NG may replace OC in starting line-up | The Boneyard

NG may replace OC in starting line-up

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Aug 27, 2011
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Don't be surprised if NG replaces OC in the starting line-up. The summer is the time for players to make improvements in their game. It looks like NG may have made significant improvements to his game and confidence playing with the German national team. On the other hand it's been a lost summer for OC. He has been rehabbing and has yet to begin playing BB games. It may be months if not the entire year before he gains his quickness and explosiveness. Only time will tell. One thing we do know is that OC did not improve his game this summer. I know we all wish him a full recovery but who knows how he will react once he's on the BB floor.

So, I wouldn't be surprised if NG Has passed OC a one of the top players on the team and thus earns a starting job and major minutes.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'd say there is very little chance of Giffey starting over Calhoun. However, there is a significant chance Giffey plays crunch-time minutes over him if Omar's defense doesn't improve.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'd say there is very little chance of Giffey starting over Calhoun. However, there is a significant chance Giffey plays crunch-time minutes over him if Omar's defense doesn't improve.

I think the chances are very good. Giffey can be a role player/glue guy with the starters, letting DD and Boat look for their offense and taking the toughest defensive assignment, and Omar can come in and fire away off the bench.

Of course, if Omar perceives that as a demotion than it may be better for chemistry to let him start and Giffey can be the guy off the bench who plugs in the leaks.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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I just wrote an article about this!
Aug 27, 2011
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Giffey will be a 25-minute-per-game 6th man, he'll play almost as many minutes as Calhoun, but he won't start over him.

Despite what he's done with the German team, Giff hasn't shown he has the confidence to be a scorer in the American college game, and that's something we need from a starter at the wing position.
Aug 26, 2011
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Why do we need Giffey to create offense? our backcourt+ dd do a whole lot of that. both OC and Giffey work as floor spacers, I just think Giffey brings more defensive versatility to the table. Either way ollie is gonna catch hell for the way he distributes minutes if we're losing
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the chances are very good. Giffey can be a role player/glue guy with the starters, letting DD and Boat look for their offense and taking the toughest defensive assignment, and Omar can come in and fire away off the bench.

Of course, if Omar perceives that as a demotion than it may be better for chemistry to let him start and Giffey can be the guy off the bench who plugs in the leaks.

While it's possible Giffey may co-exist better with the starters than Calhoun, it's tough for me to imagine Ollie deviating from the starting lineup he used for every single game last season (when everybody was healthy). The difficult part is Calhoun and Giffey are both starter-caliber and would start for 98% of schools in the country, so you're already at a massive advantage to be bringing one of them off the bench. I suppose Calhoun could be used in a similar capacity to Dion Waiters in his sophomore year at Syracuse and play about 25 minutes a game, many of them designed to improve the second unit offense.

I just don't see it, though, mainly because Giffey has come off the bench for three years and has no illusions of that changing this season with the entire starting lineup back. And fair or unfair, Giffey has been one of the most low-maintenance players in UConn history in terms of his ego and willingness to sacrifice for his teammates. I have no idea how Omar would respond to coming off the bench, but I'm not sure it's worth shaking up the status quo before a game has been played, particularly when Omar's on pace to be a great, great college player and could potentially emerge as our second best player next season.
Jan 11, 2013
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While it's possible Giffey may co-exist better with the starters than Calhoun, it's tough for me to imagine Ollie deviating from the starting lineup he used for every single game last season (when everybody was healthy). The difficult part is Calhoun and Giffey are both starter-caliber and would start for 98% of schools in the country, so you're already at a massive advantage to be bringing one of them off the bench. I suppose Calhoun could be used in a similar capacity to Dion Waiters in his sophomore year at Syracuse and play about 25 minutes a game, many of them designed to improve the second unit offense.

I just don't see it, though, mainly because Giffey has come off the bench for three years and has no illusions of that changing this season with the entire starting lineup back. And fair or unfair, Giffey has been one of the most low-maintenance players in UConn history in terms of his ego and willingness to sacrifice for his teammates. I have no idea how Omar would respond to coming off the bench, but I'm not sure it's worth shaking up the status quo before a game has been played, particularly when Omar's on pace to be a great, great college player and could potentially emerge as our second best player next season.

What on earth gives you the impression that OC is on pace to be not just great, but a double great college player? He has no handle whatsoever, he doesn't play D and he can't, or won't, pass (just ask Brandon Allen about that.) He's a good scorer and rebounds OK for his size but he's not particularly athletic and he's shown nothing to indicate he's anything special. Where do you see the evidence for your claims?
Aug 27, 2011
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OC had two hip surgeries. He still hasn't been cleared to play in BB pick up games. With practice beginning shortly and our first ex. game at the end of Oct. and first game 11-8, I don't see him being in BB shape. Compare OC to NG who been playing all summer, SN and Boat who been to multiple camps to improve their game, I see OC way behind all these guys as we're enter BB season. No knock on OC, he was injured and it takes time for elite athletes to get back into playing shape. I just don't see him being ready within two months.
Aug 26, 2011
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While it's possible Giffey may co-exist better with the starters than Calhoun, it's tough for me to imagine Ollie deviating from the starting lineup he used for every single game last season (when everybody was healthy). The difficult part is Calhoun and Giffey are both starter-caliber and would start for 98% of schools in the country, so you're already at a massive advantage to be bringing one of them off the bench. I suppose Calhoun could be used in a similar capacity to Dion Waiters in his sophomore year at Syracuse and play about 25 minutes a game, many of them designed to improve the second unit offense.

I just don't see it, though, mainly because Giffey has come off the bench for three years and has no illusions of that changing this season with the entire starting lineup back. And fair or unfair, Giffey has been one of the most low-maintenance players in UConn history in terms of his ego and willingness to sacrifice for his teammates. I have no idea how Omar would respond to coming off the bench, but I'm not sure it's worth shaking up the status quo before a game has been played, particularly when Omar's on pace to be a great, great college player and could potentially emerge as our second best player next season.

If Omar stayed healthy, I'd be inclined to agree with you. He'll probably be a little behind in his development, though - which is why I think it could happen and could work well.

Giffey clearly will be fine in any role, so it may be easier to leave him where he is.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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What on earth gives you the impression that OC is on pace to be not just great, but a double great college player? He has no handle whatsoever, he doesn't play D and he can't, or won't, pass (just ask Brandon Allen about that.) He's a good scorer and rebounds OK for his size but he's not particularly athletic and he's shown nothing to indicate he's anything special. Where do you see the evidence for your claims?

He played through injuries to both of his hips all last year, which he needed surgery on but waited until after the season. I don't think it makes sense to judge him based on that, especially when he was a freshman and getting acclimated to the college game.
Aug 26, 2011
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I cant see Omar emerging as our second best player even if he was healthy. I have very high expectations for Daniels.
Aug 26, 2011
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What on earth gives you the impression that OC is on pace to be not just great, but a double great college player? He has no handle whatsoever, he doesn't play D and he can't, or won't, pass (just ask Brandon Allen about that.) He's a good scorer and rebounds OK for his size but he's not particularly athletic and he's shown nothing to indicate he's anything special. Where do you see the evidence for your claims?

He averaged nearly 15 a game in the second half of the year until a wrist injury derailed his season. The list of UConn players who have been as explosive as he was as a freshman is slim - he put up 20 against Louisville, 14 against Pitt, 15 and 15 against Syracuse. Those were three of the best defenses in the country last year. I'm hopeful his defense and athleticism was more a product of his hip injury last season than a lack of desire/natural athletic ability. He isn't an elite athlete by any means, but I think "not particularly athletic" is selling him a bit short - he can jump and get up and down the floor fairly well. As for his rebounding ability, he displayed quite the knack for rebounding at a high rate later in the season. I'm willing to disregard his last few games in which he was ineffective because he was clearly dealing with injuries.

I project Omar as a poor man's Caron Butler. He's obviously inferior athletically to Caron, but I see a lot of similarities in their game. His handle and court vision aren't things I'm concerned with, as those are generally things freshman struggle with and can improve in their sophomore and junior seasons. His scoring ability is what makes be a believer - he's a natural scorer and if he sticks around until his junior year, I think he can put up 20 a game.

The thing I like most about him is his toughness and fearlessness. He got to the free throw line eleven times in a game last season, and nine times in two others. He's evidently not afraid to take the ball to the basket and he has the propensity for getting to the line, where he is an excellent free throw shooter. Maybe he's not the flashiest player to grace this program, but you can bet your ass he's going to have 15-20 points by the end of the night, even if it doesn't come in the prettiest fashion. He's an old-school player, which isn't surprising considering he grew up in Brooklyn. If his athleticism improves in the aftermath of his hip surgery, and he fine-tunes some of the weaker aspects of his game - specifically ball-handling and defense - the kid is going to be a hell of a player.


Jan 11, 2013
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There's no saying OC wasn't watching film, working on his handle and increasing his upper body strength all summer. He may indeed have improved his game.

I do think the OP may be onto something though, if NG can carry his performance forward to the school year. He may be our secret weapon this year.
Aug 26, 2011
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What on earth gives you the impression that OC is on pace to be not just great, but a double great college player? He has no handle whatsoever, he doesn't play D and he can't, or won't, pass (just ask Brandon Allen about that.) He's a good scorer and rebounds OK for his size but he's not particularly athletic and he's shown nothing to indicate he's anything special. Where do you see the evidence for your claims?

I would ask Brandon but he's getting ready for the Padres game right now. He'll get back to me in a little bit. I imagine he'll tell me that Calhoun plays hard, can score from anywhere, is 100% money from midrange, and has a knack for yanking down rebounds. He even has "onions" as evidenced by his crucial late game 3 last year. As far as freshman at UConn go, he had one of the better freshman years we've seen stats wise. From what we've seen, he'll be one of the UConn greats.
Aug 27, 2011
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OC will be a beast and NG will not start over him unless he is not 100%. I love to see NG shooting daggers off the bench- it would be a beautiful thing.
Aug 26, 2011
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Current (vs past) reality is that OC has been on his butt sove rollnce March, and NG has excelled in BIG time play, and is on an active roll. OC is in rehab at best. Got it??

joober jones

Finally Non-Fat Guy
Nov 2, 2011
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Insert random non-committal comment here. Sometimes you log in and just feel like saying something.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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I have no idea how Omar would respond to coming off the bench, but I'm not sure it's worth shaking up the status quo before a game has been played, particularly when Omar's on pace to be a great, great college player and could potentially emerge as our second best player next season.

I think Omar came along way during the season in the team play column. If KO determines the a change in the status-quo will make the team better, I'm sure he'll get Omar on board.
Aug 26, 2011
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Hey it works with Giff coming off the bench and I think he likes it too..........I wouldn't eliminate the fact he could come more prepared and game ready than Omar due to the injury and his ability to be playing some very meaningful national games.........I wouldn't say it's crazy to say to think it could happen though I doubt it!


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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some guys can make a career and a huge difference coming off the bench. giffs is one of them. he is an opponents nightmare as far as matchups off the bench and forces opposing coaches to make adjustments that weaken their teams while UConn remains strong or stronger. from what I have read, giff had a very productive summer but keep things in perspective- the competition is not level to high end D1. I do see giffs having a great sr. yr.
Aug 26, 2011
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Honestly, if we were starting this team from scratch, I'd love to have Boat in the John Gwynn-esque Sixth Man role. We'd lack ballhandling to start the game, but could adjust quickly, and we'd have good size for defensive matchups at the start of the game. But that won't happen since Boat is solidifed as a starter and probably would feel like it was a demotion.


Aug 24, 2011
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I agree with the sentiment that NG is likely to have less problem coming off the bench than Omar, but I don't think that should be the rationale over the course of the year if it is clear that Niels is playing better and that the team would benefit from him playing more minutes. In some ways, Omar is more of the type of player who could be a great 6th man....come in and give instant offense. Omar does deserve some significant consideration because he held to his commitment to UConn during some dark times and he fought hard and showed some courage as he played injured down the stretch last year. I hope that Omar heals up completely and is ready to play...I have no idea how difficult the rehabbing is from that surgery, but it seems like I/we heard that some people can take longer than others to get to 100%. For me, though, this is Niels senior season and he deserves starter minutes based on his loyalty, his perseverence, and his solid all-around play last year. In the latter part of the year, he became a warrior...our toughest inside guy (which I never thought I would say). And I think he could be a lot better than last year if he could keep his discipline while increasing his confidence that he needs to make things happen out there.
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