I'm one of the complainers, so I guess I can speak directly to Phil's point. Even with what I think of Picozzi and Culmo, CPTV is by far a better prospect than any commercial outfit.
1. They have a "moral obligation" to CT and its fans.
2. Having established Hoopstreams for us long-distance fans, they are less likely to cancel it, where a commercal outfit is completely unknown in that regard.
3. Commercial outfits are totally cutthroat, and will decide the fate of each game on a game-by-game basis. Anyone want to bet how often we'll see games against the weak sisters? CPTV has established a standard for televising any game they can get. And forget about games from the Caribbean. A commercial outfit would never -- repeat, never -- spring for the dough.
4. When it comes to sponsor messages and begging vs. commercials, I'll take the former. Most, not all, of those making the ask have credibility. Folks like Mary Hobart, who is a real fan as well as a CPTV worker. Unlike the boss man, when she says something, you can take it to the bank.
So as much as I might not like the style of the broadcasters on occasion -- and I think they are better this year than at any time I've heard them -- CPTV is a hands-down better choice for the average fan.