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My thoughts

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Mar 20, 2015
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I think it's more than 200, maybe as much as 500-1000, that's only 10-20 kids/state. I do agree though that it gets more ambiguous after a certain level. It's like hoops where they basically stop after the top 150, it's not that kids can't emerge from that level but it's more likely a guy like Rock Lubin or Michael Bradley will be total busts than emerge as sleepers.

Bradley averaged 6 ppg and like 8 rebounds, always thought that was a reach of a recruit at a place like UConn, but heck, kid has a ring and is lousy at basketball.


It's amazing that so many of you here think stars work like they do in basketball - they don't. There are so many more football players out there than basketball players that it's impossible for these sites to get an accurate representation of talent after the first 200 guys they look at.[/QUOTE]
Last edited:
Aug 29, 2015
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I think it's more than 200, maybe as much as 500-1000, that's only 10-20 kids/state. I do agree though that it gets more ambiguous after a certain level. It's like hoops where they basically stop after the top 150, it's not that kids can't emerge from that level but it's more likely a guy like Rock Lubin or Michael Bradley will be total busts than emerge as sleepers.

Bradley averaged 6 ppg and like 8 rebounds, always thought that was a reach of a recruit at a place like UConn, but heck, kid has a ring and is lousy at basketball.

It's amazing that so many of you here think stars work like they do in basketball - they don't. There are so many more football players out there than basketball players that it's impossible for these sites to get an accurate representation of talent after the first 200 guys they look at.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

That's what I'm getting at. The difference between 200 and 500 is negligible in football. The difference between 100 and 200 is huge in basketball.
Aug 29, 2011
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OP probably thinks Steve Young and Dwight Freeney sucked too.
Um, both of them have been retired for years. They are not in the least evidence of curing situation.
Aug 29, 2015
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Um, both of them have been retired for years. They are not in the least evidence of curing curingcuringcuring situation.

Aug 26, 2011
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Um, both of them have been retired for years. They are not in the least evidence of curing situation.

Not to nit pick but I believe Dwight Freeney is alive and well and playing for the Atlanta Falcons.
Aug 26, 2011
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"The cupboard is still bare. We need to stop recruiting CT because the kids simply can't play.

Cochran's injuries really set us back, he was the only QB since Fraser who was worth a damn."

You sad those two sentences, back to back. Next time you think about posting, please first punch yourself in the face instead.
Aug 29, 2011
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It is just amazing how little most of you get about recruiting. We produce a few D1 kids a year. And even fewer high level guys. On occasion we have a year where we get 2-3. The rest are marginal prospects. Some develop into big time talent. A few are regulars and the rest are career backups. !So if the majority of the best talent goes to national programs--NotreDame Florida Big--Here is the thing, though. Over the past 8 years Connecticut has turned out an average of 8-9 players who sign letters of intent at D1 schools. That's it. In a good year it is maybe 12. But typically it's 8-9. That is what the data shows. Again if you look at data 1-2 are blue chippers. Some have that number even lower. So sure you can get a kid like Lutrus who over performs his ranking. And you can get a Boyle who under performs. But if you think you are building a top 25 program with Connecticut as your base for recruiting you'll be sorely disappointed. As I said there are schools in places like Miami Dade that turn out 7-10 kids A YEAR. Florida Texas Ohio Pennsylvania New Jersey those places turn out 70, 100, 300 plus each year. Florida last year had more D1 prospects than there were D1 scholarships in all the D1 schools in the State.

So let's say you do make Connecticut your base for recruiting and you are pretty successful and get 75% of the available recruits. On average you get 6. And a blue chipper every 3 years. Unless you are darned successful outside the state you are going to struggle to A. Fill classes
B. Put a competitive team on the field.
That is just the reality of recruiting. We are in a state that turns out a few players and most are just ok.
Aug 29, 2015
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So let's say you do make Connecticut your base for recruiting and you are pretty successful and get 75% of the available recruits. On average you get 6. And a blue chipper every 3 years. Unless you are darned successful outside the state you are going to struggle to A. Fill classes
B. Put a competitive team on the field.
That is just the reality of recruiting. We are in a state that turns out a few players and most are just ok.

Literally no one has said that. You are arguing with yourself.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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A pure gold thread here. So far, I've learned:

1. The best way to make more than $2M/yr AAC money is to spend millions of dollars to buy out a 2-3 coach who just last year turned a similar season start into a bowl game.

2. Stop recruiting our own state because 2* kids out of Texas are far more valuable than 2* kids out of CT.

I can't wait to read what comes next.
Sep 1, 2011
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The offense is a joke, yes. The defense is a joke, yes. But to say you're expecting 2-10
is ridiculous. I agree there needs to be change. I would start with firing one of the coordinators. If they win less than 5 games, bob needs to go.
We're not winning 5 games
Jan 22, 2012
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CT kids aren't the current issue, your 2-10 prediction was wrong, and Edsall coming back is such an enormously bad idea for all involved I don't know where to begin. Congrats on the bump though? :confused:

Anyone but Hilary. I mean Bob.
Aug 29, 2015
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Jordan Reed sucks too....

I don't get the hate that so many on this board have for recruiting CT kids. No, our whole team should not be kids from Connecticut. But some of our best players of all time are from here. If you can play you can play. I don't care if you're from China or Dallas.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I don't get the hate that so many on this board have for recruiting CT kids. No, our whole team should not be kids from Connecticut. But some of our best players of all time are from here. If you can play you can play. I don't care if you're from China or Dallas.

Agree. Noel Thomas? CT kid. Our offense would have 5 total yards all season if it weren't for him. We have also put a few of these CT kids in the NFL with the latest going in the 1st round.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Agree. Noel Thomas? CT kid. Our offense would have 5 total yards all season if it weren't for him. We have also put a few of these CT kids in the NFL with the latest going in the 1st round.

So many great names from CT that we ended up putting into the NFL. Trevardo, Donald Thomas, Orlovsky (obviously), Byron Jones, Marcus Easley, and there were at least a few that made it to NFL camps (Hurd, Lutrus, etc.).

But we don't have talent here at all...
Aug 29, 2015
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So many great names from CT that we ended up putting into the NFL. Trevardo, Donald Thomas, Orlovsky (obviously), Byron Jones, Marcus Easley, and there were at least a few that made it to NFL camps (Hurd, Lutrus, etc.).

But we don't have talent here at all...

Don't even get me started. The best thing I read tonight was someone saying that our CT coaches think they're Urban Meyer with 5* recruits. Go watch some of the good programs from CT and then go watch some of the top programs in the rest of the country. They aren't doing much different. We're a small state so we don't put out a bunch of recruits but there's a reason the CT kids we get perform well - they're coached well. There was a recruiting guy from rivals that said it pretty well. I can't remember the exact quote but it was something to the effect that Connecticut doesn't have the best talent he covers but the coaching and schemes were among the best for the area he covers. That means if you can find a guy like a Scott Lutrus who doesn't have a ton of offers because he doesn't go to camps, he's going to be able to come in and compete from day 1.
Sep 3, 2011
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Said it many times before: while it's true "stars" don't guarantee the talent of a player once they get to college, what really matters is who UConn is recruiting against. If the Huskies are touting the recruitment of a player that had offers from Albany, Stony Brook and Maine, then they are screwed. They need to be beating out - or at least more frequently beating out - the Virginia's, the North Carolina's, the Rutgers, the Syracuse's and other P5, non top 25 schools. The old saying, "you are judged by the company you keep" has some parallel here . . . if bigger time programs don't want the kids UConn ends up with, then what does that say about the Huskies talent level to compete at this level.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Said it many times before: while it's true "stars" don't guarantee the talent of a player once they get to college, what really matters is who UConn is recruiting against. If the Huskies are touting the recruitment of a player that had offers from Albany, Stony Brook and Maine, then they are screwed. They need to be beating out - or at least more frequently beating out - the Virginia's, the North Carolina's, the Rutgers, the Syracuse's and other P5, non top 25 schools. The old saying, "you are judged by the company you keep" has some parallel here . . . if bigger time programs don't want the kids UConn ends up with, then what does that say about the Huskies talent level to compete at this level.

Stars don't matter! It's about RKGs!

Remember that one guy that didn't have a high star rating that played here during 4-3 Big East seasons and became a marginal NFL player! That's what's telling !
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