This is the BE conference at its inception in 1979:
St. John's
Boston College
Seton Hall
The next year it added Villanova, in year 4 Pittsburg, remaining that way for quite a few years before maximum expansion, then contraction, and a very brief reconfiguration before the Catholic 7 left. And took the name. When it was at 9 Eastern-only teams for many years, 5 of those 9 are teams now part of the 10 team league called.....the BE. Regardless of who left over the years, how much the league fluctuated, the present configuration is still closer to the original BE, with 5 of the 8 teams in year two of the original BE now in the present BE. Round Robin began in year two, and 5 of the original 8 that played that first round robin are in the present BE.
Which I prefer to call it, not the NBE. It's one league's history. Consider: it fluctuated many times. Each time a school came or went, it was a "new" BE, the lineup changed. After it's early years, it changed much more often, the numbers fluctuated because of the realignment process and $$. Connecticut is part of that history, but I don't begrudge 5 of the 8 schools from year 2 of the BE keeping that name. No, we did not have to give them the brand name. But they left what was a completely bastardized BE where the bb league that Gavitt envisioned was pretty damn hard to recognize in that form. But I still look at is as one history, characterized by a small start of 7-9 teams for many years, rapid expansion, defections, expansion, contraction, and the Catholic 7 left to continue Gavitt's original idea for a basically Eastern bb league. I can't possibly begrudge them taking the name he chose for his league, when the Catholic 7 includes 5 of the original 7-9. The name is not transferred based on where the power lies. The BE as we knew it at it's heights, is scattered all over. I don't know why anyone could really claim the AAC deserves to carry the name more then 4 of the charter schools from the original 7 school league, and 5 of the 8 schools from year two.
The present BE could be a better bb league, Ct. and one other school, and then we could once again have some proper regional rivalries, and energy like the Georgetown game. That league will never be what it was in it's history past, but I'll bet if we were in that league, for bb, there would be less people begrudging where the name landed.
I know it's not on the founder, Dave Gavitt. But, seriously, if alive and if asked, which league do you think he would say most resembles what he was thinking when he hatched the idea of a strong Eastern bb league? The AAC, or the BE? Neither would be a perfect match, but, he would pick the present BE as far more recognizable. One big question he would have is where is Ct? Where is Syracuse? But he would take just one look at the AAC and likely wonder what the hell were they thinking? Oh yeah, football, the almighty $$. This is rhetorical of course, Gavitt witnessed much of this.....
The argument seems to be based on rating the power of what remains. The "new" BE is not as power laden, therefore it should not have the brand name of a once powerful league. In fairness, if that is the case, then the name should have been retired. Because the AAC is certainly not the Big "East" either. Yet, surely Gavitt would approve of the continuation of a bb centric league in the East? And I know which of the two present leagues he would be more comfortable with carrying the name of the league he established in 79......