Non-Key Tweets | Page 84 | The Boneyard

Non-Key Tweets


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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Not really a tweet but there's a rumor that Maryland & ACC have settled and will announce tomorrow.

I guess we'll see.

Where did this rumor come from?


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Not really a tweet but there's a rumor that Maryland & ACC have settled and will announce tomorrow.

I guess we'll see.

God I hope so. Where did you see/hear this? That lawsuit needs to be finalized before anything can happen with UCONN.
Aug 27, 2011
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Does a settlement really help? Will it empower other ACC schools to move? IMO, we need a judgment that the $50M exit fee and GOR terms are penalty provisions that are not enforceable.

Bill Sussman

My Name isn't really Bill
Nov 21, 2011
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Does a settlement really help? Will it empower other ACC schools to move? IMO, we need a judgment that the $50M exit fee and GOR terms are penalty provisions that are not enforceable.

A settlement would in theory "help" if it was significantly less than the $50M because then it shows that the ACC doesn't believe it would hold up in court and any school looking to move could support a lower exit fee cost.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I can only hope that the impediments to CR are falling aside now. The Autonomy situation around the P5, the vote on conference championship games, and then the Maryland lawsuit. Those elements of uncertainty are becoming clear and at least conferences will know what the landscape looks like to a greater extent. I am increasingly hopeful that it will bring an invite for UConn.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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God I hope so. Where did you see/hear this? That lawsuit needs to be finalized before anything can happen with UCONN.

I don't think anything positive can happen with UConn until we demonstrate that our football program can provide some value. I don't believe that the delay hurts us any and it could well be to our benefit as it buys us a little time to do something on the gridiron.
Aug 26, 2011
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A settlement would in theory "help" if it was significantly less than the $50M because then it shows that the ACC doesn't believe it would hold up in court and any school looking to move could support a lower exit fee cost.!/news-detail/agreement_08-08-14_lryjmo
"Maryland has agreed that the ACC will keep the sum of $31,361,788 previously withheld in order to resolve the lawsuits, and the ACC has agreed that Maryland will have no obligation to make any other payments to the ACC. In addition, the lawsuits filed in the State of North Carolina and Maryland will be dismissed."
Jun 26, 2014
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Tom Kleeh ‏@TomKleeh 1h
Ouch terps RT @insidemdsports: Maryland and the ACC have settled out of court for $31 million. http://Post original url/1lHVGhD

anon ymous ‏@HoneyRoyPalmer 1h
@insidemdsports Disappointed that the Terps caved a bit on this one. Really wish this had gone to court and the ACC could have been exposed

NO word from "El Dude" yet on this but found this "gem":

Christopher Lambert ‏@theDudeofWV Aug 7
The Big 12 & the ACC are aligned in their interests going forward & will collaborate on P5 governance.

WVU.Matt ‏@bagelknot 15h
@theDudeofWV I really hate to hear that. I don't want anything to do with the ACC.

Christopher Lambert‏@theDudeofWV 4h
@bagelknot What scares me is what why the Big 12 feels the need to snuggle with the ACC.

Seanbo Sengo ‏@SeanboSengo 4h
@theDudeofWV @bagelknot Simply combined they are more powerfull. B1G 14 votes, SEC 14, PAC 12 & ACC/XII 25 votes



Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Maybe the B12 and ACC are aligning themselves so that there are easy transitions to add replacement members when their conferences are eventually raided. The hierarchy is evident: the B12 and ACC are on the bottom of the P5 power pole.
Jun 26, 2014
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I'm not sure if anyone remembers The Dude claiming that he has a B1G source that was feeding him information and even claiming to have interviewed him when he had a radio show? Well, it looks like that "source" finally decided to "come out" on word of the ACC/Maryland settlement. It's quite a doozy, up in the ranks of the unbelievable...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 2h
On July 14th I reported that a settlement between Maryland and the ACC was going to be announced in short time...and today it finally came

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 2h
The last couple weeks was full of last minmute posturing by both sides. But the basic deal of Maryland paying the exit fee = to withheld$

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 2h
There is an "AAU" story that many Expan junkies will be interested in that is about to break as well....infighting on a certain candidate...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 2h
....I will have the complete story late this month. But keep your eyes and ears open to any "AAU" public stories in the next week or two...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 1h
In 2011 Delany had Projections to show ACC schools. In 2014 Delany has reality to show ACC schools. In 2019 Delany will have a check to show

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 58m
Delany has been asking an ACC school out on a date. But Duke-NC-UVA-PITT have been hiding the phone(blocking AAU membership) for this school

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 54m
Duke-NC-UVA-PITT not supporting their fellow ACC school to get invite in the AAU...A school with bigger research $ than UVA. Which school?

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 52m
Which ACC school is getting blocked for membership? The fastest rising research school in US since 2006. A former Boilermaker as President.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 50m
Now that you have figured out what ACC school is getting you know why?...hint...Maryland is their #1 advocate for AAU membership

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 48m
I will give you the full story at the end of the month.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 42m
@OmegaSupreme914 Nope, VPI. I will have more at the end of the month. The same guy who told me settlement was here (UMD-ACC)..told backstory

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 38m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush Need to wait on this story..reasons for it. Dude of WV has known me for years..he will vouch for me.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 36m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush Delany would choose UVA...BTN would choose UVA. B1G Presidents would choose UVA. But VT is more willing..

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 34m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 Bigger research $ over UVA....and gap is growing. Bigger expenditures in research over UVA and gap is >>

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 32m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 Timothy Sands was hired to get VT into AAU..much support in AAU..but ACC-AAU schools are blocking movement

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 30m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 Take a look at VT OOC schedule for next 5-6 years...they play many AAU B1G Eastern Division teams + WIS.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 29m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 The flirting between VT & Delany is now an open secret, quickly becoming an open wound for the ACC.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 26m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 And its just not about about VT wanting to keep large bandwidth of sports-example:Wrestling

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 48m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush VT is a more willing partner that any other ACC school...closest relationship with Maryland than any other

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 47m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush VT and UMD still share a hospital...relationship is deep. VT knows it will move up Delany's dance card

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 46m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush More on all of this at the end of the month.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 44m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush Delany said PSU was a bridge to UMD/Rutgers. Delany has said in public UMD is a bridge to somewhere.....

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 43m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush ....we know who UMD would want. We know what Mr.Timothy Sands wants. We don't know what BTN-FOX wants 2019

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 41m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 When Miami FL was mentioned as a potential new AAU member (Georgia Tech got the nod) ACC-AAU schools...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 40m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 ....were supportive. But not now....not to Virginia Tech.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 36m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush There is a reason why I knew the settlement was happening on July 14th...same reason I know about this...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 34m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush ...The amount of $$$ was never the ultimate goal in this case...its was who in the ACC conference would..

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 33m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush act in the strictness sense of loyalty to the ACC..and who would flinch to their ACC loyalty. VT flinched

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 31m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush I've already said too much. More on this at end of month. And you'll know why the info had to wait. Gday

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 24m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 It's not about who is's about who is willing to let Delany know they are open to....

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 22m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 invite in the future. In this case (UMD-ACC) VT and to a lesser degree GT, acted on UMD subpoenas...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 21m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 But there is much more to the story which I can't explain at this time. What I can tell you is this..

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 19m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 The $ in this case was not thegoal of Big 10.and not for UMD. It was about actions before settlement....

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 15m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 I will say this...BTN new markets + B1G Presidents saying yes (AAU or big research $) + willingness = ...

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 14m
@expansion_crush @OmegaSupreme914 Big expansion.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 9m
@theDudeofWV The 31 million figure is the marker set for the exit fee to be paid out in 2019. Other than that the 31 mil has no meaning.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 5m
366 days ago: Oklahoma AD Joe Castiglione on Sirius XM College: "I don't believe realignment is over". Mr. Castiglione is still correct.

ME: If you believe the Grant of Rights has no effect whatsoever then, yeah, anything is possible. I might even believe VPI could listen, since they aren't a member for a long time. But going back on their word to the ACC after fighting to join for decades? That I won't believe.

I also don't believe the B1G would feed this kind of information to an unknown blogger. They're smarter than that. This is why I'm not afraid to post this. It's entertaining to see what people are willing to latch on.
Jun 14, 2012
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Aug 27, 2011
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B1G plays VT vs. UVA for one Commonwealth of Virginia spot. Prisoner's dilemma. B1G membership would help catch Tech up on the academic side as B1G is now a more prestgious academic conference. UVA blinks or B1G takes VT. B1G wins either way.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm all in on this guy. Sipping the Flugaur Kool-Aid.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
...but in 5 years you can see UCONN, by increasing their research rankings in expenditures from #75 to say top 50 by 2019?.well. UCONN BIG??
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
The market of Hartford is not exactly what the BTN & Delany have in mind for expansion...especially with Rutgers pulling in providers...
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
...truly indicates that UCONN is going all-in to cement themselves a research institution that can fit into the Big 10 2019...
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
For the state of Connecticut to put that much money into Bolstering UCONN's research programs...b/c this is what this story is all about..
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
."to bolster research programs and facilities, hire faculty and establish partnerships with the business community." Now this is a B1G deal!
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6,0,2422596.story?fdlkf?fdlf… " The state is investing $1.55 billion in tax dollars at the University of Connecticut over the next 10 years"......
Oct 11, 2011
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I'm all in on this guy. Sipping the Flugaur Kool-Aid.

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
...but in 5 years you can see UCONN, by increasing their research rankings in expenditures from #75 to say top 50 by 2019?.well. UCONN BIG??
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
The market of Hartford is not exactly what the BTN & Delany have in mind for expansion...especially with Rutgers pulling in providers...
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
...truly indicates that UCONN is going all-in to cement themselves a research institution that can fit into the Big 10 2019...
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
For the state of Connecticut to put that much money into Bolstering UCONN's research programs...b/c this is what this story is all about..
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6
."to bolster research programs and facilities, hire faculty and establish partnerships with the business community." Now this is a B1G deal!
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · Aug 6,0,2422596.story?fdlkf?fdlf… " The state is investing $1.55 billion in tax dollars at the University of Connecticut over the next 10 years".

How would he know about that story? He lives in Minnesota. Maybe he reads the Boneyard? Or does he really know something?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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How would he know about that story? He lives in Minnesota. Maybe he reads the Boneyard? Or does he really know something?
Well this board is conference realignment central.
Feb 22, 2014
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I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again. Delany has always had his gaze firmly cast on The DMV. The combination of PSU, UMD, and VPI sews up the region for The B1G in a manner that can not be challenged by anyone else.

Everyone always believed going into VA meant taking UVA, but from a cultural fit to me it always meant VPI. They are much more Northeast in their leaning, and more in line academically with Purdue, Illinois, Iowa and the other engineering focused schools of The Big. To me UVA is far more tied to their Southern Identity, and far more liberal in their academic leaning than most traditional B1G Schools. They are an ACC School through and through. VPI is a school that has spent 60 years trading up in realignment.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Really? I wasn't aware of that. Maybe everyone wants to watch the train wreck.

We are the only people who care anymore. Other than the handful of
conference warriors who are
obsessed with trolling each other, everybody else has a home or
doesn't have an argument.
Sep 21, 2011
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Actually I've given up..
I still firmly believe we are good fit for the B1G.
But I also believe we have a huge hurdle convincing them.
The ACC would take WVA ( they are better then Louisville academically)
Or even Cinn before us.
Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 34m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush ...The amount of $ was never the ultimate goal in this case...its was who in the ACC conference would..

Greg Flugaur @flugempire · 33m
@OmegaSupreme914 @expansion_crush act in the strictness sense of loyalty to the ACC..and who would flinch to their ACC loyalty. VT flinched

Well at least he's no longer talking about UVA having its paperwork turned into the Big Ten to join. That's real progress right there.
Maybe the Addition of Louisville to the ACC was the straw that broke the camels


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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B1G plays VT vs. UVA for one Commonwealth of Virginia spot. Prisoner's dilemma. B1G membership would help catch Tech up on the academic side as B1G is now a more prestgious academic conference. UVA blinks or B1G takes VT. B1G wins either way.

Additional part of this equation (if there is any truth to the "B1G wants a Virginia school" premise) is the SEC will become very active in landing a Virginia school. Virginia and North Carolina are the two states the SEC hasn't yet landed that would fit perfectly in their footprint.


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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Additional part of this equation (if there is any truth to the "B1G wants a Virginia school" premise) is the SEC will become very active in landing a Virginia school. Virginia and North Carolina are the two states the SEC hasn't yet landed that would fit perfectly in their footprint.

It is my belief that UVA would never want The SEC. UVA is a very unique place. They value their academics more than almost any other P5 public school (Cal is the only one I can think of). I could be wrong, but the association with other highly rated schools that value academics is extremely important to UVA. I really don't think they would go to The SEC. If The Big10 admits VPI, it would almost lock out The SEC from Virginia.
Feb 22, 2014
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It is my belief that UVA would never want The SEC. UVA is a very unique place. They value their academics more than almost any other P5 public school (Cal is the only one I can think of). I could be wrong, but the association with other highly rated schools that value academics is extremely important to UVA. I really don't think they would go to The SEC. If The Big10 admits VPI, it would almost lock out The SEC from Virginia.

Ding Ding Ding Winner. If The B1G moves on VPI they likely shut The SEC out of The DMV Region for the foreseeable future.

The SEC might then put a full court press on a UNC/Duke combo with the clear demarcation between The B1G and SEC being The Virginia State Border. They might also turn their eye toward OU, who in light of the wealth A&M is enjoying, might be receptive.

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