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My thoughts

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Aug 28, 2011
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The talent deficit is less than the coaching scheme deficit. Our WR's can play, BS can make plays given the Houston game playbook, defense has enough LB's?DE's to mount some type of pass rush. Play the duck***g game.

Where is SENHOR TESTICULOS when you need him.
I agree completely about the talent deficit vs coaching. But after watching Lousville/Clemson, Shirreffs is not the answer at QB. Tough kid but limitations obvious at QB.
Sep 16, 2011
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HCBD needs to go. Before you ask, I don't know who we should replace him with, that is what AD David Benedict gets paid to figure out.

The cupboard is still bare. We need to stop recruiting CT because the kids simply can't play.

Cochran's injuries really set us back, he was the only QB since Fraser who was worth a damn.

The running game sucks and so does the Oline.

Kicking is solid, Puyol may be the best player on the team...if only we could get in field goals range. Also, don't discount the punter, he is a big piece of the run, run, run, punt offense.

Time to move on from Shirrefs if HCBD won't change the offense, don't care who it is, let's just try something new.

I'm fully expecting 2-10 at this point and maybe it would be the best thing to happen to the program long term. Let's start this over again.

Edsall, please come back.
We need to stop recruiting Connecticut kids? Your next sentence is Cochran is our best QB since Orlovsky, those are both Connecticut kids. Noel Thomas is our best player, another Connecticut kid. Looks like the state has 3 kids going to Michigan next year along with a Notre Dame commit, Tennessee commit and a host of other P5 school commits.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Stop recruiting CT, the players suck.... Byron Jones, Noel Thomas, Casey Cochran, Scott Lutrus...

...Donald Thomas, Trevardo Williams, Marcus Easley, Zach Hurd, DJ Hernandez, the other Hernandez (we don't speak of him)...

...and a bunch that didn't go to UConn, like Tebucky (sr.), Freeney, Romanowski, etc...
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Sep 16, 2011
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Jordan Reed is the second best tight end in the league, Aaron Hernandez was probably the second best tight end in the league before he started murdering people, Freeney is one of the best pass rushers in the history of the NFL, Steve Young is one of the best quarterbacks in the history of the NFL but they all suck because they are from Connecticut. Chris Baker and Terrence Knighton also suck because they are from Connecticut as do all the other players in the NFL from the state.
Sep 16, 2011
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...Donald Thomas, Trevardo Williams, Marcus Easley, Zach Hurd, Aaron Hernandez, the other Hernandez (we don't speak of him)...

...and a bunch that didn't go to UConn, like Tebucky (sr.), Freeney, Romanowski, etc...
You got DJ confused with Aaron.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow the daily crazy thread. Just goes to show some fans haven't a clue
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree completely about the talent deficit vs coaching. But after watching Lousville/Clemson, Shirreffs is not the answer at QB. Tough kid but limitations obvious at QB.
If that's you're measuring stick, your going to always be disappointed. You're talking about two kids that are gonna be on the all America teams.

I just want kids like Syracuse kid. Can move and connect on SOME deep passes.


BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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We are screwed. That's what happens. That's why time is of the essence and Diaco needs to hit the road. With state budget deficits out of control, it's not long before football gets cut way back and we are getting down to short strokes. We need the program to turn positive in a big way in a matter of a few years. A winning program is hard to defund. A perennial losing to mediocre team is much easier to cut back politically. Wasting another minute on Diaco puts us that much closer to he end of the line.

It's always important to distinguish between those who have the mental capacity of a 4th grader and those who understand basic logic and economics. Thanks for being the former. Luckily you have a lot of Trump supporters to back you up in your endeavors
Feb 10, 2012
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CT. high school kids can't play? Orlovsky, Freeney, Beatty, Matukevich to name a few. All have NFL paychecks cashed.
Noel Thomas is proving to be a man amongst boys at times. Even Houston struggled against him. Isn't he from CT?
Sep 1, 2011
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Jordan Reed is the second best tight end in the league, Aaron Hernandez was probably the second best tight end in the league before he started murdering people, Freeney is one of the best pass rushers in the history of the NFL, Steve Young is one of the best quarterbacks in the history of the NFL but they all suck because they are from Connecticut. Chris Baker and Terrence Knighton also suck because they are from Connecticut as do all the other players in the NFL from the state.
6 transcendent players from the last 30 years, when there are goods ones they go to greener pastures
Sep 1, 2011
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You mean w/ all 6 of the CT residents on the two deep?
There are over 20 CT kids on the roster, once you get past the two deep there is little to no next level talent. Matt Walsh is a nice kid, I'm sure, but he isn't a D1 MLB
Sep 30, 2011
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I HOPE the poster was talking about recruiting state kids with a 2* rating. I 1000% agree with him on this if that's what he meant. Sure CT has some amazing talents but for whatever reason we can not keep them home. Tarik Black absolutely I would take him. But those guys we never land. We land the 2-3 star garbage players that other schools don't want. I would rather take a chance on a 2-3 star kid from Florida then CT. Our state isn't a rich football state. And the good ones fly the coop. Chesire Academy/ Suffield Academy is pumping kids out. Diaco needs to set up a tent for his assistants and let them sleep there.
Aug 29, 2011
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Stop with the laundry list. Here is the thing. Connecticut produces 3-4 really top players in a given season. There are high schools in Florida Texas Pennsylvania New Jersey that do that every year. So sure you try and get those guys but you won't get them all for reasons to numerous to mention. And you can't make Connecticut the center of your recruiting. You need to go hard in those other places. And when you get a local kid who is not 1 of the really top kids you need to coach him up and you need to find the hidden gems
Aug 26, 2011
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We should focus on CT, but we can recruit other places. This is not the 50s where there are no TV coverage. We can offer playing time. Our style of play will make it harder for us to recruit skill players.

I think we need to model ourselves after a program like Boise State. Last I checked Idaho isn't exactly full of football talent.

I really think if we get a coach that play exciting style of offense and an aggressive defense vs this super conservative stuff, we can get some players. Randy Edsall got some amazing talent here, so it can be done.
Jan 22, 2012
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Gotta tap into FL and TX more. A 2 star there is a 3 star here. Thank uuu
Sep 16, 2011
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6 transcendent players from the last 30 years, when there are goods ones they go to greener pastures
You say we need to stop recruiting CT., now you say good CT. players go to better programs. This is idiotic on your part.
Aug 26, 2011
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We should focus on CT, but we can recruit other places. This is not the 50s where there are no TV coverage. We can offer playing time. Our style of play will make it harder for us to recruit skill players.

I think we need to model ourselves after a program like Boise State. Last I checked Idaho isn't exactly full of football talent.

I really think if we get a coach that play exciting style of offense and an aggressive defense vs this super conservative stuff, we can get some players. Randy Edsall got some amazing talent here, so it can be done.
I love how may of the same people that knock the talent of the players have no problems with the style of play the coach publicly says he is trying to implement.

Diaco has said they try to limit possessions and keep points down after the UVA 13-10, win. That just screams for QBS with multiple suitors to want to come here doesn't it.

Please lord let out next Coach not be someone who is,trying to run out the clock from the opening kick.
Aug 26, 2011
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I love how may of the same people that knock the talent of the players have no problems with the style of play the coach publicly says he is trying to implement.

Diaco has said they try to limit possessions and keep points down after the UVA 13-10, win. That just screams for QBS with multiple suitors to want to come here doesn't it.

Please lord let out next Coach not be someone who is,trying to run out the clock from the opening kick.

At some point, people will realize huge part of coaching has to do with who is the coach and style of play. Most players want to go to places that give them chances to score alot of points. Herman has no problem recruiting in Houston. There are number of G5 programs that recruit well regularly.

Sooner or later, people will come to the conclusion we are where we are because of our coach. Diaco is the problem. He is a great cheerleader, but he blows as a head coach.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Gotta tap into FL and TX more. A 2 star there is a 3 star here. Thank uuu

And yet we've had plenty of examples where it turned out to be the exact opposite. The reasons for that have been covered ad nauseum on this board, including the way that recruiting sites rate states or how they rate offers from certain fanbases...


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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That's just embarrassing.
No, it's not. When they asked him how many games he would win, he simply said he would win them all.
Why not? Do you want a coach who says "maybe we can win 6 or 7 games at best this year?"

Yeah, it was probably Bob being facetious. He is a snake oil salesman at times, but you don't think he really meant all that, do you?

My kids wanted to be doctors, Presidents, princesses, NASCAR drivers and movie stars. I don't hold them to those statements and call them failures. Shoot for the moon. Why not?
Aug 26, 2011
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It is clear that the people slagging on Connecticut football haven't done any research.

6 players in 30 years?

Aaron Hernandez, Marcus Campbell, Bruce Campbell, Damik Scafe, Garrett Brown, Amari Spievey, John Moffitt, Scott Lutrus, Zach Hurd, Matt Shaughnessy, Willie Harriott, Asaph Schwapp, Mike Hicks, Chris Baker, Dan Ryan, etc. all went D1 from the state over the span of 2 years. A lot of these kids were impact and solid players at D1, 9 in the NFL, while kids like Harriott should have gone NFL but ended up in jail.
Aug 29, 2015
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Stars mean nothing to a program like UConn. Absolutely nothing. The difference between an UR and 3* recruit coming out of Connecticut is effectively zero. The only players getting any attention here are players who already have big offers or are going to camps all summer. Even then, half the time the stars aren't even earned. It's by pumping up your own kid by a coach or parent and calling into and emailing these sites on your own. Boeing Brown anyone? His dad got him up to a 3* recruit when he was a below average QB in Connecticut and didn't even finish his career as a starter.

It's amazing that so many of you here think stars work like they do in basketball - they don't. There are so many more football players out there than basketball players that it's impossible for these sites to get an accurate representation of talent after the first 200 guys they look at.
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