ND UConn just some thoughts | The Boneyard

ND UConn just some thoughts

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Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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JMO folks but if Turner was going to play we would know. Since ND is saying nothing I have to wonder if she is healthy enough to make an impact on the game even if she does play. That could change by game time but for now I have to go with my gut, and my gut says shes not 100% and most likely wont be.

UConn will have to make things tuff for Jewel Lloyd and with that said she cant beat UConn by herself. Last season in the NC game with McBride by her side UConn did hold her in check. No McBride this season so I would think our task of slowing her down is there. ND will have to play defense one on one with UConn. All this talk about Stewie getting beat up...well take a page out of the ND book and how bout a couple flops or off balance moves. Sometimes it pays to be an actor. This is the big stage and Breanna can be the star. Breanna can be the star but she will need help from KML. Geno will find ways to get her open and ND will have a big matchup problem trying to guard both of them especially on the perimeter which will open things up.

IMO the key to the game and the biggest surprise on a national level will be Kia Nurse. She has to absolutely stay out of foul trouble guarding Lloyd. I expect weak side help if Nurse gets beat. Nurse will be a big key. Being named MVP in Florida has to have given her a new shot of confidence. Her experience is unmatched and her ability to score will cause problems for who ever is guarding her. Shes cocky and confident and I expect to see her take control. Another question will be how does ND guard her and who do they layoff to double down on Stewie and KML?

ND can score from various positions and is a threat. I don't see ND getting a lot of fast break breakaway layups on UConn. I also don't see ND getting inside as easily as they did in previous games against lesser talent. For those of you who are concerned or worried about this game don't be. This is a different UConn team then we saw against Stanford. Think about this. Breannas shot wasn't falling in Florida and UConn won 3 games big. Yes it wasn't against top 10 teams but they did it without Breanna having a hot hand. That gives me confidence that the team is not going to have to depend on Breanna to have a great game. It also shows me we have a lot of support from other players. Which leads me to my last thought. UConn is very quick on defense and has a lot of scorers who can put up a lot of points in a hurry. How does ND defend that? As good as ND is they aren't as quick as UConn and they depend on Lloyd and Turner for most of their scoring. UConn is more balanced in scoring. There wont be any flop charge calls in this game either which imo is the main reason ND beat UConn 7 out of 10 times. I like UConn in this game by double digits.
Dec 23, 2011
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I guess I have been out of touch.... didn't know Turner was hurting.....

I look at our team and this game and I am comfortable with our experience...... Breanna, MoJeff, and KML...... plus Nurse with her unique background...... that is a strong nucleus...... I saw ND during their streak against dribble drive against ad nauseum.... and I see it as imperative that we button up the middle...... our defense can be suffocating, and I hope it is..... cause the bench is deeper than in past years.
Aug 24, 2011
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Last season in the NC game with McBride by her side UConn did hold her in check.

I would've thought the Stanford game exposed the fallacy of these year-to-year comparisons.
Jan 13, 2014
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All this talk about Stewie getting beat up...well take a page out of the ND book and how bout a couple flops or off balance moves. Sometimes it pays to be an actor.
Geno reportedly tried to get Dick Fosbury to do a seminar for this purpose, but was told he is being retained by the university of Notre Dame on an exclusive basis


Gabrielle Williams competes in the Women's High Jump Final on day nine of the U.S. Olympic Track & Field Team Trials at the Hayward Field on June 30, 2012 in Eugene, Oregon.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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As Jewell Loyd goes, so goes Notre Dame against UConn. If Jewel scores 25+ points and with the game on ND's home court, it will be tough for UConn to win. UConn guards have to play better defense then they have so far this year. Also Kiah is going to have to have a strong game rebounding and blocking shots.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with Tony that Kia Nurse will be the key. Frankly, I believe she will be the key all season long. I felt that way the first time I saw her take the court. There is an air of cockiness about her reminiscent of Taurasi although she probably will do a better job of keeping it under wraps. As long as she remains confident that we will win, I think we will. That said, I do think this game will be a barometer of how far the team has come but it's not life or death. It's the big one in April that will count most. I just want to see them play well. BTW, a see a little 'tude on all the Freshman except for Courtney, who hasn't had much opportunity to play. I think we'll be unbeatable by the Spring. And as good as Lloyd is, there was a certain confidence about McBride (in particular) and Diggins that made the Irish far scarier in the last few years, IMHO. Tomorrow should be fun!


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Lynx- I think your observation about the freshmen w "tudes" is correct re 3/4 of our huskies. Nurse is already past the point of ever hitting that "freshmen wall". Gabby is such a raw talent, she could be a key cog by Feb/March. I was in awe at the open practice at her strength and pure athleticism. And re Sadie- I have a real feeling about her. She has a cocky edge. She looked totally assertive during the open practice. She is quick and has a phenomenally strong body. I think she will emerge by next year as a real force for us. Courtney we just haven't seen enough is right.
Re Tony, if Turner is not playing, I would think Notre Dame is in big trouble for this game , mid to high double digits. I too think we are a better team than them this year. I am not sure that Texas, Stamford, A & M aren't as good as Notre Dame. Even No Carolina & Rutgers look like they may be dangerous!
Nov 6, 2012
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Kia Nurse is confident not cocky. She does not have D's bravado, which is a good thing.
Dec 31, 2013
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As Jewell Loyd goes, so goes Notre Dame against UConn. If Jewel scores 25+ points and with the game on ND's home court, it will be tough for UConn to win. UConn guards have to play better defense then they have so far this year. Also Kiah is going to have to have a strong game rebounding and blocking shots.

The way I look at it is that Loyd is good enough that she is going to get her 20 pts no matter what. IMHO The Key to stopping ND is limiting Reimer, Allen, Turner, and Mabrey. If UConn can stop them then they have a real good chance but if they can't they are going to be in a real dog fight. The status of Turner for the game is obviously very key as well.
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