After reading the first page I'm not sure I want to read the next 17. These overreactions are crazy
Yeah, it's one game that exposed flaws, showed character, and fell short.
I wish it had been better. I'd like to see improvements. I don't think there would be much value, or that things would get better if I wrote that some posters stink and need to get better.
Fwiw, I read the first 5 pages before jumping to the final 2.
I've seen people call the game and the head coach "an embarrassment." Others said Hurley should be "ashamed & embarrassed."
My observation is that people will go to great lengths to avoid expressing their own feelings, and I stead take the convenient & easy dodge of saying how others should feel. Or just label something.
Who are they to say what's so for others? They don't speak for me.
What gives them the sense that they get to make the call?
I might be angry or frustrated or sad about a loss, a poor call, a technical foul that made things much more difficult for the team at a crucial moment.
If I can't own my own feelings, what gives me the platform to insist on what other people's feelings ought to be?
I expect nobody to answer these questions.
Why do people post that others need to take a hard look at themselves rather than that they need to take a hard look at themselves?
I imagine Dan Hurley, the other coaches, and the players feel lousy about losing, want to improve, and are working toward improving.
They probably aren't talking or even thinking about how we ought to be better or different. That's ours to do.