My toes are still numb. | Page 3 | The Boneyard

My toes are still numb.

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Sep 10, 2011
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Bluewhitekid is still my hero. I had about 9 layers on, rain gear, a winter hat and I still needed to visit the men’s room to get warm. He had on a short sleeved shirt and shaved head, Wow, and never stopped cheering . Thanks for being True Blue.
Aug 26, 2011
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I stayed until halfway thru the fourth quarter until I started wheezing. Head and arms soaked,but feet dry but cold. My body was telling me time to go. Listened to the game in the car. I was so happy for the team.
Aug 27, 2011
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The USF game was by far the most miserable conditions imaginable. It was like the Arctic circle - high winds, snow, night game. Almost everyone in the stadium left. Can't believe that kick went through . . . .

I guess with all of the time I've spent at Lambeau cold and snow get lost on me.
Aug 29, 2011
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I guess with all of the time I've spent at Lambeau cold and snow get lost on me.

Cold water will suck the heat and life right out of you. You can survive packed in snow, as long as you got a breathing hole for a long time. Wind, you just need adequate skind cover and wind resistant clothes your fine, same for wind and snow - but water? Constant cold water - that's where you get dangerous. Go in the 45 degree drink in the North Atlantic, or anywhere else in the world the water is that cold and you got a bout 5 minutes to live if you don't have the gear.

edit: There are lots of modern neat inventions as far as clothing goes, to keep you alive and well when it's wet and cold, but IMNSHO, there is nothing like old fashioned wool. Cotton socks, Cotton clothing? Useless when it's wet, I didn't wear wool socks, which is my wife screamed bloody murder when I put my toes on her feet the other night. Confession? I enjoyed doing it.
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Aug 27, 2011
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Cold water will suck the heat and life right out of you. You can survive packed in snow, as long as you got a breathing hole for a long time. Wind, you just need adequate skind cover and wind resistant clothes your fine, same for wind and snow - but water? Constant cold water - that's where you get dangerous. Go in the 45 degree drink in the North Atlantic, or anywhere else in the world the water is that cold and you got a bout 5 minutes to live if you don't have the gear.

Exactly - Saturday's misery (joined with the elation that comes with winning) will stay with me for a long time.
Aug 29, 2011
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Somebody else mentioned it, but last year's November night game vs. Louisville was similar, as far as rain and wind, and I think that was probably the closest to Sat as far as weather goes since the Rent opened - but that Louisville game wasn't nearly as cold - I think it was probably high 40's low 50's. Sat, it was in that upper 30, low 40 at most range.

FWIW: Since we're reminiscing, I've never really had a bad fan weather experience. I guarantee, as I wrote somehwere else, that playing in the game was much better for our guys, than for any of us watching. The worst I ever had was a thanksgiiving football game as high school player. It was pretty much the same exact weather as Saturday, except the field we played on was a converted baseball field and in terrible condition. mostly mud, very little grass. The wind and cold was enough to have some of teh water frozen on the ground, and hitting the mud, was like hitting razor blades. I still have scars all over my forearms from it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Somebody else mentioned it, but last year's November night game vs. Louisville was similar, as far as rain and wind, and I think that was probably the closest to Sat as far as weather goes since the Rent opened - but that Louisville game wasn't nearly as cold - I think it was probably high 40's low 50's. Sat, it was in that upper 30, low 40 at most range.

FWIW: Since we're reminiscing, I've never really had a bad fan weather experience. I guarantee, as I wrote somehwere else, that playing in the game was much better for our guys, than for any of us watching. The worst I ever had was a thanksgiiving football game as high school player. It was pretty much the same exact weather as Saturday, except the field we played on was a converted baseball field and in terrible condition. mostly mud, very little grass. The wind and cold was enough to have some of teh water frozen on the ground, and hitting the mud, was like hitting razor blades. I still have scars all over my forearms from it.

If we are going back to those days...I stopped playing football after freshman year at Hamden. Ran cross country the other years, but for a bunch of convoluted reasons (mostly involving class rank) I did extra credit and marched in the band after the XC season was over. Hamden made the state championship (LL) game my senior year, and lost 3-0 to East Hartford in pretty brutally cold conditions. So cold that most peoples' instruments froze. And of course we didn't have cold weather gear so we were all drastically underdressed (and our band director wouldn't allow coats over our band uniforms because of the aesthetics).

The worst thing was - one of our receivers (who looked 28, showed up at the school as a senior, and then disappeared after football season - thereby enhancing everyone's suspicions that he was a undercover cop ala 21 Jump Street) dropped a pass at the 5 that would have won us the game. Some mused that he dropped it on purpose, just to ensure that there would be no suspicion...
Aug 29, 2011
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If we are going back to those days...I stopped playing football after freshman year at Hamden. Ran cross country the other years, but for a bunch of convoluted reasons (mostly involving class rank) I did extra credit and marched in the band after the XC season was over. Hamden made the state championship (LL) game my senior year, and lost 3-0 to East Hartford in pretty brutally cold conditions. So cold that most peoples' instruments froze. And of course we didn't have cold weather gear so we were all drastically underdressed (and our band director wouldn't allow coats over our band uniforms because of the aesthetics).

The worst thing was - one of our receivers (who looked 28, showed up at the school as a senior, and then disappeared after football season - thereby enhancing everyone's suspicions that he was a undercover cop ala 21 Jump Street) dropped a pass at the 5 that would have won us the game. Some mused that he dropped it on purpose, just to ensure that there would be no suspicion...

LOL. Wouldn't be the first time that kind of overaged player thing has happened. I remember lining up against Ansonia as a H.S. freshmen, and made eye contact with a back that had a full beard. I think I shaved, at that age, just to say that I shaved. That guy looked like he was 28. That's as personal as I'll get though.

can't wait for Army.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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What if you were there yesterday, the USF monsoon, USF snow storm, and Louisville rain storm?

*Raises hand* , I think - there's been more than one Ville rain game. If it's the LT fair catch game, I missed that one.

This was the worst. The USF blizzard game a close 2md.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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*Raises hand* , I think - there's been more than one Ville rain game. If it's the LT fair catch game, I missed that one.

This was the worst. The USF blizzard game a close 2md.
Yes, I'm referring to the Taylor fair catch game. Exact opposite of what happened on Saturday. It poured buckets during the tailgate in the hours leading up to it and stopped right just around kick off. The USF Snow game wasn't bad at all, IMO, once we got into the stadium. The only thing wet and cold was my right foot because the sole of my boot had a crack going across it.

Saturday was awful, but bearable if you were prepared for it. The only thing I was missing were gloves. I also put on my UConn windbreaker over my waterproof rain gear golf shell. I didn't think it would fit under the shell, but I know now that it is decidedly not waterproof. Guess I gotta lose some more weight...:eek:
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