The Flug said no new full member before 2019. That would rule your scenario out. Plus, I would be shocked if they picked Rice. They're not that desperate.
Hockey. Baseball. Lacrosse. That's probably their thinking.
The only thing that makes Rice even fractionally-plausible to me is the persistent rumors that the one SEC school the B1G has courted is Vanderbilt. Clearly, the focus was on using athletics to promote academics, rather than on athletic prowess or money-making. (Kentucky would be more geographically contiguous and far more potent athletically and market-wise.)
It still seems very unlikely.
Always liked Kentucky's location relative to other B1G schools but once you cross the Ohio River you are in the capital "S" south. Not a bad thing in and of itself, but I think they may still be fighting the 'War of Northern Aggression'. How does that play out for a bunch of mid-west schools?The only thing that makes Rice even fractionally-plausible to me is the persistent rumors that the one SEC school the B1G has courted is Vanderbilt. Clearly, the focus was on using athletics to promote academics, rather than on athletic prowess or money-making. (Kentucky would be more geographically contiguous and far more potent athletically and market-wise.)
It still seems very unlikely.
If we could protect the future of our basketball program and make more money in the process it would be difficult to say no to.
Given that we already have two B1G teams scheduled for back to back years, I can't imagine there begin a huge ordeal to get a couple more B1G games as an associate member.
The problem with this is that, there is absolutely no reason for them to ever take our football program.
So, do we wait it out a risk losing both football and hoops or save hoops but kill football almost certainly?
BTW I don't think partial member is likely, but it's just for fun to debate it.
The only thing that makes Rice even fractionally-plausible to me is the persistent rumors that the one SEC school the B1G has courted is Vanderbilt. Clearly, the focus was on using athletics to promote academics, rather than on athletic prowess or money-making. (Kentucky would be more geographically contiguous and far more potent athletically and market-wise.)
It still seems very unlikely.
I can imagine Rice in the B1G but I'm off my meds again. . .
Let's review the current slate of rumors and tidbits:
Back in mid-February, OkaForPrez posted an ambiguous post that UConn was in a P5 push. UConn could quietly be in play. Followed up with rumors of B1G rep at basketball game--interesting in that it may be the person in charge of branding. Solid news: Fox is getting killed with Big East BB. Extended rumors Fox is pushing at B1G.
Guess: Fox is fed up with the COP/C and their snob/AAU status stuff. Guess: B1G can't/won't try to break a GOR and Fox wants action now. Waiting ten years when there are available pieces to be monetized now doesn't cut it.
Confirmed: B1G would take ASU as partial for hockey. In effect, confirming that B1G is moving or drifting away from full conference model to a network model.
Flugaur latest rumor twittering: Partial or affiliate. Rice. SW. NE. YES.
Personal bias: I want UConn in B1G. (Colors my thinking.)
Output: UConn, full membership contingent on meeting metrics. This should satisfy the COP/C. Who else would be of any value to YES tv? The need would be a traveling partner, primarily for football. Enter Rice. Who know's? Maybe they'll end up being the next Baylor--a little school that could. If not, no long range complications. A trial run for TV. East/west balance. (Important to note: no hockey or lacrosse with Rice and nothing but football moves a needle with them.)
From there, you could fill in affiliate memberships as needed or desired or available. Maybe try to entice Boston U for hockey or something.
The partial/affiliate thing is just another internet rumor, but in the totality it's a piece of the puzzle that fits because of the wait on GOR's, tension between tv executives and presidents, and so on. It's fun to play with so I'm going with this today:
UConn to B1G.
Rice affiliate football only.
Boston U all sports.
I thought that hybrids and partial memberships were bad things and signs of a weak, unstable conference?
Couple of things:
First, I wasn't joking about the meds. I have to stop taking them to root for Wisconsin.
Second, aside from some creative play with the idea of Rice, my guess is Flug is referring to Rice as start-up lacrosse. As a start-up, there would be no conference entanglements and they could probably capture enough data from attendance/tv metrics in the 10th largest DMA to calculate how bright a B1G future might be in Texas with minimal risk/cost.
That would also apply to UConn if UConn is in fact going to get men's lacrosse up and running. Maybe another program here or there to shore up New England. Don't know what optimal would be for lacrosse but I'm pretty sure it's about lacrosse.
Baseball? Only game I know that can cram 15 minutes of action into three hours. Don't follow it at all--if the B1G thinks it fits the bill for affiliate memberships it will just be more teams playing a sport I ignore. dayooper, your theory seems well thought out and I'm willing to go with it.
I don't seriously see Rice as a candidate for the B1G but it's just plausible enough to make me speculate a bit.
I thought that hybrids and partial memberships were bad things and signs of a weak, unstable conference?
The Colonial (a very good top to bottom league with high performers Delaware, Hofstra and Towson, and local rivalry potential with UMass and Fairfield) and Big East (high performers Georgetown and Denver, and of course the history UConn has with the league) are probably both better options for a UConn lax startup than associate membership with the B1G.
If Delany asked Manual to be his dog walker, it would be an offer that Warde can't refused. The correct answer to any request is "yes sir, Mr. Delany" until we are out of our current conference.
"yes sir, Mr. Delany"
You make me laugh. That reminds me: I should stop by the Rutgers board and read the whining "We should have held out for a better deal" thread.
I thought that hybrids and partial memberships were bad things and signs of a weak, unstable conference?