High schoolers are here, one with a snowblower! My house has a 6 car driveway with no garage (which means no snow blower). I live on a corner block with extra sidewalk and a long way to the front door. Back deck is elevated and it needs shoveling (back door access).
I say all this to say the last major snow storm I started shoveling my front walk, and was tiring after 30 minutes without making a dent. The high schoolers with shovels on their shoulder had halos glowing when they were walking up the street. Music played while they walked towards me. Anyway after instructions one kid picked up where I left off and finished in less than 10 minutes, which would have taken me an hour. Like watching a machine. They finished in less than an hour, but for me it would have taken 2 days (with rest). They are here bright and early today, not needing a flame thrower at their age.
Reminds me of my youth traveling the neighborhood with shovel over shoulder learning the skill of hustling, sales and negotiations early. Anyway they still got their halos but I'm the only one that can see it. Good thing also their recyclable, new batch every year or two.
Sending them to my elderly neighbor next door when done.
One caveat though is that the snow plow will return sometime after they leave, leaving me with a blocked driveway which I will have to do.
(Funny I lived in North Dakota for many years ago, and now this old fart is allergic to snow. Probably because I have known people who died right after shoveling.)