No, not TJ | Page 2 | The Boneyard

No, not TJ

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Aug 26, 2011
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sportsart said:
Maybe we should have a thread where people can tell everyone how much they make. Why don't you get it going.

$400K a year and your hanging here? Fool....

I'm actually thankful for arts rant. I'm lucky enough to make $13.37 which more than justified my existence here on the BY. As for whaler...

Say it Art! ! !
Jan 29, 2012
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And if TJ beats Memphis? It still means nothing.

Warde has a chance to make a clean break. Give the Huskies a fresh start. Day one all over again. And what the new coach says will be important.

Keep TJ and the signal is clear. Same old. Same old.
Or it could mean that TJ gave the best interview and was the best candidate we don't know how good all those other candidates are let's pretend that our athletic director played at a big school worked at a big school with the football program much bigger than ours


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Well he could have been competitive against UCF, Louisville, Cincinnati or SMU then right?

Guess all those blow outs were just bad timing.

Delusional. Vince Lombardi could not have come in and changed things that fast. I'm neither here nor there on TJ because we need a comprehensive search and if someone decides he is the best guy, we have no choice but to wait and see. But this team is playing worlds better regardless of the opponent. This is a teams that was beaten by Towson, crushed by Buffalo, squandered every chance against USF. Temple was putting up decent points when we played them and Rutgers, struggling as they were, isn't all that horrible that handling them can be just kissed off.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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cohenzone said:
Delusional. Vince Lombardi could not have come in and changed things that fast. I'm neither here nor there on TJ because we need a comprehensive search and if someone decides he is the best guy, we have no choice but to wait and see. But this team is playing worlds better regardless of the opponent. This is a teams that was beaten by Towson, crushed by Buffalo, squandered every chance against USF. Temple was putting up decent points when we played them and Rutgers, struggling as they were, isn't all that horrible that handling them can be just kissed off.

Actually delusional is weighing 6 quarters of football over everything else because it happens to be the data you like.
Aug 28, 2011
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Or it could mean that TJ gave the best interview and was the best candidate we don't know how good all those other candidates are let's pretend that our athletic director played at a big school worked at a big school with the football program much bigger than ours

We don't have to pretend ...

Prior to his time at Buffalo, he was the assistant and associate director of athletics for the University of Michigan, where he oversaw that school's football and men's basketball programs.

He also played football (offensive line) at Michigan and was on the track team.
Jan 29, 2012
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Whaler what you are not seeing is often times in these games we were beating ourselves more than the other team was beating us. That is where the improvement lies.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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My guess is that Coach Weist does not get an interview. If he does, it will be for show only. I'll be willing to be that he will meet with Mr. Manuel next Sunday or Monday, at which point he will be told the direction the program is heading. During this meeting, Mr. Manuel will tell him the new Coach will have the opportunity to fill his own staff, but he will put in a good word on Weist's behalf as the offensive coordinator.
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Srqhusky said:
Whaler what you are not seeing is often times in these games we were beating ourselves more than the other team was beating us. That is where the improvement lies.

That's just what you want to be true.


The entire case for Weist:
6 quarters against bad teams
He's here

Note you don't see a lot of chatter about schools that might want him if he ends up available.

It's so small minded and short sighted as to be painful but I'll try and let it go because I can't imagine Warde could blow this that badly.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Srqhusky said:
Whaler what you are not seeing is often times in these games we were beating ourselves more than the other team was beating us. That is where the improvement lies.

Oh, we've all seen it. Some of us just aren't as impressed by it.

It's not like we've come close to what Ed O has done at USC. He's 50% to get that job and only because Sumlin re-upped at A&M.
Aug 30, 2011
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Keep TJ and the signal is clear. Same old. Same old.

TJ has been here less than a year, and many of us still think he was Warde's hire not P's. Not sure why he is considered more of the same.

Dave Clawson appears to be a top candidate, my gut tells me that TJ is just as good as Clawson. After Lembo and Narduzzi I think our realistic candidate pool falls down in quality quickly.

If TJ were hired for less than a million per year and we used the money saved on the head coach to allow TJ to bring in top coordinators etc., I think TJ could build a good staff and it wouldn't be the same old thing.

I want Warde to interview all of the candidates, after the interview rounds are over with I want Warde to go with his gut, If TJ ends up being the guy I'm fine with it. It's Warde's call.
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Aug 29, 2011
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I think he'll get an interview but mostly as a courtesy. He has done some nice things and he's a good guy but he isn't the guy you want leading the program at this point. We'll see who is available and when, but my guess is that by December 15 we have a new coach named.
Aug 5, 2013
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Here's the real reason why Weist should not be given the job, even though he's shown skill, talent and promise in turning around the season and our morale:

We can't afford to be wrong on this one.

The margin for error is so narrow that we have to get out there and make a decently sized splash with our next hire, either with a top-name coordinator or with a lower-level rising-star head coach. Weist could be a very good coach some day, but he might not. The sample size of his results is too small, and his performance is too inconclusive, for us to gamble the farm on him at this point.
Aug 24, 2011
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Here's the real reason why Weist should not be given the job, even though he's shown skill, talent and promise in turning around the season and our morale:

We can't afford to be wrong on this one.

The margin for error is so narrow that we have to get out there and make a decently sized splash with our next hire, either with a top-name coordinator or with a lower-level rising-star head coach. Weist could be a very good coach some day, but he might not. The sample size of his results is too small, and his performance is too inconclusive, for us to gamble the farm on him at this point.

This pretty much sums it up. I believe, based on just observing the guy and the way he handles his players, that he will be a good head coach once he improves his game management skills. But there is way too much uncertainty here . . .
Aug 30, 2011
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Look at Maryland, they had James Franklin on their staff but they went with the splash hire in Edsall. Franklin is better.

Look at Franklin's resume prior to taking over Vanderbilt and it is somewhat similar to TJ's.

If our top two or three get other offers and turn Warde down, I'm fine with TJ. I doubt TJ will be the top choice, but you don't always get your top choice.
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Aug 29, 2011
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Warde despite his Michigan resume, has not done much for UConn. Kevin Ollie was forced on him by JC. He could have done with PP a lot sooner but he didn't. What else did he do for UConn besides changing the logo?
Aug 24, 2011
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Warde despite his Michigan resume, has not done much for UConn. Kevin Ollie was forced on him by JC. He could have done with PP a lot sooner but he didn't. What else did he do for UConn besides changing the logo?

Despite what the unsophisticated reactionaries say, the Ollie situation was handled perfectly.

Yes, he could have fired P after last year. Maybe 10% of ADs make that decision at that time, so I won't criticize too much. It would have been nice to see him be more proactive, however.
Aug 27, 2011
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Honestly with the Ollie hiring......he managed to navigate the political waters, keep his autonomy, and ended up hiring the right guy. It was an impossible spot, but he pulled it off. Look at the disaster that RU hired.

Hey, I would've canned P at the end of last year, but I get why he didn't. The good news is that the job search began sometime in the 2nd half against Towson. He has to get this right. Just has to.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Warde despite his Michigan resume, has not done much for UConn. Kevin Ollie was forced on him by JC. He could have done with PP a lot sooner but he didn't. What else did he do for UConn besides changing the logo?

I think that what you hear of and/or from the athletic director, is indirectly related to the job he is doing. On the other hand, Mr. Manuel seemed to have more on his plate than the run of the mill 1st year AD.

Over the span of 20 months since his hiring, he's has had to fill 3 head coaching positions and is looking at a fourth. All the while he has filled the football schedule with competition perceived as more than marginally better than Buffalo, obtained appropriations for the basketball training facility (Something the previous AD could not do), presided over a perfect APR for a team banned from post season play due directly to APR issues and presided over a national championship, while being in contention for another. Oh, and he unified logos across all Athletic sports teams.

Just because UConn was not invited to the Big Ten (yet, but I believe this is the goal...and attainable, give academics) or the ACC (consolation prize at this point), he is a failure, without realizing that this decision is largely out of his hands and above his pay grade.
Aug 5, 2013
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Look at Maryland, they had James Franklin on their staff but they went with the splash hire in Edsall. Franklin is better.

Look at Franklin's resume prior to taking over Vanderbilt and it is somewhat similar to TJ's.

If our top two or three get other offers and turn Warde down, I'm fine with TJ. I doubt TJ will be the top choice, but you don't always get your top choice.

All fair points, and you always run the risk of Kragthorping when you hire the rising star. I just don't think the program, our fan base or our recruits will respond favorably to keeping Weist, even if we blow Memphis out by 50.
Aug 26, 2011
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I like TJ, but he is BIG reach in the wrong direction. Funny how one of the leading Pasqualoni apologists doesn't see that.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's recruiting. Anyone who takes out MD and puts LM in at running back on 1st and goal and has him as punt returner and kickoff returner is not the personnel evaluator that gives me confidence. If TJW ends up being the pick, it won't be because the Rock Star didn't check out who was available or money issues, it will be because he sees actions/improvement/ability that as a long distance fan am not privy to in TJW. If that's the case, ok. See more downside than upside for WM in picking TJW than going for one of several candidates so if he does pick TJW it won't be a WVU type case with DickRod leaving nor with the PP hire.
Aug 27, 2011
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It's recruiting. Anyone who takes out MD and puts LM in at running back on 1st and goal and has him as punt returner and kickoff returner is not the personnel evaluator that gives me confidence. If TJW ends up being the pick, it won't be because the Rock Star didn't check out who was available or money issues, it will be because he sees actions/improvement/ability that as a long distance fan am not privy to in TJW. If that's the case, ok. See more downside than upside for WM in picking TJW than going for one of several candidates so if he does pick TJW it won't be a WVU type case with DickRod leaving nor with the PP hire.

Lemelle bailed them out with that catch. If we ended up losing, I had an entire rant ready for why they ran LM 2 times from the 3.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Lemelle bailed them out with that catch. If we ended up losing, I had an entire rant ready for why they ran LM 2 times from the 3.

That was a great catch, but like you, I was screaming for Delorenzo to get goal line carries in that spot.

TJ has done an admiral job and been decent lately.

However, we need a slam dunk. While our rivals are paying big bucks to lure in top coaching candidates, we can't go cheap and hire the guy one year removed from being Cinci's WR coach.
Aug 24, 2011
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However, we need a slam dunk. While our rivals are paying big bucks to lure in top coaching candidates, we can't go cheap and hire the guy one year removed from being Cinci's WR coach.

Outside of Saban, Miles, and Meyer, there is no such thing as a slam dunk.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's take an objective look at the 8 games of the TJ era. Before the season, the reasonable prediction was beating USF and Temple and Memphis and pick off SMU or UCF on the road for a 6-6 or 7-5 season depending on the MD game. A few optimists saw a 8-4 or 9-3 record as a possibility by upsetting UL, Cincy, or RU when people thought they might be good. So to recap, the consensus range for the final conference record was 4 to 6 conference wins. We'll have three at best.

If you want to give a pass for USF due to transition, bad FG kicking, fine. That still the bottom of the range. TJ showed some potential as a first year OC if you believe PP/GDL held him back (I do) and was able hold it together to avoid an 0-12 season. The on-field perfomance doesn't mean much in the overall selection process, but I suspect his behind the scenes work will earn him a fair interview. He's solidified his position as an up and coming young coach, even if he doesn't get the gig, this year has been a positive for his career. No, need to shed any tears for him. There is a decent chance he and Foley are retained by the new coach for continuity. The others should be working on resumes.
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