Nika Muhl will have expanded role | The Boneyard

Nika Muhl will have expanded role

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Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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Bald Husky

four score
Jan 17, 2021
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Very good article, thus showing that Nika knows what is required from her this season. From the coaches, from Paige herself, she knows what the team needs from her, so I believe that we will see a different player come November.
If it comes from her slime, then the point I'm sure has hit home, and she will be ready to lead this team to the best of her ability. We are behind her 100%.
Apr 19, 2015
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Are visible tattoos no longer verboten in Genoworld? Gonna be hard to hide one on the neck. I guess I never noticed her other 15. Maybe I missed the memo.
Nov 23, 2015
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Yes, I agree with everyone, very good article. And Nika really summed it up with this part, which sure made me sigh:

“She really is my best friend, my sister,” Mühl said. ...... we all know we lost the best player, the best scorer, the best passer; she's just the best player on the team."
Jan 7, 2020
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Yep, good article. Aside from the obvious point of the article, what I found most encouraging was the part about her developing her mid range offensive game. Like she implied and like we have all been saying, it doesn't have to be great, just credible so a big has to slough off on defense onto her creating passing opportunities and enhanced rebounding position for our bigs. I think she will have a great year. Some people are just born leaders and she is one of them. She knows it is on her this season and I don't think that bothers her, I think it just motivates her. I also think you will know right away from the first exhibition game about her this year. Some BYers have been saying it is Azzi's team now. Nope, it's Nika's. She will be ready.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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We kinda talked about what that’s gonna look like and how I can help her and how I can do everything I can to just sorta support her, because I know it’s hard playing the point guard,” Bueckers said. “Her role is obviously going to be bigger, she’s gonna have to look to shoot more and she’s gonna be the playmaker on the floor, the leader on the floor.

Also I’m curious to see the “neck tape” when Nika plays ;)
Apr 24, 2022
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Yep, good article. Aside from the obvious point of the article, what I found most encouraging was the part about her developing her mid range offensive game. Like she implied and like we have all been saying, it doesn't have to be great, just credible so a big has to slough off on defense onto her creating passing opportunities and enhanced rebounding position for our bigs. I think she will have a great year. Some people are just born leaders and she is one of them. She knows it is on her this season and I don't think that bothers her, I think it just motivates her. I also think you will know right away from the first exhibition game about her this year. Some BYers have been saying it is Azzi's team now. Nope, it's Nika's. She will be ready.
It’s not that I disagre exactly. I just think if it isn’t obviously Azzi and Caroline’s team by January, if those two haven’t stepped up in a big way, it won’t bode well for #12.
Jun 7, 2020
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Some people wear their emotions on their sleeve, in Nika's case they're on her wrist and neck. Unlike some more intricate and colorful tattoos that a lot of younger folks seemly get her's are quite simple and personally meaningful. No surprise that they express love and loyalty. The bit about her reaching out to CD for her approval before getting this latest one says a lot about her character as well. One thing that will be without question is that Nika will reach down deep and give everything she's got this season. Gotta love this kid!


Aug 24, 2011
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We kinda talked about what that’s gonna look like and how I can help her and how I can do everything I can to just sorta support her, because I know it’s hard playing the point guard,” Bueckers said. “Her role is obviously going to be bigger, she’s gonna have to look to shoot more and she’s gonna be the playmaker on the floor, the leader on the floor.

Also I’m curious to see the “neck tape” when Nika plays ;)
Didn't Christyn Williams, or another player, have a small cross tattooed on her neck somewhere? I don't recall - since i don't recall seeing it taped over. Does anyone remember/know?

Anyway, I think by the time she is done at UCONN, Nika will be right up there on many fans' lists as an "all time fave". She has such a tremendous attitude, and is all UCONN from her head to the tips of her toes!!
Jan 7, 2020
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It’s not that I disagre exactly. I just think if it isn’t obviously Azzi and Caroline’s team by January, if those two haven’t stepped up in a big way, it won’t bode well for #12.
Azzi or Caroline, and I predict both, will step up in a big way but it will still be Nika's team. The leader on the floor and in the locker room does not have to be the best player or the leading scorer but rather that the rest of the team looks to for the offensive and defensive sets, for the emotional shifts, for the energy and determination, for Geno's voice on the floor and, above all else, the person who takes ownership of every single thing that happens. Who is fanatical enough to embrace that role with glee? The Fuel.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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It’s not that I disagre exactly. I just think if it isn’t obviously Azzi and Caroline’s team by January, if those two haven’t stepped up in a big way, it won’t bode well for #12.
It should be everyone's team, not just one player's team.
Apr 24, 2022
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Azzi or Caroline, and I predict both, will step up in a big way but it will still be Nika's team. The leader on the floor and in the locker room does not have to be the best player or the leading scorer but rather that the rest of the team looks to for the offensive and defensive sets, for the emotional shifts, for the energy and determination, for Geno's voice on the floor and, above all else, the person who takes ownership of every single thing that happens. Who is fanatical enough to embrace that role with glee? The Fuel.
I suppose that’s possible. The pg is the most important position And it needs an outsize personality to be great in it. But it also needs mastery of every aspect of the offense, including ones own scoring, and it is not clear Nika has achieved this. We spent the last few weeks arguing over whether Nika will make herself a credible scoring threat. No one has suggested she’ll be a great one. It’ll be her team if she can consistently finish at the rim (through contact) and sink the midrange jumper in the half court set. This is what Jen, Sue, Renee, Moriah, Crystal all brought to the pg role. If she can’t live up to that standard and is merely a serviceable passer and ball handler, we may well have a great season but it won’t be her team no matter how much passion she brings to the floor.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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It should be everyone's team, not just one player's team.
Not according to Geno. In Geno's mind there must be a single player, especially in times of adversity, that pulls the team together and says this is exactly what we are going to do. His ideal would be ( he actually used this example) a Tom Brady huddle, where you don't hear any other voices except that of THE leader.
Apr 24, 2022
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Yes, it’s about a leader’s voice, but there’s more. Who do you want to have the ball in her hands in the closing seconds of a tie game? If you’re not that person, no amount of passion will give you the voice everyone listens to.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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Not according to Geno. In Geno's mind there must be a single player, especially in times of adversity, that pulls the team together and says this is exactly what we are going to do. His ideal would be ( he actually used this example) a Tom Brady huddle, where you don't hear any other voices except that of THE leader.
There is real difference between a team leader and saying its this player's team. A term I dislike. I don't associate it with leading. Besides everyone at some point must lead. Not be the leader but in smaller ways must lead. The team leader won't always be in the game. What then? A leaderless team! So now a team leader must be manufactured. Why? The next leader must be ready to take charge, not learn to be a leader after the leader goes down. Does a Seal Team mission stop if the leader cannot continue? Every group has an unofficial leader. Learn who that is and why the group sees this person as their unofficial leader. I believed every team (organization) I managed had to operate as a team with a leader or as multiple teams each with its own leader or as individuals capable of making decisions and executing them. I really believe Geno recruits players capable of this. I am not concerned about leadership on this team. I can't believe Geno believes there should be one and only leader on his team. I do believe he wants one leader on the floor at all times. Someone taking responsibility for all decisions but a good leader does listen to the team's inputs. Autocratic does not cut it ... unless your name is Geno. ;):rolleyes:


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Not according to Geno. In Geno's mind there must be a single player, especially in times of adversity, that pulls the team together and says this is exactly what we are going to do. His ideal would be ( he actually used this example) a Tom Brady huddle, where you don't hear any other voices except that of THE leader.
Sort of. The way I remember it Geno talks about having a player who wants the ball and is going to make a big play for you in crunch time. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a single player, we’ve had many teams that I’ve had multiple players who could do it. Bird and Taurasi are the most obvious example.

I don’t think that’s Nika, at least not offensively. I could see her developing into a player like Jen Rizzotti who gets the timely steal and the lay in though.

We will see, but players are going to have to adapt their roles. Azzi he’s going to have to be “more selfish” in that she’s gonna have to look for her shot a lot more. Aaliyah has to be more dominant down low. If she’s consistently drawing doubles, that means there’s going to be another open player. Caroline will need to be opportunistic the way she was during that run in the middle of the season. She’s a versatile player who can score from deep or take it to the hole.

We’ll see, as I said above, but everyone’s really going to need to stretch themselves to make up for the gaping hole that Paige left.
Apr 24, 2022
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everyone’s really going to need to stretch themselves to make up for the gaping hole that Paige left.
It’s true Paige leaves a gaping hole. But for some of these players it may be more an opportunity than a burden. I suspect Ice and Ayanna may experience it like this. Maybe Lou as well.
Feb 2, 2022
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Aug 27, 2022
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There are finally some voices of reason on this forum to counter the love affair with Nika Muhl. A wonderful young lady to be sure, but to pretend she has any natural basketball talent or skill, or the hope that she develops into a complete player at the age of 21, is pure fantasy. Don't be surprised if Azzi Fudd, is the pt. guard for many games, allowing Auriemma to have his best 5 on the court , depending on the level of competition.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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There are finally some voices of reason on this forum to counter the love affair with Nika Muhl. A wonderful young lady to be sure, but to pretend she has any natural basketball talent or skill, or the hope that she develops into a complete player at the age of 21, is pure fantasy. Don't be surprised if Azzi Fudd, is the pt. guard for many games, allowing Auriemma to have his best 5 on the court , depending on the level of competition.
It is not pure fantasy, it is call being a fan. The need to become a more complete player is not limited to just Nika, the entire team needs to improve. For example, Azzi Fudd's on ball defense needs to improve significantly.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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There are finally some voices of reason on this forum to counter the love affair with Nika Muhl. A wonderful young lady to be sure, but to pretend she has any natural basketball talent or skill, or the hope that she develops into a complete player at the age of 21, is pure fantasy. Don't be surprised if Azzi Fudd, is the pt. guard for many games, allowing Auriemma to have his best 5 on the court , depending on the level of competition.
I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I guess Geno has backed off his opposition to display of tats from the Gabby days.
The world is changing and Geno and CD are doing their best to keep up. We actually have a player with Purple and Yellow streaks in her hear now. Somewhere Stefanie Dolson is saying "bout time!
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