The violations outlined are mostly ridiculous. The main one, and the reason why KO got the show-cause is he was not truthful and did not cooperate with the NCAA. If you read the Findings of Fact section of the NCAA's document, some of what UConn actually did is really absurd.
- Student managers attended pickup games, took stats, and gave the stats to the coaches
- Video coordinators gave instruction to players on a few occasions
- Boosters talked to a recruit on an official visit and spoke highly of the program
- Same recruit *MIGHT* have gotten one free meal on a visit
- Same recruit had a video call with booster on an official visit
- Staff lost count of number of recruiting-person days
The more serious violations are definitely the ones relating to the training sessions from the trainer in Storrs and Atlanta. The report isn't 100% clear on who paid for the players' travel to Atlanta but that would not be a minor infraction.
What's clear though is KO's statements to the NCAA on some of these issues were inconsistent with the facts of what happened, and that's what ultimately doomed him with the NCAA.