The definition of a fair weather fan is that they stop supporting the team when times are tough. There are some on this board who were ready to turn on KO after the Maryland game. Their attacks on KO became even more vile after every lost. At times I feel like they where almost waiting for loses just to justify their criticism. It doesn't mean their not fans, it just means that they pull their full support when things go wrong. Maybe they don't want to get their heart broken. They are the same people that got off the band wagon in 11 when UCONN lost to Providence and also in 14 when they got lit up by Louisville. The ultimate UCONN fan is Kevin Ollie. He believed in his team when they had nothing to play for, continued to believe in his team even after blow out losses, and he continues to turn down opportunities to coach the greatest players in the world in the NBA so that he can coach the program that he continues to believe in. Fair weather fans don't deserve Kevin Ollie. They should just all go support Duke or Kentucky. That way they will only get their heart broken at the end of the year instead going thru the ups and downs of the team thru out the year. You're either on the wagon or you watching it go by. Go to Kentucky if you can't take the bad times, that way you can always look at your recruiting classes and smile. I'll take the lows that go along with the season because at Uconn they lead to national championships.