Olivia's ceiling is very high...watching her progress is going to be a lot of fun!
I hate to be choosy when it come to our girls, I must confess something here.
I'm becoming increasingly fond of our two freshmen. How can you not find Christyn charming and folksy with her "okie-doakey" persona? They're growing on me, and I don't think I'm alone here. I've read all of the criticism and concerns about Liv. I maintain she'll be fine. She's only 7 games (105 minutes on the floor) into her college career. Her minutes add up to less than 3-40 minute games. All of this is new to her, she'll adjust. Rome was not built in a day. Give her time. She's improving and getting better with every game. March is still a long way off.
Has anyone else noticed how Christyn has no trouble getting Liv the ball on the block? That dynamic will pay huge dividends down the road. Like Napheesa, she has already perfected the technique of wedging her man on her hip as she calls for the ball, and she does call for the ball on offense. They may not give it to her, but she does call for it. I like that!!! She's being aggressive. Something you know all of the coaches have told her she needs to be. She's not going to make a play every time down the court, nobody does. But she does make her presence known much of the time with a block or a much needed rebound. There will continue to be times she looks great, and times when she looks like the freshman she is. The more minutes she gets, the less she'll look like a freshman. The game WILL come to her (and slow down) in her own time.
I'm really going to enjoy watching them play the next 4 years. I already enjoying watching her and Dangerous play together. You can tell Crystal has arrived. She's making it look easy. She's running the entire show, and appears to be able to get anything she wants, anytime she wants. That's got to be scary as hell for their opponents. I love it!!! heh heh heh.