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OL Next Season

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Aug 29, 2011
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Sometimes I wonder about the effect of not playing the sport growing up or playing much later as a kid has on whole entire units of a team like the OL?

I think its probably a matter of how fast a player can pick up things, and how well coaching can balance individual training and unit - group training.

OL's individually got to have feet like a boxer, and like anything else you got to have some natural ability and you got to train hard and properly. The more of both, the better. The taller, the heavier, the longer the arm reach - the better, but without the feet - like a boxer, nothing.

As a group, they got to be able to get along as a tight group. Communicate, know each others tendencies and personalities, and be able to motivate and pick esch other up and be accountable as a group.

Players and coaches that are not balancing individual develpment as well as development within a unit aren't going to get good results. Vice versa, they should get good results.

The question really, is whether or not you're putting an OL unit out on game days that is both individually and as a group performing at as close to a full potential as possible within the eligibility window of 5 years. I think 2-3 years is plenty development time from scratch given the requisitevsize and physical ability with the feet.

The problem we've had since 2009, is that we've been progressively replacing seasoned players that were well developed individually and within a unit, with less developed players, less cohesive units.

I'm thinking that a consistency in offensive coaching and a lineup is going to see a steep improvement next season. We're also recruiting adequately again for going on 4 years now again, and that helps.
Aug 26, 2011
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If any of those OL can catch a punt let alone catch and return a punt 10 yards or more, it will be huge. Or, even teach a man to fish. Massive! All joking aside, starting and trying to block with bad field position and almost no punt return yardage hasn't made the job easier for the OL nor the O in general.
Aug 24, 2011
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Why would anyone think that Oak and Rutherford, who couldn't beat out young Hopkins or Vechery this year, are likely to next year? I understand the hope that Peart will be a stud, and I expect a healthy Crozier to start, but why aren't Hopkins and Vechery likely to improve as much as Oak and Rutherford?

My guess for next year, left to right: Levy, Hopkins, Crozier, Vachery or Rutherford and Knappe. And it will play significantly better than last year in large part to continuity of their coaching for the first time in forever.
Aug 26, 2011
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I know it's been awhile since but did Coach Cummings change his mind about keeping Rutherford on the outside?

I was curious about sophomore Trey Rutherford, who showed the ability to play a variety of positions on the offensive line as a freshman but Cummings said he wants to keep Rutherford, who is listed as a second-string right tackle, playing on the outside.

"We kind of have to settle down where he plays and I think it really will help him to solidify one spot," Cummings said.
Aug 26, 2011
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In the last third or so of the season, Rutherford got a few snaps at RG for Samra.

Thanks not sure I'd read too much into that given the issues we had, but it does go against his stated preference.
Aug 28, 2011
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Levy had some tough games. As a RS SR, i hope he can fix it this season. Samra also had some really rough spots, but he's gone.

Peart, and Rutherford will be pushing for time at the Tackle spots.

To me, in a perfect world (and because i'm a grass-is-always-greener kind of dude), the young guys will improve so much that they will supplant their older peers and the OL will look like:

LT- Peart
LG- Crozier
C- Oak or Vechery
RG- Vechery or Hopkins
RT- Knappe or Rutherford

But in my mind these things make sense...less so in real life

Knappe was Mr False Start too so both OT spots need improvement

And why wouldn't you pencil back in as starting C? He was our best guy there before he went down. So much better that Vechery, a walk on at the time turned into a starter.
Aug 28, 2011
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Here's an older piece about the OL that as me thinking even a little more about Hashemi because of his growth between seasons and the athleticism we know he has. If that's been lacking he could be in the mix


Also as regards the Crozier injury (seems to be an an ACL) it's interesting that ND has a NT coming back from an MCL for their Bowl Game vs OSU. Giving Ryan the time he needs should make for a full Spring participation.
Hashemi's now my wildcard. I hope he's put on enough good football weight and adds enough strength to jump an OL that's inconsistent and bring more consistency to our OL. An in state kid to rep at that spot would be a nice story too.
Aug 26, 2011
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And why wouldn't you pencil back in as starting C? He was our best guy there before he went down. So much better that Vechery, a walk on at the time turned into a starter.
I'm guessing, but one reason could be if BD wants the 5 best OL in the field, and we have a better option to play center than we do to fill Samra's Guard spot, BD may move Crozier to Guard. If we have a solid backfill for Samra, then Crozier probably goes back to C. My bet is there will be a lot of position switching this Spring and the first week or two of summer camp to solve that puzzle and the best five will be on the field.
Aug 26, 2011
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Knappe was Mr False Start too so both OT spots need improvement

And why wouldn't you pencil back in as starting C? He was our best guy there before he went down. So much better that Vechery, a walk on at the time turned into a starter.

I agree about Knappe, although, given his lack of experience playing the position, i guess i'm hoping for a big jump in production in 2016......but that's just a guess (like all of this)

As for Crozier vs Vechery, The fact that Vechery did reasonably well at Center this season, and with year-to-year improvement expected, there is no reason we can't plug Crozier in at Samra's spot, and see a better line with no other changes if it were to go that way. Crozier is, by all accounts, our best interior lineman, and there's no reason not to put him in the open spot, which he has played before, and not have to teach another player a new position (which requires a step back in the development process.... usually).

Again, this is all moot, and just a time-killer until next season anyways. So this is my guess/wishlist.
Aug 28, 2011
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Vechery looked very good -to my eyes- at LG during the spring game. The fact he was able to transition to center is an indication he has some skills. I think that moving him back to LG would be a much easier transition. With Hopkins as an established starter and Hashemi in the wings, this becomes a very deep position.

I would like to start with Crozier at OC. Perhaps have him compete with Oak. Obviously BD thinks he can play in the middle. We need an upgrade at OC. Crozier has the physical skills. Oak is reported to be brainy. If we could put them in one body, that would be idea.

Peart will determine his own path. If he's ready. I think he will play LT. But even a mild improvement out of Levy should be enough for him to hold down the position.

Thor had a nice season for a guy with his relative inexperience. I don't see anyone who would threaten him as the starter.

That leaves a free for all at RG. My guess is Rutherford or one of the LGs

The good news is there is actually some quality depth. And most of these guys will have played together. That alone should help the blitz pick up. But just being older and stronger isn't what this line needs. It needs to play better together.
Aug 28, 2011
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I agree about Knappe, although, given his lack of experience playing the position, i guess i'm hoping for a big jump in production in 2016.but that's just a guess (like all of this)

As for Crozier vs Vechery, The fact that Vechery did reasonably well at Center this season, and with year-to-year improvement expected, there is no reason we can't plug Crozier in at Samra's spot, and see a better line with no other changes if it were to go that way. Crozier is, by all accounts, our best interior lineman, and there's no reason not to put him in the open spot, which he has played before, and not have to teach another player a new position (which requires a step back in the development process.... usually).

Again, this is all moot, and just a time-killer until next season anyways. So this is my guess/wishlist.

I like Crozier at C better because of size.. his a little lower to the ground than Vechery.. Vechery's what 6'5? 6'6? gimme a 6'3 guy hiking the football over that any day... he's still 300lbs...
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm guessing, but one reason could be if BD wants the 5 best OL in the field, and we have a better option to play center than we do to fill Samra's Guard spot, BD may move Crozier to Guard. If we have a solid backfill for Samra, then Crozier probably goes back to C. My bet is there will be a lot of position switching this Spring and the first week or two of summer camp to solve that puzzle and the best five will be on the field.

Vachery is not a natural Center -- he is too tall at the one position on the OL where height isn't helpful so much. He may very well continue as a starter, but I'd be real surprised of, assuming full health, Crozier isn't lining up at Center and Vachery is at Guard
Aug 26, 2011
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Clax is a Redshirt Junior, but he was passed over on field by Tackle-eligibles. So he may be graduating in May and 1) transfer for his senior eligibility year, 0r 2) think he may not have a future in football and begin his political career (poli-sci major).

The kid has to do what's in his own best interest. Still has a great name for a football player.
Yeah but could you vote for a guy named Jazzmar Clax especially if the national media focuses in on his poor blocking technique?


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Yeah but could you vote for a guy named Jazzmar Clax especially if the national media focuses in on his poor blocking technique?
Ask any congressman, all you need is a stalemate.
Aug 26, 2011
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I like Crozier at C better because of size.. his a little lower to the ground than Vechery.. Vechery's what 6'5? 6'6? gimme a 6'3 guy hiking the football over that any day... he's still 300lbs...

It would seem to make intuitive sense for Oak and Vechery/etc competing for the Guard opening and Rutherford/Hashemi/etc at their natural Tackle position. I like my best guy at Center and Crozier was that guy before the injury. Great that Vechery can step in if needed but hopefully he won't be.
Aug 30, 2011
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I think its probably a matter of how fast a player can pick up things, and how well coaching can balance individual training and unit - group training.

OL's individually got to have feet like a boxer, and like anything else you got to have some natural ability and you got to train hard and properly. The more of both, the better. The taller, the heavier, the longer the arm reach - the better, but without the feet - like a boxer, nothing.

As a group, they got to be able to get along as a tight group. Communicate, know each others tendencies and personalities, and be able to motivate and pick esch other up and be accountable as a group.

Players and coaches that are not balancing individual develpment as well as development within a unit aren't going to get good results. Vice versa, they should get good results.

The question really, is whether or not you're putting an OL unit out on game days that is both individually and as a group performing at as close to a full potential as possible within the eligibility window of 5 years. I think 2-3 years is plenty development time from scratch given the requisitevsize and physical ability with the feet.

The problem we've had since 2009, is that we've been progressively replacing seasoned players that were well developed individually and within a unit, with less developed players, less cohesive units.

I'm thinking that a consistency in offensive coaching and a lineup is going to see a steep improvement next season. We're also recruiting adequately again for going on 4 years now again, and that helps.
I would look at Levy and Knappe's development and then Cespedes next.
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