My problem with a lot of the reaction is that it seems, to me, to be completely overblown. I'm appreciative of the fact that this virus is real. It has killed people. Albeit far fewer people than the flu, but I do understand the mortality rate is higher than the flu and that the virus is new and there is a lot that isn't known. I'm aware that if our country gets to a similar stage that Italy is at, that our healthcare facilities could be overtaxed. I also understand the risk of spreading the virus is much higher if people are congregated in large masses. Those are real concerns, and I'm sympathetic to people that are dealing with how they should react to them, and we should take precautions.
1) This is not the bubonic plague, and there have been no signs anywhere in the world, yet, that indicate that the virus is mutating into something significantly worse.
2) If we take logical precautions like staying home when you're sick (or suspect you might be getting sick or if you've been in contact with someone who is/might be sick), wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze, work from home if/when possible, self quarantine if you've been to Europe recently, don't visit grandma in the nursing home, etc then we're probably the majority of the way curbing the spread. We're also only a few weeks away from the warmer months which is when doctors believe that the disease is going to die off.
3) The organizational disingenuous CYA-behavior is really... upsetting. Why are we allowing athletes to sweat on each other during a game for 2 hours and then not shake hands? If we're concerned about the spread of disease during athletic events to the point that we're going to cancel (the Ivy Leauge) basketball tournaments, then why are not cancelling all sporting events (lacrosse)? If we're concerned for THE CHILDREN (insert pearl clutching meme) and are cancelling all CIAC events and after school activities, then why haven't we cancelled school altogether?
This is all excluding the ridiculous nature of our society, to the point that we're buying toilet paper in bulk for a respiratory disease. Remember, you've got neighbors that think chocolate milk comes from brown cows (
This is all to say that we're living in a society that tends to/loves/craves overreaction. We're extremists, to one side or the other.
TL/DR: Take precautions, be considerate of others, but for the love of all that is Holy, this isn't an "I am Legend"-type scenario. Take a deep breath. This will be over soon (just like SARS, West Nile and all the rest of them).