Maryland pretty much noshowed | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Maryland pretty much noshowed

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Aug 29, 2011
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9 wins. And we lost the bowl game to a really underwhelming Wake Forest and were humiliated in the last game of the regular season.

Forgot about that. Oops. That was the Larry Taylor fair catch season right?
Aug 29, 2011
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During our 4 year run, which began and ended with conference titles, we were 1 solid QB away from being a legitimate top 25 team. Hell without one, we cracked it in 07 and 10 anyways.

Maybe it wasn't Edsall that had limitations but UConn given our infancy and location that held us back.

Put a Dan O or literally any of the dozen QBs from Cinci that they seemingly produce at will over that time and UConn is a top 25 team every season.

The fact that anyone would, and correct me if I'm wrong, take Diaco's unknown ceiling over Edsall's supposed 25-40th is crazy.

Who did take Diaco's unknown ceiling over Edsall's? I didn't. I believe that UCONN has a higher ceiling in football than Edsall was able to achieve, and I wrote that I hope that Diaco is a guy that can get there, and if not, he can recruit really well, and we'll find another coach soon that can get us to that higher level.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Who did take Diaco's unknown ceiling over Edsall's? I didn't. I believe that UCONN has a higher ceiling in football than Edsall was able to achieve, and I wrote that I hope that Diaco is a guy that can get there, and if not, he can recruit really well, and we'll find another coach soon that can get us to that higher level.

Fair - you did say that re: the ceilings.

Look, if Nick Saban or Urban Meyer came here I'm sure we'd be winning 9 plus games in no time. Is that realistic into saying that's what we can become? I don't think so.

I think Edsall pretty much maxed out the program aside from QB play and had he ever put that together we'd see our pinnacle. Maybe if Endres doesn't get kicked off the team we'd have seen it. Who knows.

Diaco was a flat out disaster year 1 and his recruiting based on other programs offers to our commits looks terrifying as well.

The guy gets two more seasons and he either turns us around or I think we find ourselves buried beyond belief.
Aug 26, 2011
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During our 4 year run, which began and ended with conference titles, we were 1 solid QB away from being a legitimate top 25 team. Hell without one, we cracked it in 07 and 10 anyways.

Maybe it wasn't Edsall that had limitations but UConn given our infancy and location that held us back.

Put a Dan O or literally any of the dozen QBs from Cinci that they seemingly produce at will over that time and UConn is a top 25 team every season.

The fact that anyone would, and correct me if I'm wrong, take Diaco's unknown ceiling over Edsall's supposed 25-40th is crazy.
I wouldn't take the unknown over Edsall but he had a terrible eye for qb talent while at UConn. Drew Willy practically was begging to come here, we don't offer and he had a damn good career at Buffalo. Instead he took kids like Casey Turner and Mike Box.


Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not sure we've seen the ceiling for Randy Edsall at Maryland. So far he's 2-10, then 4-8, then 7-5. I'll certainly give him two more years at least. More problematic for him as a Coach is the school he's at. Maryland has a kind of curse or also-ran quality that may be hard to overcome.
One thing people are missing is that the window for taking advantage of Penn State's misfortune has shut. Penn State is back and Maryland's inroads into Pennsylvania for recruiting will vanish. I don't expect any break-out seasons from Edsall or Maryland.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I wouldn't take the unknown over Edsall but he had a terrible eye for qb talent while at UConn. Drew Willy practically was begging to come here, we don't offer and he had a damn good career at Buffalo. Instead he took kids like Casey Turner and Mike Box.

Agree to an extent.

Orlovsky seemingly was a no brainer (admittedly I wasn't following UConn football recruiting back in the early 00's though).

DJ and Bones were a disaster too. Frazer aside from the end of 09 was bad too.

However, pre injury Lorenzen was a pretty good QB that Edsall pulled from the JUCO ranks. I think Endres would've been good.

Kind of wonder had Nebrich been allowed to play over McEntee if he would've turned out ok.

In any even, sure QB was a weakness under Randy, but it was really the only weakness (that and play making WR, but maybe that's due to the QBs?).
Nov 21, 2012
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No surprise we have a bottom tier football program given the fact we have a bottom tier fan base.

Grow up and get smarter, maybe the football team will follow
Aug 29, 2011
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Agree to an extent.

Orlovsky seemingly was a no brainer (admittedly I wasn't following UConn football recruiting back in the early 00's though).

DJ and Bones were a disaster too. Frazer aside from the end of 09 was bad too.

However, pre injury Lorenzen was a pretty good QB that Edsall pulled from the JUCO ranks. I think Endres would've been good.

Kind of wonder had Nebrich been allowed to play over McEntee if he would've turned out ok.

In any even, sure QB was a weakness under Randy, but it was really the only weakness (that and play making WR, but maybe that's due to the QBs?).

Tyler couldn't throw the ball to save his life, and Frazer could throw to save his life, but threw the football equivalent of a Time Wakefield knuckleball.

Other than that aspect of playing the QB position, both were fantastic leaders and tough as nails and great teammates.

Endres, to date in my memory, still threw the best ball I've seen at UCONN. But he clearly lacked what the others didn't.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Tyler couldn't throw the ball to save his life, and Frazer could throw to save his life, but threw the football equivalent of a Time Wakefield knuckleball.

Other than that aspect of playing the QB position, both were fantastic leaders and tough as nails and great teammates.

Endres, to date in my memory, still threw the best ball I've seen at UCONN. But he clearly lacked what the others didn't.

Lorenzen was pretty solid up until he hurt his wrist. After that he was bad. Pretty much from the middle of 07 and all of 08, if memory serves.

You can't take away how good Frazer and the offense was at the end of 09. Not sure how they lost that magic in 10.
Nov 21, 2012
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What does this even mean and who is this directed at?
Directed at all the teenage girls who still sit and complain about Edsall, get over it, he left, grow up.

He is the best coach this program ever had and took this program to heights no one expected and probably will not be reached again given our situation, the people that fail to acknowledge and appreciate this are morons.

He left for an undeniably better job, he made the right choice, could he have done it better? Sure, but get over it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Directed at all the teenage girls who still sit and complain about Edsall, get over it, he left, grow up.

He is the best coach this program ever had and took this program to heights no one expected and probably will not be reached again given our situation, the people that fail to acknowledge and appreciate this are morons.

He left for an undeniably better job, he made the right choice, could he have done it better? Sure, but get over it.

You must have pretty low expectations then.
Aug 26, 2011
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I dont think anyone cares he left. What sucks is they chose P to replace him. You couldn't hire a worse guy if you tried. Poor to mediocre strategist, old and stubborn to a fault regarding Deleone. But hey the CT coaches liked him.
Apr 18, 2013
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You all act like Maryland was relevant before Edsall arrived. He has had his share of bad luck, particularly at QB, since he arrived at Maryland. I still think he is a top coach and would take him back in a heartbeat.


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Aug 25, 2011
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I wouldn't take the unknown over Edsall but he had a terrible eye for qb talent while at UConn. Drew Willy practically was begging to come here, we don't offer and he had a damn good career at Buffalo. Instead he took kids like Casey Turner and Mike Box.
He offered Colt Brennan when he was at school in Worcester, too bad that didn't go our way.


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Aug 25, 2011
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The almost-painful winning ways under Edsall would be very welcome right now.

Interesting stat on Edsall - he has a career 35-53 conference record. That is pretty horrible.
Aug 26, 2011
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Typical Randy football. He's built a solid team that finished 7-5 in the Big10, and went to a bowl game against a very good national relevant program and got squashed. Scored a TD with a kick return, otherwise after the first quarter it was a complete blowout. Lost by 4 TD's.

He graduates players, and builds quality young men through football, and he recruits and coaches well enough to compete for post season appearances regularly, but he's not ever going to be a top 25 program head coach. As much as a 7-5 season and bowl game appeals to me right now, I'd rather not have another Randy Edsall as coach, with that as a ceiling.

I will gladly cash in the disaster of the past 4 seasons for the opportunity to develop a football program that can get into the top 25 and be relevant nationally.

That was the goal when Randy was coaching and building up through 2009-2010, to take that program further to that level, and we've fallen through the floor, but the goal is still there, and there is no reason it can't be attained, other than the obstacle that people that can do it, need to be put in place to get the job done.

Hopefully Diaco is it, if not, hopefully he can recruit like hell for an entire roster on offense and defense, and in a year or two, will find the program to that level of success.

He is the epitome of a league replacement level coach. His style/strategy dictates is very low risk, very low reward. Therefore, his teams play at a consistently average level. There is no variability, he is always performing within the average expectation levels.


He wins the games he should win

He loses the games he should lose

He graduates kids and never embarrasses the University

He cashes checks, baby
Aug 28, 2011
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Lorenzen was pretty solid up until he hurt his wrist. After that he was bad. Pretty much from the middle of 07 and all of 08, if memory serves.

You can't take away how good Frazer and the offense was at the end of 09. Not sure how they lost that magic in 10.

Yep, Lorenzen definitely regressed as a passer over time. He looked awesome in the opener against Duke. It was probably the wrist.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I thought Lorenzen hurt his shoulder.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm pretty sure it was the thumb on his throwing hand. Just couldn't grip the ball properly and he was not a pretty thrower to start.
Aug 26, 2011
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I traveled to to Duke to watch Lorenzen's debut. After a frustrating first half, we totally shredded them. The offensive transformation over the offseason was very apparent. But a competent staff ought to be able to do that.

This year we had a different kind of transformation.


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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Endres, to date in my memory, still threw the best ball I've seen at UCONN. But he clearly lacked what the others didn't.

The inability to "say no to drugs"?


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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I think Randy is toast. Two bad bowl losses in a row and there is nothing there to suggest he does much better than 7-5 next season. I think he gets his walking papers after next season.

Everybody lost in that move, UCONN, Maryland and Edsall.

That begs this question. Is there any remote possibility that our present athletic administration would entertain the idea of bringing him back to UCONN, particularly if Diaco turns in a couple more seasons like his first? By no means am I suggesting it would be a good idea, but with some of the bonehead moves made by our administration in recent years, is anything outside the realm of remote possibility?
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