Merrimack Post Game Thoughts | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Merrimack Post Game Thoughts


"Walker on McGee with four.."
Mar 2, 2017
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My one thought that stands out is I hope Jalen is doing what many on this board are insinuating in that he's letting everyone else play with each other and that's why he's not taking over. This is fine as long as when the ball is tipped against Colgate, he's ready to run the show
Aug 31, 2011
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I feel like we’re playing a little soft... only 4 FT attempts? How does that even happen?

I haven't watched the game yet, but just from the box score the lack of free throws doesn't look like that big an issue. Lack of free throws would be a concern if we were just bombing from the perimeter. But we only took 14 threes, scored almost all of our points in the paint, and shot over 60% inside the arc.
Aug 26, 2011
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I haven't watched the game yet, but just from the box score the lack of free throws doesn't look like that big an issue. Lack of free throws would be a concern if we were just bombing from the perimeter. But we only took 14 threes, scored almost all of our points in the paint, and shot over 60% inside the arc.

This team can make layups. Unlike last year's team.
Aug 31, 2011
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This team can make layups. Unlike last year's team.

I particularly liked seeing the kind of 'layups' Whaley was making in the videos tcf posted in the other thread. Haven't seen that in a while, no matter the opponent.
Aug 24, 2011
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Thank God none of you guys are coaches. Half of you guys think one guy stinks and the other half saw something else. I can't wait for the next game, just to see how things start to sort out.
Sep 3, 2011
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My observations from tonight:
1.) We have no outside 3 point shooters
2.) We have no big bodies to band downlow with the big boys.
3.) Every team we play is going to play zone against us and make us prove we can hit outside shots.
4.) Merrimack had countless open looks at the basket tonight. Our defense needs to get a lot better:
5.) I hope I’m wrong, but I think it could be a long year.
6.) Did I mention we have a lot of very skinny, scrawny players? We just look so small compared with P5 teams.
Jun 11, 2013
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I got to the game tonight and sat low. I saw:

No consistent ability to shoot from beyond 10 ft except Larrier and only to 15 ft.
No rim protection or weak side help
Bad offense timing

Timing can be improved with practice but the other things are more difficult. Defenses will collapse to our driving guards without any outside threats. Merrimack did.

Whaley impressed me the most but I had the least expectations. Dude has a sense for the ball.
Larrier looked good
Gilbert looked okay
Williams looked good but got bad lobs. Pointed up a lot.
Adams looked like he was told to not get injured and let the others play
Polley, Vital and Diarra were meh
Carlton sort of impressed me with his will but can't tell from 4 minutes

Exhibition so like others have said.... But we ain't good.
Mar 27, 2017
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My observations from tonight:
1.) We have no outside 3 point shooters
2.) We have no big bodies to band downlow with the big boys.
3.) Every team we play is going to play zone against us and make us prove we can hit outside shots.
4.) Merrimack had countless open looks at the basket tonight. Our defense needs to get a lot better:
5.) I hope I’m wrong, but I think it could be a long year.
6.) Did I mention we have a lot of very skinny, scrawny players? We just look so small compared with P5 teams.

Our 2014 team was skinny too but we won a title that year. With Jalen, CV, and Tyler and Terry playing at the same time with either Whaley or Carlton, we have enough height, and length to neutralize our girth deficiency.

That is why it is imperative not to play in too many 3 little guard sets unless our guards prove to be defensive stoppers on the perimeter which they havent so far. You can't play 3 little guards unless they are pests on the perimeter. and can rebound pretty well for their position.

Whaley and Carlton can bang with pretty much any big in America. Our big men are not the problem. It's our guards who will determine this team's fate.

We need to only have Jalen, Vital and Rique play 95% of our guard minutes. I don't want to see Anderson there. Polley is an incredibly important piece can't overstate his importance.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Does Ollie look engaged?
Aug 17, 2011
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I feel like we’re playing a little soft... only 4 FT attempts? How does that even happen?
Especially when 70 of UConn's 79 points were scored in the paint. Strangest stat you'll ever see for a 4 FT attempt game.
Mar 19, 2015
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1. Cobb, Diarra, and Whaley will all be contributors in the front court
2. Williams may not be the most skilled guy but his energy will earn him 15 minutes a night
3. Rique looked fairly sharp but needs to hit outside shots
4. Larrier much improved and great passing


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Whaley and Carlton can bang with pretty much any big in America. Our big men are not the problem. It's our guards who will determine this team's fate.

The same Carlton you said was not a UConn-level recruit and castigated DK for bringing into the program?

Check your story, guy.


Apr 20, 2013
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Everyone acts so surprised to what their seeing so far. Any improvement from last year is improvement.


I'll make it.
Apr 17, 2017
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I got to the game tonight and sat low. I saw:

No consistent ability to shoot from beyond 10 ft except Larrier and only to 15 ft.
No rim protection or weak side help
Bad offense timing

Timing can be improved with practice but the other things are more difficult. Defenses will collapse to our driving guards without any outside threats. Merrimack did.

Whaley impressed me the most but I had the least expectations. Dude has a sense for the ball.
Larrier looked good
Gilbert looked okay
Williams looked good but got bad lobs. Pointed up a lot.
Adams looked like he was told to not get injured and let the others play
Polley, Vital and Diarra were meh
Carlton sort of impressed me with his will but can't tell from 4 minutes

Exhibition so like others have said.... But we ain't good.

I also was at the game tonight and had a very similar assessment. I thought Larrier looked much more poised and effective than what was described in the PC game. He has a nice stroke from 17 feet inward - not sure about his 3. Agree that Adams appeared to be taking it easy and allowing others to step up. I like what I see from AG except that his shooting appears to be a weak part of his game. This goes back to last year as well. His outside shot really looks poor to me. He can get to the rack pretty well but I have yet to see him stroke an outside shot in any consistent way. He's really not even close. CV did not have a very good game but i know his shooting will be much needed this year. He forced a couple quick 3s and needs to be more selective. I do not see what others see in Diarra. His defense is poor and he makes a lot of poor plays. I don't think he is in our top 7 guys. The 3 freshman are all promising but need to get stronger. I thought Whalley was the best of them tonight. I like Polley - future looks good but I don't think he's ready to be more than a 7 or 8 minute a game guy for now. Will have to wait to see how fast they can mature. I would play Whalley more than Polley at this point. Anderson doesn't offer much other than some defense and adequate ball handling. Kwintin got some time tonight. He is a project - not ready to do much accept receive ally-oop pass for a dunk at this point. Cobb was okay but not impressive. I think Ollie will keep rotation tight when season starts and games matter. Larrier, Adams, Gilbert, CV will get the most time by far. Playing time for Cobb, Whalley, Polley, Carlton, and Diarra will be tough to predict. May be a lot of situational decisions for Ollie and will depend on who pulls away from the pack as the season progresses. We will be reasonably competitive in most games this year but number of wins... I'm guessing 17 to 19 wins.
Aug 26, 2011
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Does Ollie look engaged?

He definitely did in the first half. He was directing guys all over the place. I wasn't really paying attention the second half because UConn was on offense on my side.
Aug 26, 2011
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Easier for me to breakdown by the player after watching just this game so certainly not anything set in stone even in my mind:

Jalen - just had fun out there, feeling around who he's playing with it would seem and how he can play with each guy. He will change when they tip off against Colgate and take more than the passive mode we saw last night. I just hope that's the same in the defensive end because he wasn't really attentive there, needs to be a factor on defense and pay more attention to his OWN man.

Alterique - Kid can plain get to spots easily but needs to finish either the shot or the pass. Again, more attention made to taking care of the ball nit making plays that aren't there or because he found himself too deep or in trouble. The 2 floaters straight in a row in the lane 2nd half were what I expect a lot from him and often. Needs to, like Jalen, pay attention to his guy and keep him in front of him. He and Jalen need to be a factor on defense and make it easier for the young front line to stay on their guys and not need to help all the time.

CVital - Kid plays hard and does some great things. Will impact the game and still love him as the guy off the bench. He plays hard on defense, tends to float like all 3 guards looking to make plays needs to stick to his guy and rebound. One thing he's not good at is passing the ball. Tries to cut the mustard when taking it to the lane and normally doesn't work out that well. He's not the only one as this is not a great passing team, but he needs to take care of the ball better, make crisper passes and surer passes when on the move.

Terry - Looked pretty good on offense. Will be relied on the foul line and extended because they will see a lot of zone if they can't make a shot. Like his ability to make that shot and maybe get to the rim from that point of the floor. Hasn't shown explosiveness that he will need to take his defender off the dribble when they aren't Merrimack. Needs to rebound the ball a lot better in traffic and also didn't help on defense 2-3 times when he at least should've tried to. Need more out of this kid.

Cobb - I like his game, you can see he knows how to play but he has lazy feet not slow feet. He is smart enough to understand help defense but didn't get there, will need to do so if he wants to be on the floor. Rebounds well, good hands and is physical. There's much more there, up to coaches to get it out of him if he wants it bad enough. Could be a factor against physical teams and could be the 5 if he pushes himself.

Diarra - Nice game offensively, finished close. Established his spot on the low block with a power dribble and physical bump to score once good understanding. Pretty quick to get up to score, liked what I saw there. Another guy who loses his attentiveness on defense and boxing out when needing to. Should be more of a rebounding presence needs to be. Defensively a bit lost at times but has the feet t be good eventually.

Carlton - Good hands, good physical skills, keeps the ball high on rebounds missed a couple bunny put backs but again a very nice looking athlete. Has the feet on both ends to be better but needs to get better understanding on D and help defense. Box out a little more but lot's to work with here like him.

Williams - Active kid, quick athlete and seems to understand the game a little better than I thought. He hedges ok on defense is fast to get back to his guy. He can score the ball down low, adjusted to a couple bad passes and turned them into scores. Needs more time but could have some good minutes I think, could be a player eventually lots for the staff to work with here.

Anderson - nice 4th guard, can guard his man is a bit undersized but you can see the toughness. We know he can shoot it a little and can handle it well enough, and seems to be a smart player who doesn't force things all that often and they will need that on occasion. He will get his minutes just because he can defend as well as his experience.

Polley - Kid has game just exudes smoothness and a nice swagger, but really can play. Make take some time, but we will see this kid this year suddenly jump on the scene and be one of the guys. Although he didn't finish that one rebound in which he went coast-to-coast showed his confidence in his ability to handle the ball which is very solid for a young 6'8" swing. Like his stroke and think he will be a good shooter at some point if not very good. Another guy like Larrier they can throw at the foul line against the zone and he can make a play. Eventually will be a star here.

Whaley - Great kid, hard working kid this is my favorite of the game last night. Not just because of his ability to follow up dunk or ally oop dunk but because of his passion and energy. On defense he never stops, his feet at 6'9" are impressive as hell, will be able to guard 2-5 eventually in bis career. He was hedging and staying on their guard creating havoc, as well as stepping back to his own man after helping a very good understanding of the game and a real hardworking kid you can just see it. He wants minutes, will get them and soon I believe. He and Polley are a wonderful future as well as the others.

Lots more to say but have a teleconference, but the one thing I will say is they better play better defense as a team, because it's God awful right now and I would guess even Colgate will give us fits.

Love the pieces, but how fast will the freshman become soph's?? Huge for this team to find some impact from them.
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Aug 26, 2011
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All of this with the caveat that we beat a D2 team with no one taller than 6'7 by only 16 points which is bad.

1) We appear to have a slew of ball-handlers that can do things this year. Rique, Jalen, CV can pretty much get anywhere. Particular Rique, who is just a freak athlete and dribbler.

2) We appear to have a slew of 'bigs' that can hold their ground, rebound with strength, and finish around the rim. This is good and new! Their "other" skills will set their minutes and roles. I.E. Whaley is super athletic with good anticipation and defensive positioning. Diarra is a brawler & shot blocker. Cobb is a big dude with solid offensive game.

3) Our wings can be good. Larrier can do some things with the ball in the mid-range, Polley seems to be crafty and very much DeAndre Danielsy, which obviously I like. He can board as well.


1) The players are highly undisciplined and inefficient on offense. Poor shot selection, poor screening, poor movement, poor shooting. We just lack a constant set of principles, strategy. We must lead the nation in turning down open 3's off kick-outs. This, aside from all other items, drives me crazy. Even if its a bad shooter, you gotta let that fly for all of the reasons that spacing & roles are important.

2) Our Ball-handlers overdribble constantly. Charges, barrelling out of control into the lane, passes out of bounds. Alterique would be unstoppable if he just slowed down a bit once he got by his guy. no one is going to strip him. Just slooooow down.
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The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Didn't get a chance to watch the game. But I'm encouraged by most of these comments because I think this team has one chance to be really good this year, and that is if we win by using our depth of athleticism and playing stifling defense. Our offense in a half court set is going to be mediocre at best. We have to score in transition and off of steals and put-backs. It seems to me from the comments that we did that. 3 point shooting will get better, but there is no chance that this team can win games by bombing away from three all year.

When Ollie brought in so many similar, athletic 6'7"-6'9" guys I hoped that he would go with a higher pressure, up tempo style. I still have hope.
Mar 6, 2014
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Didn't get a chance to watch the game. But I'm encouraged by most of these comments because I think this team has one chance to be really good this year, and that is if we win by using our depth of athleticism and playing stifling defense. Our offense in a half court set is going to be mediocre at best. We have to score in transition and off of steals and put-backs. It seems to me from the comments that we did that. 3 point shooting will get better, but there is no chance that this team can win games by bombing away from three all year.

When Ollie brought in so many similar, athletic 6'7"-6'9" guys I hoped that he would go with a higher pressure, up tempo style. I still have hope.

I would take the "higher pressure, uptempo style" suggestion ever further and say Ollie should use his deep bench to adopt a Nolan Richardson "40 minutes of hell" style of play, even to the extent of replicating the Loyola Marymount "run, run. run" style of the Hank Gathers era." He should full court press without let up and fast break even off made opposition baskets, denying the opposition time to set up their zone. This will result in 105-99 type games, but I submit this is the only way we're going to beat the top teams on our schedule. This team has no three-point shooters and no rim protection and there is no rotation of 8 players that is going to out-talent our better opponents . What we have is a near-endless bench of agile guards and athletic wings who must ALL be given a chance to play. Not suggesting a platoon system, which never works, but a conveyor-belt substitution pattern that wears down the opposition, keeps them out of their sets and challenges their composure. Let's use what we've got!


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I would take the "higher pressure, uptempo style" suggestion ever further and say Ollie should use his deep bench to adopt a Nolan Richardson "40 minutes of hell" style of play, even to the extent of replicating the Loyola Marymount "run, run. run" style of the Hank Gathers era." He should full court press without let up and fast break even off made opposition baskets, denying the opposition time to set up their zone. This will result in 105-99 type games, but I submit this is the only way we're going to beat the top teams on our schedule. This team has no three-point shooters and no rim protection and there is no rotation of 8 players that is going to out-talent our better opponents . What we have is a near-endless bench of agile guards and athletic wings who must ALL be given a chance to play. Not suggesting a platoon system, which never works, but a conveyor-belt substitution pattern that wears down the opposition, keeps them out of their sets and challenges their composure. Let's use what we've got!

Agreed, except the comparison to Loyola Marymount, which was loaded with shooters and often took pull up 3 pointers in transition. That's what I want to see. I want to see our defenders raising their hands to come out, dripping with sweat due to exertion. Adams for example, doesn't play defense with much effort, because he's still stuck in the mode of playing 35+ minutes. That needs to stop. I think that high pressure, high defensive effort approach can work with this roster, and I'd like to see us play 9-10 deep.
Dec 8, 2015
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Easier for me to breakdown by the player after watching just this game so certainly not anything set in stone even in my mind:

Jalen - just had fun out there, feeling around who he's playing with it would seem and how he can play with each guy. He will change when they tip off against Colgate and take more than the passive mode we saw last night. I just hope that's the same in the defensive end because he wasn't really attentive there, needs to be a factor on defense and pay more attention to his OWN man.

Alterique - Kid can plain get to spots easily but needs to finish either the shot or the pass. Again, more attention made to taking care of the ball nit making plays that aren't there or because he found himself too deep or in trouble. The 2 floaters straight in a row in the lane 2nd half were what I expect a lot from him and often. Needs to, like Jalen, pay attention to his guy and keep him in front of him. He and Jalen need to be a factor on defense and make it easier for the young front line to stay on their guys and not need to help all the time.

CVital - Kid plays hard and does some great things. Will impact the game and still love him as the guy off the bench. He plays hard on defense, tends to float like all 3 guards looking to make plays needs to stick to his guy and rebound. One thing he's not good at is passing the ball. Tries to cut the mustard when taking it to the lane and normally doesn't work out that well. He's not the only one as this is not a great passing team, but he needs to take care of the ball better, make crisper passes and surer passes when on the move.

Terry - Looked pretty good on offense. Will be relied on the fouling and extended because they will see a lot of zone if they can't make a shot. Like his ability to make that shot and maybe get to the rim form that point of the floor. Hasn't shown explosiveness that he will need to take his defender off the dribble when they aren't Merrimack. Needs to rebound the ball a lot better in traffic and also didn't help on defense 2-3 times when he at least should've tried to. Need more out of this kid.

Cobb - I like his game, you can see he knows how to play but he has lazy feet not slow feet. He is smart enough to understand help defense but didn't get there, will need to do so if he wants to be on the floor. Rebounds well, good hands and is physical. There's much more there, up to coaches to get it out of him if he wants it bad enough. Could be a factor against physical teams and could be.

Diarra - Nice game offensively, finished close. Established his spot on the low block with a power dribble and physical bump to score once good understanding. Pretty quick to get up to score, liked what I saw there. Another guy who loses his attentiveness on defense and boxing out when needing to. Should be more of a rebounding presence needs to be. Defensively a bit lost at times but has the feet t be good eventually.

Carlton - Good hands, good physical skills, keeps the ball high on rebounds missed a couple bunny put backs but again a very nice looking athlete. Has the feet on both ends to be better but needs to get better understanding on D and help defense. Box out a little more but lot's to work with here like him.

Williams - Active kid, quick athlete and seems to understand the game a little better than I thought. He hedges ok on defense is fast to get back to his guy. He can score the ball down low, adjusted to a couple bad passes and turned them into scores. Needs more time but could have some good minutes I think, could be a player eventually lots for the staff to work with here.

Anderson - nice 4th guard, can guard his man is a bit undersized but you can see the toughness. We know he can shoot it a little and can handle it well enough, and seems to be a smart player who doesn't force things all that often and they will need that on occasion. He will get his minutes just because he can defend as well as his experience.

Polley - Kid has game just exudes smoothness and a nice swagger, but really can play. Make take some time, but we will see this kid this year suddenly jump on the scene and be one of the guys. Although he didn't finish that one rebound in which he went coast-to-coast showed his confidence in his ability to handle the ball which is very solid for a young 6'8" swing. Like his stroke and think he will be a good shooter at some point if not very good. Another guy like Larrier they can throw at the foul line against the zone and he can make a play. Eventually will be a star here.

Whaley - Great kid, hard working kid this is my favorite of the game last night. Not just because of his ability to follow up dunk or ally oop dunk but because of his passion and energy. On defense he never stops, his feet at 6'9" are impressive as hell, will be able to guard 2-5 eventually in bis career. He was hedging and staying on their guard creating havoc, as well as stepping back to his own man after helping a very good understanding of the game and a real hardworking kid you can just see it. He wants minutes, will get them and soon I believe. He and Polley are a wonderful future as well as the others.

Lots more to say but have a teleconference, but the one thing I will say is they better play better defense as a team, because it's God awful right now and I would guess even Colgate will give us fits.

Love the pieces, but how fast will the freshman become soph's?? Huge for this team to find some impact from them.

Great analysis and I agree with 95% of it. All I disagree with is Williams. He was absolutely and utterly lost on defense. He hedged like an 8th grader who had just been taught how and has 0 clue when to recover. He was consistently lost--literally had no idea where his man was. That won't fly against a D1 player. He clearly has athletic potential. His second jump is SHOCKINGLY fast. maybe the fastest I've ever seen. But his bbiq is not there yet. He cannot handle the ball at all. Thsi kid was brought in to be an athletic body in practice, and develop into a player year 2 or 3. We need to start getting used to that on the yard. This year he may not play more than garbage minutes, but even a little bit of skill, and he's a 10 and 6 guy with those hops.

I love the surprises from the freshman. True UCONN kids--hardworking, no-nonsense winners. Good luck!
Aug 26, 2011
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Great analysis and I agree with 95% of it. All I disagree with is Williams. He was absolutely and utterly lost on defense. He hedged like an 8th grader who had just been taught how and has 0 clue when to recover. He was consistently lost--literally had no idea where his man was. That won't fly against a D1 player. He clearly has athletic potential. His second jump is SHOCKINGLY fast. maybe the fastest I've ever seen. But his bbiq is not there yet. He cannot handle the ball at all. Thsi kid was brought in to be an athletic body in practice, and develop into a player year 2 or 3. We need to start getting used to that on the yard. This year he may not play more than garbage minutes, but even a little bit of skill, and he's a 10 and 6 guy with those hops.

I love the surprises from the freshman. True UCONN kids--hardworking, no-nonsense winners. Good luck!

Watched Williams exclusively on defense once, hedged and got back to his guy who then had the ball and cut him off. Maybe there were other times he was lost, but so was Dairra and Carlton that's what freshman do. It's all in what they learn by making the mistakes then correcting them. Agree on the 2nd jump, unbelievably quick showed that last night. Whaley by the way also.
Mar 6, 2014
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Agreed, except the comparison to Loyola Marymount, which was loaded with shooters and often took pull up 3 pointers in transition. That's what I want to see. I want to see our defenders raising their hands to come out, dripping with sweat due to exertion. Adams for example, doesn't play defense with much effort, because he's still stuck in the mode of playing 35+ minutes. That needs to stop. I think that high pressure, high defensive effort approach can work with this roster, and I'd like to see us play 9-10 deep.

Point taken about Loyola Marymount, although I think you might agree that our 3-point results would improve a bit if the guys were taking pull-up jumpers in transition instead of out of stagnant and often failed sets. No telling what latent abilities you might uncover if you get your athletes in motion.
Aug 28, 2011
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Diarra played very well offensively in the short time he was in. Not sure how you could leave him off for that.

Yep, he looked great. Didn't play much but he finished around the basket and made the most of his minutes.

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