Not really. Much has been written over the years over his signing signaled CT talent staying in-state. But who else Scott Burrell? Murray Williams? If we are going to carve out a spot for impact I put in Corny Thompson. No Corny, no Big East. No Big East, no titles.There is also a case for Chris Smith in terms of his importance to the program.
If for players than championships are everything... it's Rip, Kemba, Emeka, Shabazz.
A special note... Shabazz gets discounted but his Kevin Ollie title in hindsight is the greatest achievement in UConn history. Not one other NBAer was on that team.
Assuming UConn career only, imo the only fair way to do it is championships. Best player off each of those teams:
Brutal to leave off Ray and Donyell in particular but theres only room for 4.
Break out the dynamite and chisels!Completely agree with those 4.
Now when we win our 5th, what do we do?
It always amazes me when we do these lists and Rip is left off. Rip is #1.
After Ray left UConn, UConn still held the record for most NCAA appearances without making a Final Four. I'm always going to go for the guy actually led the program to both it's first FF and NC over the guy who didn't get it done when it was his team.No. Love RIP but what Ray did for Uconn’s perception, visibility with Jesus Shuttlesworth and all of his clutch shots in the NBA, our only hall of famer, all time leading 3pt man, being involved with the board, etc he has to be on Mount Rushmore, him and Kemba are absolute locks. We wouldn’t have 4 ships without Ray Allen.
Emeka, Rip, Shabazz and Kembacliffy (first nit champion), smitty (alltime scoring leader), rippy (first ncaa champion), and bazzy (two time ncaa champion). big footprints.
Ted Vartelas was probably the first and only man to play for UConn from Ansonia and also the first Lithuanian.Tate George, Tommy Moore, Ted Vartelas and Kenya Hunter*
Work with me here. Ted Vartelas played 11 games for UConn in the ‘52-‘53 season. But even the Google machine can’t find a name tethered to Honest Abe. However, Kenya Hunter did join the coaching staff from the University of Nebraska, which is located in Lincoln.
I'll take Bazz over Ray and argue all day, thank you.Kemba
Those four guys stand out and in my opinion, those are the only four guys where you cannot make an argument for another player being selected over them.
Including the sculptor. It's the three most renown presidents plus Teddy Roosevelt. One of these things is not like the other. That narrative about spanning the nation was just after-the-fact hooey to try explain the one that doesn't belong.These Mount Rushmore things are always done wrong. Most people don't get what Mount Rushmore represents.