Official Spring Game Thread | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Official Spring Game Thread

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Apr 13, 2014
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Just got back from the spring game. Compared to last year's game there was a marked improvement overall from the team. Still, some dropped balls from the wideouts that should have been caught. Throws from the qbs that were overthrown or mistimed. Delay of game penalties. Expected miscues in a spring game. But, the o-line looked much better than last year blocking for the running backs and protecting the qb. The backs all run hard to the end of the play and qb play is much, much better than what it was last year. I think HCBD should come away from this game with a good outlook for the future. I know I have a more confident feeling about the upcoming season. So, I just re-upped on my season tickets. Anyone else share in my optimism?


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I thought Boyle's touch on fades and deeper routes was slightly improved. But I agree with all above: he still isn't going through any progression reads whatsoever. He's going to his #1 each and every time. Sheriffs is no question the guy. Looked like he could scramble a bit and throw on the run better than Boyle.
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction Score
My quick take from an attendee:

Despite the lack of scoring and the Blue (starters) team's lack of an ability to have their way with the White (second stringers) team, I still for some reason came away with a feeling of optimism. Generally I am more optimistic than I am cynical though. However, I feel this team has a great deal more to work with than last years team. I still think that obviously the following year will be our year to break out if its in the cards for us and we keep improving since many guys have two more years left. Anyways here are some quick thoughts:

First Alec Bloom, who did have one drop, needs to be utilized and a big part of our offense this year especially inside the 40 and in the red zone. I think the kid is a beast and is going to be very good by the end of his time here. He was switched over to play on the blue team for the 2nd half after starting on the white team. (blue starters were McQuillan and Myers).

I think Boyle looked much more accurate and improved from in the pocket and if Sherrifs can't get it done early, I wouldn't be too hesitant to go to him. I would have confidence that he would play much better this year especially around this line. With that said, Sherrifs does add another dimension, which I don't think he could even really show off today with the 2 hand touch rule. He did have a solid 25 yard scramble down to the 5/8 yard line when he recognized a 3 man rush and man coverage. If he can do that and just protect the ball that is already an improvement from last year. He started off a little shaky, getting balls deflected and completely missing two open guys on the first play of the game. But he can be a force in the bootleg game which the coaches ran often for him.

The offensive line looks WAY more physically imposing. There wasn't constantly guys in the backfield like there was at last years game. (I thought we had the '85 Bears defense after that game) Levy has added some serious strength, and Knappe is still a monster. Didn't get a good look at the interior line too often but they look the part. They definitely didn't block their best today especially in the run game but again I feel much better about this line than last years, hopefully they can put together even more strength over the summer and come to camp in great shape. For the RB's it was a tough read. A couple of unsuccessful screen plays, Marriner runs hard for sure. DeLorenzo who ran well, probably still will get the scraps. Ron was hurt early then hurt again right before the half (I thought it was achilles too the way he grabbed at it) but came back in the second half. Limited carries though. Dropped a pass in the flat that hit him in the #s (can't have that with our Qb's) but they ran the same play the next play and he caught it and made 10 out of it. The Wr's weren't all that impressive. I like Bradley in the slot even though he split out a little more with the WR's being split up on teams. My hope is that at least 1 of the true FR, can come in and make an immediate impact. Again its tough to judge them with the vanilla offense and such as well as the lack of airing the ball out and going deep. Really the only deep ball was Tyler's pick and maybe a throw or two to the TE's.

Davis is not ready but does flash athleticism and had a nice throw of his back foot to hit Thompson on the side line late in the game.

As for the defense, I was looking more at the offense for sure. I mistook Adeyemi early on for Fatukasi because Kenton has put on serious strength too. I was impressed with his size. The D line in general is going to be pretty good. Definitely at the run game. Pass game the Dline needs some rushers as we know. They probably need 1 more rotational guy for breaks but the DT's (myers and campenni) are so thick, like bowling balls and even despite their size got their hands up for some deflections on balls over the middle today. Gonna need to find some pass rushing from someone though, and more likely a few guys. Didn't see much from Ormsby (who was on white BTW...interesting).

I don't have much on the LB's to be honest. No one really stood out but I was focused on other things. Stapleton looks a little thicker and its good to see Carrezola moving around again. There wasn't a lot of room for the running game so they must have been filling holes.

In the secondary, I still love the look of Obi ball hawking back there, however there was no way to assess him today as he was in a red shirt and playing two hand touch. He did have the pick but the ball was lobbed up there for him. John Green and Brice McCallister both made pretty nice plays in the end zone to break up td passes. John Green's being slightly better on a nice back shoulder fade to Noel Thomas. Thomas had the ball in his hands and Green planted him hard breaking it up. On Brice's I believe it was Boyle who tried squeezing it into too small of a window but McAllister flashed some nice hops to deflect it. Summers made some good sticks and Jhavon was solid as usual.

If Obi can improve his eye progression and stop getting caught with has hand in the jar this secondary should be a strength for us despite losing Jones.

Special teams: not much to see here. Puyol made his chip shots and has a pretty strong leg. Wain punted the ball 30 yards further towards one end go figure. One botched snap by Manco (I assume I didn't see for sure but he was flipping sides for a while as the sole LS)

Other Tidbits:

Jason Thompson (WO RB) ripped off the longest run of the day. Looked pretty nice but made me question a lot. He is a little guy though ala danny wood head. Probably won't see any time but his play was admirable. Same could be said about Will Weyrauch (WO FB) who ran hard in his one carry and made a pretty nice one handed catch for 5 yards.

30 mph gusts of wind definitely played a factor in play calling and the air game. But whats knew at the RENT.

Didn't see Verducci on the sidelines. I might have missed him. But looks like he may be a booth guy calling plays and maybe he was up there.

McQuillan has put on weight as well and I thought it slowed him down on his overall straight-line speed, despite him breaking the lone score for 30 yards, I feel it was his shiftiness that helped him beat his man and then it was a clear run. I'm sure the weight will help in the trenches pounding out some yards on the ground though.

Thats all folks!
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
The highlight for me was Bryant's big run, but I thought he had a good throwing motion as well. I know the D will be OK and I have a good feeling about the special teams. The big question mark is the offense, and I don't think we'll know about that side of the ball until 9/3. All in all, it was a nice afternoon and I definitely enjoyed talking to the players a little bit after the game.
Nov 30, 2013
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Tyler Davis doesn't look like a freshmen. I liked his command, body language, size, pocket presence, maneuverability and arm strength. I think he could be ready for prime time. Looks like a young Ben Rothlisberger.

Unfortunately, I was forced to leave at half so I didn't get to see Davis play, but I was surprised how big he is.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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My one Boyle observation : from the moment the ball is snapped, he stares down his primary target every. single. time.

I disagree 100%. He looked off a few times I was watching and have it on video. On his one big play it was his third option on the play.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not sure if they kept stats, but did Thompson have over 100 yards receiving and rushing for the game? He had to be close.
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction Score
My quick take from an attendee:

Despite the lack of scoring and the Blue (starters) team's lack of an ability to have their way with the White (second stringers) team, I still for some reason came away with a feeling of optimism. Generally I am more optimistic than I am cynical though. However, I feel this team has a great deal more to work with than last years team. I still think that obviously the following year will be our year to break out if its in the cards for us and we keep improving since many guys have two more years left. Anyways here are some quick thoughts:

First Alec Bloom, who did have one drop, needs to be utilized and a big part of our offense this year especially inside the 40 and in the red zone. I think the kid is a beast and is going to be very good by the end of his time here. He was switched over to play on the blue team for the 2nd half after starting on the white team. (blue starters were McQuillan and Myers).

I think Boyle looked much more accurate and improved from in the pocket and if Sherrifs can't get it done early, I wouldn't be too hesitant to go to him. I would have confidence that he would play much better this year especially around this line. With that said, Sherrifs does add another dimension, which I don't think he could even really show off today with the 2 hand touch rule. He did have a solid 25 yard scramble down to the 5/8 yard line when he recognized a 3 man rush and man coverage. If he can do that and just protect the ball that is already an improvement from last year. He started off a little shaky, getting balls deflected and completely missing two open guys on the first play of the game. But he can be a force in the bootleg game which the coaches ran often for him.

The offensive line looks WAY more physically imposing. There wasn't constantly guys in the backfield like there was at last years game. (I thought we had the '85 Bears defense after that game) Levy has added some serious strength, and Knappe is still a monster. Didn't get a good look at the interior line too often but they look the part. They definitely didn't block their best today especially in the run game but again I feel much better about this line than last years, hopefully they can put together even more strength over the summer and come to camp in great shape. For the RB's it was a tough read. A couple of unsuccessful screen plays, Marriner runs hard for sure. DeLorenzo who ran well, probably still will get the scraps. Ron was hurt early then hurt again right before the half (I thought it was achilles too the way he grabbed at it) but came back in the second half. Limited carries though. Dropped a pass in the flat that hit him in the #s (can't have that with our Qb's) but they ran the same play the next play and he caught it and made 10 out of it. The Wr's weren't all that impressive. I like Bradley in the slot even though he split out a little more with the WR's being split up on teams. My hope is that at least 1 of the true FR, can come in and make an immediate impact. Again its tough to judge them with the vanilla offense and such as well as the lack of airing the ball out and going deep. Really the only deep ball was Tyler's pick and maybe a throw or two to the TE's.

Davis is not ready but does flash athleticism and had a nice throw of his back foot to hit Thompson on the side line late in the game.

As for the defense, I was looking more at the offense for sure. I mistook Adeyemi early on for Fatukasi because Kenton has put on serious strength too. I was impressed with his size. The D line in general is going to be pretty good. Definitely at the run game. Pass game the Dline needs some rushers as we know. They probably need 1 more rotational guy for breaks but the DT's (myers and campenni) are so thick, like bowling balls and even despite their size got their hands up for some deflections on balls over the middle today. Gonna need to find some pass rushing from someone though, and more likely a few guys. Didn't see much from Ormsby (who was on white BTW...interesting).

I don't have much on the LB's to be honest. No one really stood out but I was focused on other things. Stapleton looks a little thicker and its good to see Carrezola moving around again. There wasn't a lot of room for the running game so they must have been filling holes.

In the secondary, I still love the look of Obi ball hawking back there, however there was no way to assess him today as he was in a red shirt and playing two hand touch. He did have the pick but the ball was lobbed up there for him. John Green and Brice McCallister both made pretty nice plays in the end zone to break up td passes. John Green's being slightly better on a nice back shoulder fade to Noel Thomas. Thomas had the ball in his hands and Green planted him hard breaking it up. On Brice's I believe it was Boyle who tried squeezing it into too small of a window but McAllister flashed some nice hops to deflect it. Summers made some good sticks and Jhavon was solid as usual.

If Obi can improve his eye progression and stop getting caught with has hand in the jar this secondary should be a strength for us despite losing Jones.

Special teams: not much to see here. Puyol made his chip shots and has a pretty strong leg. Wain punted the ball 30 yards further towards one end go figure. One botched snap by Manco (I assume I didn't see for sure but he was flipping sides for a while as the sole LS)

Other Tidbits:

Jason Thompson (WO RB) ripped off the longest run of the day. Looked pretty nice but made me question a lot. He is a little guy though ala danny wood head. Probably won't see any time but his play was admirable. Same could be said about Will Weyrauch (WO FB) who ran hard in his one carry and made a pretty nice one handed catch for 5 yards.

30 mph gusts of wind definitely played a factor in play calling and the air game. But whats knew at the RENT.

Didn't see Verducci on the sidelines. I might have missed him. But looks like he may be a booth guy calling plays and maybe he was up there.

McQuillan has put on weight as well and I thought it slowed him down on his overall straight-line speed, despite him breaking the lone score for 30 yards, I feel it was his shiftiness that helped him beat his man and then it was a clear run. I'm sure the weight will help in the trenches pounding out some yards on the ground though.

Thats all folks!

That was anything but quick, but thanks for the write up. Shooting for Des' spot at the HC?


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I saw with my binoculars that Verducci was up in the booth along with (surprise) Chandler Whitmer wearing a headset.

I still like Chandler as a player. Since no one will be chasing him up there, that might be a good spot for him.

The lack of running is a concern. I'm still concerned about the D speed on the outside. DLine looks like it can rotate a lot of guys, hopefully they can press the pocket because again the speed on the outside looks like it might still be a problem. We do look pretty good up the middle. WR is still a strength, need to get them the ball.

Turnovers and execution is what's going to win games.

Aug 28, 2011
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The best performance of the day was the pass blocking by the blue offensive line. They provided a clean pocket for 60 minutes. The white also did a good job but they allowed pressure and hurries. Very encouraging.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I saw with my binoculars that Verducci was up in the booth along with (surprise) Chandler Whitmer wearing a headset.

The kid was a good player. I'm glad he seems to have found something with the coaching staff. The kid was asked to do so much, and he made some big plays with both his arm and his legs. I hope he has a bright future ahead...


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The kid was a good player. I'm glad he seems to have found something with the coaching staff. The kid was asked to do so much, and he made some big plays with both his arm and his legs. I hope he has a bright future ahead...

This is just my impression, but once Coach Diaco convinced Whitmer to play last year and given the year he endured, Whitmer became a Diaco guy. So long as Diaco is coaching somewhere, head Coach or on staff somewhere, Whitmer will never have to worry about unemployment in the football industry.
Aug 30, 2011
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The best performance of the day was the pass blocking by the blue offensive line. They provided a clean pocket for 60 minutes. The white also did a good job but they allowed pressure and hurries. Very encouraging.
I wasn't sure but I seem to remember the White OL moving the pile a couple/few times. Anybody notice that?


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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I wasn't sure but I seem to remember the White OL moving the pile a couple/few times. Anybody notice that?
Yep, I saw a lot of effort out there.

I got the feeling that some guys were using this opportunity to show that they have worked and want to crack the starting jobs.

Great day. Was noticing today that my face and neck were as red as my namesake.
Aug 27, 2011
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OL is getting a lot of good feedback but I didn't see it the way others did. Looking at the white team roster, it looked like the second team was going against the first team. If that was the case then the first team did not overly impress. Plus, to evaluate pass protection in this game is almost impossible. The defense played pretty straight up. Other defense will be blitzing and stunting on the line. I will say the second team OL handled the first team defense in general. Which may be a good sign for the OL depth. The passing game still scares me. It felt like 80% of the pass attempts yesterday were to the TE or RB.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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OL is getting a lot of good feedback but I didn't see it the way others did. Looking at the white team roster, it looked like the second team was going against the first team. If that was the case then the first team did not overly impress. Plus, to evaluate pass protection in this game is almost impossible. The defense played pretty straight up. Other defense will be blitzing and stunting on the line. I will say the second team OL handled the first team defense in general. Which may be a good sign for the OL depth. The passing game still scares me. It felt like 80% of the pass attempts yesterday were to the TE or RB.
Tough to throw downfield in the breeze. The two of us saw at least two punts that hit the wall of wind.
Aug 31, 2011
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I was sitting right above those empty seats. Security was keeping people away. Looks like recruits and their families were sitting on the 50 in the half empty section.

As someone who was asked to leave that section in the 3rd quarter - it was definitely for recruits and HS coaches. So, .... did anyone see or talk to the recruits or get other info around future huskies?
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