news????? | The Boneyard


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Aug 24, 2011
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jr day just goes by and nothing?????

we only have like 40-45 offers out so far and about 10 of them are ga/sc kids. meanwhile nyc and ne are going to put out a ton of kids and we have barley scratched the surface. last year we had action of jr day if i remember correctly? we also had 2 or 3 kids show major interest but we ended up losing them(laray and ogun). so where was the action this year? we even struggled to find news or info. hell i couldnt even get a legit list. kids were almost dead silent on twitter and else where. why? i'm a little puzzled. hope its some hfd consipracy act and we score 10 kids 2moro but who knows.
Aug 27, 2011
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You know the coaches can't comment. So where is the media?


Aug 24, 2011
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i was expecting the following

-beat writers to understand that the potential 2014 class is big time so they would follow prospects a bit considering how many local ones are in play
-staff was going to spray out a round of offers to build on the 40ish they orginally sent out
-kids were going to social media wise announce they were going or there thoughts

almost 0% of this happened. i saw literally 2 tweets from kids who said they were going. 2. and then no info after. and those tweets were both posted by ppl here. tos had a list but if u just look at players profiles u can see who was on it somewhat. its scary the silence to be honest. did the event get canceled or something? i mena chesus not a peep from anyone. is it like a big joke and everyone is waiting until monday to talk? there are way to many kids in nyc and ne that have other bcs offers that we should have offered and gotten a visit from. were slacking or something i dont know. im all for recruiting the fruck out of GA and getting good prospects, but come on. the most stacked year up here since 2006 and we have all the nyc/ne momentum we have ever had and we spent our time in GA offering kids. i am lost to this strategy. and if i hear 1 more time that kids need to camp to get offers unless they are 5play kids, im going to put my fist thru my car window.

big time schools have commits and leans already. i want to ge tto that level of recruiting. but if we dont change our cautious/ ways on the trail it will never happen. how come big time schools are always early to recruits vs us? answer is they have the previous class locked up earlier so they can move ahead more. get with the program uconn. these are times to pump yourself to the media and fans and potential future uconn kids and students, not sit back quietly. why can't u have the staff call ever beat writer post jr day and say a couple nice things in general just so news goes out? would that hurt the cause? no it would help but we have no leadership to put action on this like that. fools.


Aug 24, 2011
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so u dont want any news from your fball program on a big weekend for it?

im pretty sure previous years we even had beat writers put out lists of kids visiting. there was always lists or news and stuff.

what happened to that at least? something is up becuase things are way to quiet.
Oct 8, 2011
Reaction Score
so u dont want any news from your fball program on a big weekend for it?

im pretty sure previous years we even had beat writers put out lists of kids visiting. there was always lists or news and stuff.

what happened to that at least? something is up becuase things are way to quiet.
I agree Dan. For those who dont like your passion, you guys should move on and you should "give it a rest"


Aug 24, 2011
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we had a 5 minute hot flash where jay hayes was going then didn't go. then news was nothing all weekend. tos had 1 premium article up and i havn't seen anything on the other sites. i have a feeling attendance wasn't good or something. i just want to know...
Aug 26, 2011
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we had a 5 minute hot flash where jay hayes was going then didn't go. then news was nothing all weekend. tos had 1 premium article up and i havn't seen anything on the other sites. i have a feeling attendance wasn't good or something. i just want to know...

Your feeling couldn't be more wrong and you are right, you don't know.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree that the amount of work that this staff had to put in on the 2013 class at the last minute probably set them back on some work for 2014... on the other hand we nabbed Boyle and Lamelle among others so I can't be too upset about it. I think everybody would love to hear some news, but no news isn't necessarily bad news.

From a coachs standpoint at UConn, its early enough where publicity in recruits can send other teams onto the trail that they might not otherwise have picked up. From the recruit side, it definitly is weird that there wasn't much on twitter.. but hey maybe coaches have been telling kids its best to keep recruiting stuff off there? And and if you thought Dez or the Runway blog would be bringing great info to the table for something like this, well I mean I got a sweet bridge to sell you.


Mar 30, 2012
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We used to talk about how impressive the media horde around UConn basketball was. Now we talk about how hard it is to get info about UConn football out of the state media. I realize that there's less money in newspapers than there used to be, but if you were a casual citizen reading state papers, you would have no idea there was even such an event as a junior day, much less who the prominent junior football players in the state are.

It's too bad because if the newspapers acted like UConn recruiting was news, then lots of people would get interested in it.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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We used to talk about how impressive the media horde around UConn basketball was. Now we talk about how hard it is to get info about UConn football out of the state media. I realize that there's less money in newspapers than there used to be, but if you were a casual citizen reading state papers, you would have no idea there was even such an event as a junior day, much less who the prominent junior football players in the state are.

It's too bad because if the newspapers acted like UConn recruiting was news, then lots of people would get interested in it.

I'll go one step further; I buy a daily subscription to the Hartford Courant PRIMARILY because I want to see UConn coverage. I could go with any paper out there, and I may be able to get better world news from others (or online), but I stick with the Courant because they write stories about the Huskies. I have to admit that although I like Dez, I feel like he's getting the info to me days AFTER the Boneyard has. Same thing goes for Jacobs, etc. I mean, these guys have access to the coaching staff, right? To the AD? To other arenas that most Boneyarders don't, right? So why is it so tough to get any "real-time" info out of them?


Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I agree that the amount of work that this staff had to put in on the 2013 class at the last minute probably set them back on some work for 2014... on the other hand we nabbed Boyle and Lamelle among others so I can't be too upset about it. I think everybody would love to hear some news, but no news isn't necessarily bad news.

From a coachs standpoint at UConn, its early enough where publicity in recruits can send other teams onto the trail that they might not otherwise have picked up. From the recruit side, it definitly is weird that there wasn't much on twitter.. but hey maybe coaches have been telling kids its best to keep recruiting stuff off there? And and if you thought Dez or the Runway blog would be bringing great info to the table for something like this, well I mean I got a sweet bridge to sell you.

i just googled last years jr day and right away i found a blog post from dez with a list of like 20 kids going the day before it happened. he didn't have the same this year. he clearly is a person in position to get info and its not like the school can't answer becuase he got a list last year. not going to rip him in particular but clearly this type of info is getable if u have certain media powers.

We used to talk about how impressive the media horde around UConn basketball was. Now we talk about how hard it is to get info about UConn football out of the state media. I realize that there's less money in newspapers than there used to be, but if you were a casual citizen reading state papers, you would have no idea there was even such an event as a junior day, much less who the prominent junior football players in the state are.

It's too bad because if the newspapers acted like UConn recruiting was news, then lots of people would get interested in it.

thats what im talking about. just some awareness that the event is even happening. its a 2 way problem. on one end local papers and blogs need to pick up the stories which they dont seem to be doing. on the other end uconn is actively making news for them. i mean take some small town that once every couple years has a d1 prospect. its big news when they have a tommy myers type for example. that local paper eats it up and the local community loves it. but it doesn't become news until late in the process. if things were out earlier it would create a better football culture. i mean i bet the coventry hs coach would love for his team and his best player to get some media early. right? have a article that recruit x is going to uconn jr day, some info about him and then what the program thinks etc. then follow up post jr day or something. i feel like it wouldnt take much effort from both sides to combine on this and the end result is a huge gain media wise for uconn overall. if this type of thing happened all over the state and other local areas like pk, springfield etc other recruits areas then that culture quickly builds and news becomes more wanted etc...
Aug 26, 2011
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Rivals has at least two articles... And just because it's not out on Sunday, doesn't mean it's not coming. Slow season - need to spread things out.


Aug 24, 2011
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glad monday morning came around and we got some news.

-tos put up a free article about a rb from pa. why is the staff even looking outside the footprint at rbs. if we can't keep atleast 2 of the 6+ at home then wtf...
-247 had one on a pa de who is looking around

the overall theme is the staff didn't take advantage of face to face tiem for offers and instead wants everyone to camp. do we have only like 1 dvd player in burton or something? it seems like we are extremely slow at offering kids for some reason...

-i have yet to see anything from the beat considering last year they had lists and then had info on kids possibly commiting pretty quick. i remember the we got one kid, maybe 2 hang on info type stuff going on last year.

-rutgers has 80 offers out
-cuse has 50 with a new staff
-bc has 70 out with a new staff
-psu has 45 out
-wvu has 90 out
-pitt has 55 out

we have 45 ships out so far. 1/4th of those are in GA/SC and are all reaches trying to develope that piepline. 2 local schools with new staffs have more out then us. psu has the same amount, but they are psu #1 so they land better players and #2 they have ship issues so they aren't looking for many kids.


Mar 30, 2012
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the overall theme is the staff didn't take advantage of face to face tiem for offers and instead wants everyone to camp. do we have only like 1 dvd player in burton or something? it seems like we are extremely slow at offering kids for some reason...

I've noticed that too. It was the same way last year, and seems even worse this year. It seems P likes to do a month or two of film review and ranking of all players nationally, arranging targets, and then issuing offers in April and more offers again after June camps. This loses some of the enthusiasm for the players of thinking, "they're on me first, they really love me, I'm their top priority, the coaches are excited about me, they will be the most likely to stay committed to me after I'm on campus."
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I agree Dan. For those who dont like your passion, you guys should move on and you should "give it a rest"
"Never mistake activity for action." -John Wooden
"Being an annoying jackass doesn't mean he is passionate." - Me


Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I've noticed that too. It was the same way last year, and seems even worse this year. It seems P likes to do a month or two of film review and ranking of all players nationally, arranging targets, and then issuing offers in April and more offers again after June camps. This loses some of the enthusiasm for the players of thinking, "they're on me first, they really love me, I'm their top priority, the coaches are excited about me, they will be the most likely to stay committed to me after I'm on campus."

yup the staff doesn't seem to like looking at the situation thru recruts eyes. kids like offers early and face to face early. they buy into that becuase then they egt there summer and fall to focus on sr years fball and just keep in touch with the school they committed to.

does anyone here enjoy scrmabling every year on NSD for multiple surprises? i would love to be all but done in december with maybe 1 or 2 slots of kids being waited on.

i understand camp is playing in front of your eyes blah blah, but if u can't tell a kid is a great recruit from tape, then why are u focused on him for jr day anyway. u bring studs in, offer them. get talk flowing and see what happens when they have offers in hand and not begging for one. the convo changes a lot. its like going for a interview for work. they grill u qith questions. here do u see yourself in 5 years, how hard do u work etc. then u do a nice job and they offer u salary and benefits w/e. then the convo becomes what about . its the same with recruiting. once kids get the offer they want to know about future plans for the program more in depth. whats the fr year dorm, what hours is this building open and so on. have to take those oh so valuebale face to face minutes and use them for 2nd level recruiting not 1st level stuff. any kid can take a unofficial visit to uconn football and talk with the coaches for 5 minutes. how many kids cna u egt there for 5 hours that u cna offer becuas eu saw the good tape and then work on them with a offer in hand? no many, and jr day is supose to be that golden goose.

the best recruiters think from the players side as well as the programs side to combine the best for a good situation. kid travels form nj or pa, u bet they are hoping for a offer. when they dont get it, not matter how good the day was and nice the campus was and the staff got them to summer camp on the list etc, at the end of the day hes driving home a couple hours syaing wish i got a offer. then on top of that he then goes to 3 other jr days and some or all of them offer ships. now we look bad or the dad of the player is thinking that old guy at uconn moves slower than most other coaches. i love his resume but moving slow is a telling sign.

45 offers is not accpetable right now. we needed to offer most kids at jr day if they were of talent and we need to get on the ne/nyc train quick. some things fell in place last year for our good year in the footprint. things aren't going to be handed to us again.
Aug 26, 2011
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yup the staff doesn't seem to like looking at the situation thru recruts eyes. kids like offers early and face to face early. they buy into that becuase then they egt there summer and fall to focus on sr years fball and just keep in touch with the school they committed to.

does anyone here enjoy scrmabling every year on NSD for multiple surprises? i would love to be all but done in december with maybe 1 or 2 slots of kids being waited on.

i understand camp is playing in front of your eyes blah blah, but if u can't tell a kid is a great recruit from tape, then why are u focused on him for jr day anyway. u bring studs in, offer them. get talk flowing and see what happens when they have offers in hand and not begging for one. the convo changes a lot. its like going for a interview for work. they grill u qith questions. here do u see yourself in 5 years, how hard do u work etc. then u do a nice job and they offer u salary and benefits w/e. then the convo becomes what about . its the same with recruiting. once kids get the offer they want to know about future plans for the program more in depth. whats the fr year dorm, what hours is this building open and so on. have to take those oh so valuebale face to face minutes and use them for 2nd level recruiting not 1st level stuff. any kid can take a unofficial visit to uconn football and talk with the coaches for 5 minutes. how many kids cna u egt there for 5 hours that u cna offer becuas eu saw the good tape and then work on them with a offer in hand? no many, and jr day is supose to be that golden goose.

the best recruiters think from the players side as well as the programs side to combine the best for a good situation. kid travels form nj or pa, u bet they are hoping for a offer. when they dont get it, not matter how good the day was and nice the campus was and the staff got them to summer camp on the list etc, at the end of the day hes driving home a couple hours syaing wish i got a offer. then on top of that he then goes to 3 other jr days and some or all of them offer ships. now we look bad or the dad of the player is thinking that old guy at uconn moves slower than most other coaches. i love his resume but moving slow is a telling sign.

45 offers is not accpetable right now. we needed to offer most kids at jr day if they were of talent and we need to get on the ne/nyc train quick. some things fell in place last year for our good year in the footprint. things aren't going to be handed to us again.

Do you really think you are helping with the constant criticism of what goes on at UConn? If you knew even half as much as you think you do, you should be able to get a job as recruiting coordinator tomorrow at half of the schools playing D1 football.


Aug 24, 2011
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Do you really think you are helping with the constant criticism of what goes on at UConn? If you knew even half as much as you think you do, you should be able to get a job as recruiting coordinator tomorrow at half of the schools playing D1 football.

who has this job at uconn?
Sep 12, 2011
Reaction Score
i was expecting the following

-beat writers to understand that the potential 2014 class is big time so they would follow prospects a bit considering how many local ones are in play
-staff was going to spray out a round of offers to build on the 40ish they orginally sent out
-kids were going to social media wise announce they were going or there thoughts

almost 0% of this happened. i saw literally 2 tweets from kids who said they were going. 2. and then no info after. and those tweets were both posted by ppl here. tos had a list but if u just look at players profiles u can see who was on it somewhat. its scary the silence to be honest. did the event get canceled or something? i mena chesus not a peep from anyone. is it like a big joke and everyone is waiting until monday to talk? there are way to many kids in nyc and ne that have other bcs offers that we should have offered and gotten a visit from. were slacking or something i dont know. im all for recruiting the fruck out of GA and getting good prospects, but come on. the most stacked year up here since 2006 and we have all the nyc/ne momentum we have ever had and we spent our time in GA offering kids. i am lost to this strategy. and if i hear 1 more time that kids need to camp to get offers unless they are 5play kids, im going to put my fist thru my car window.

big time schools have commits and leans already. i want to ge tto that level of recruiting. but if we dont change our cautious/ ways on the trail it will never happen. how come big time schools are always early to recruits vs us? answer is they have the previous class locked up earlier so they can move ahead more. get with the program uconn. these are times to pump yourself to the media and fans and potential future uconn kids and students, not sit back quietly. why can't u have the staff call ever beat writer post jr day and say a couple nice things in general just so news goes out? would that hurt the cause? no it would help but we have no leadership to put action on this like that. fools.
So much wasted energy. Keep it brief, use spell check, have it proof read and make your anger count!



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