Do you love it? Really? Geno uses a very public forum to deliver one liner zingers directed at 16 year old girls? I find it just the opposite. It would be far different if he was quoted in an interview saying "kids these days seem to be gravitating much more towards grandiose public forums and the generation is more about "me" than about "us/team". etc etc..." I think Geno's comments not only show a lack of understanding of "kids these days", but also an unfortunate broadside blasting high school girls.
I absolutely love Geno and bleed Husky Blue. Heck, I'm flying to Istanbul on my own dime to watch him coach the US National team in September. While I'm probably in the minority on this, those tweets have made me sad.
He's the most recognizable, powerful, and influential person in WCBB and he does not need to lower himself, or resort to, mean one liners on twitter. I think it's low class and I expect much better from the head of our program. Is there any good reason for, or anything positive that can come out of, these tweets? Very disappointed...