game of which Purvis was on the floor for most of it. Point is, doesn't seem that the switch was the catalyst for this team to actually play a full 10 minutes. I agree that it was good Ollie switched things up. I don't agree that it had much to do with the end result. If anything, maybe it helps Purvis. I suspect that his benching won't last long.
Aug 31, 2011
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People are hilarious. Jalen has a nice game and everyone is pounding their chest.

He played good, still isn't a pure PG but as we see his ability helps Gibbs find space. Let's see a little more before we make this the line up which will get us to the dance. I'm happy and it worked but so has the other line ups which no on likes.
Agree on Adams, he had a very good game but he turns the ball over too much. Don't know whether it is poor judgement or a weak handle. Probably some of each. We have learned over the last couple of games how bad we are when our best player (Hamilton) is having an off game but when he is on, we can hang with most. With Hamilton doing the penetrating and dishing, it almost doesn't matter who the PG is.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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The biggest benefit to not starting KF are to help Miller and Facey avoid foul trouble (as Ollie himself said). It makes sense. If Phil himself wasn't so foul prone, he'd certainly play more.

With Rodney, I think that move was mostly about Hamilton (and Rodney's slump). Hamilton played like a forward yesterday for the first time since early in the year. We are set at guard, we need Hamilton to play closer to the basket. Once we see Hamilton remembering what his role is, and trusting Gibbs as PG, Purvis will be back starting. Adams will keep earning minutes, and I think we will see a nice rotation among the three of them.

But as we saw today with Hamilton playing at about 2/3 of what he should be doing, he's the most critical guy on the team. If we can get him back to where he should be, this team will be fine.
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