Maryland pretty much noshowed | The Boneyard

Maryland pretty much noshowed

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Maryland is getting steamrolled by Stanford.

The week before the Rutgers game there were a bunch of really positive stories about Edsall and the Terps. That was a clear sign things were going to get bad fast.

He really will need a good 2015 season to survive.

Adding Harbaugh to the Big 10 is pretty much unfair to the Edsalls and Floods. They are pretty good football coaches but have no chance starting from behind against the Meyers and Harbaughs.
Apr 24, 2012
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Hey Randy!!! Getting another taste of a beatdown with your dream job. Remember the UCONN debacle against Oklahoma. Good to see you take your lumps.
Aug 26, 2011
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On another note, loved Stanford's 3 tight end, single back set. To have 3 receivers who were physical & football fast wreaked havoc on the Terps's defense. That they were all 6'5" & made great targets was an added bonus.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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In Maryland defense, that was about as bad a bowl environment as you could send an east coast team. Conditions were terrible.
Aug 29, 2011
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Typical Randy football. He's built a solid team that finished 7-5 in the Big10, and went to a bowl game against a very good national relevant program and got squashed. Scored a TD with a kick return, otherwise after the first quarter it was a complete blowout. Lost by 4 TD's.

He graduates players, and builds quality young men through football, and he recruits and coaches well enough to compete for post season appearances regularly, but he's not ever going to be a top 25 program head coach. As much as a 7-5 season and bowl game appeals to me right now, I'd rather not have another Randy Edsall as coach, with that as a ceiling.

I will gladly cash in the disaster of the past 4 seasons for the opportunity to develop a football program that can get into the top 25 and be relevant nationally.

That was the goal when Randy was coaching and building up through 2009-2010, to take that program further to that level, and we've fallen through the floor, but the goal is still there, and there is no reason it can't be attained, other than the obstacle that people that can do it, need to be put in place to get the job done.

Hopefully Diaco is it, if not, hopefully he can recruit like hell for an entire roster on offense and defense, and in a year or two, will find the coach that can lead the program to that level of success.
Aug 26, 2011
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Randy Edsall is Al Groh,Glen Mason and Chan Gailey. Solid, unspectacular. At UConn hed never be in danger of getting fired. Anywhere else, eventually 7-6, 8-5, will have an expiration date unless you mix in a spectacular/ double digit win season once in a while.
Aug 5, 2013
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Randy Edsall is Al Groh,Glen Mason and Chan Gailey. Solid, unspectacular. At UConn hed never be in danger of getting fired. Anywhere else, eventually 7-6, 8-5, will have an expiration date unless you mix in a spectacular/ double digit win season once in a while.

What's ironic is that he replaced a Maryland alum who had just gone 9-3.

My guess is that Anderson - a former Army AD - took a look at what was going on in the football program, didn't like what he saw, and hired someone to clean it all up.

Two things you could always say about Randy were that he didn't tolerate b.s. and he ran a very, very clean program.
Aug 29, 2011
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On another note, loved Stanford's 3 tight end, single back set. To have 3 receivers who were physical & football fast wreaked havoc on the Terps's defense. That they were all 6'5" & made great targets was an added bonus.

Oh, to dream.

I only watched the first half - going to be a late night tonight, but Stanford - hot damn, that is a program that I would study like hell, if I was Bob Diaco, and that is the model I would strive for. Big, smart, fast, tough as nails, and dominant on both sides of the ball. Their schedule this season was brutal, and they showed last night from what I watched, that they are a really good team.

There was a 4th down run just across midfield when they needed a yard, and that OL blew the Maryland DLine to pieces. That OL was lined up in perfect football position, and just blew them apart. Loved it. Because it was Randy's team getting blown up, that was just a small part, I was just please to watch really good college football for the first time in a while. it's possible that had the Stanford D not double penalized themselves early, that the score could have been a lot worse.

I haven't watched an actual game in a long time, us against Cincy really - other than the Army Navy game.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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RE was great for UConn....he made UConn legitimate. Clean program....tough defense...a few nice wins here and there. I also think he is great to hire to clean up a program. He is so stubborn that I don't think any boosters or bad press would ever sway him from his strategy.

But...the jury is still out on whether he is the guy who can get his team to the top of a P5 conference. Top teams are very innovative and constantly evolving...that wasn't a strength of RE. I think he has done what Md wanted in cleaning up the program...he will be closely watched the next year or 2 to see if he can take them to the next level. With Brown leaving...and maybe Diggs (?)...hard to imagine them having a better year next year, but RE is good at making something of nothing.

I really hope that BD makes us forget RE. I hope he figures out how to make the product on the field exciting.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think Randy is toast. Two bad bowl losses in a row and there is nothing there to suggest he does much better than 7-5 next season. I think he gets his walking papers after next season.

Everybody lost in that move, UCONN, Maryland and Edsall.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think Randy is toast. Two bad bowl losses in a row and there is nothing there to suggest he does much better than 7-5 next season. I think he gets his walking papers after next season.

Everybody lost in that move, UCONN, Maryland and Edsall.
I felt that way after year 2 of PP. But I give Randy credit for daring to he great. Nothing wrong with that. But Myer, Harbaugh, Dantonio, Franklin? He couldn't beat Flood this year despite having a big lead at halftime. Good luck.
Jun 23, 2014
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seriously, most of us crazies would give a body part, like a finger or toe, or something - nothing real serious, to have a 7-5 season and a bowl game right now, but I didn't want that to be the ceiling in 09,10, and going into 2011, and I don't want that to be the ceiling now.

I'm not sure we've seen the ceiling for Randy Edsall at Maryland. So far he's 2-10, then 4-8, then 7-5. I'll certainly give him two more years at least. More problematic for him as a Coach is the school he's at. Maryland has a kind of curse or also-ran quality that may be hard to overcome.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not sure we've seen the ceiling for Randy Edsall at Maryland. So far he's 2-10, then 4-8, then 7-5. I'll certainly give him two more years at least. More problematic for him as a Coach is the school he's at. Maryland has a kind of curse or also-ran quality that may be hard to overcome.

In this case the school and the coach are the perfect match then.

But I think if Edsall were to take over a MAC program, he would probably dominate.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm not sure we've seen the ceiling for Randy Edsall at Maryland. So far he's 2-10, then 4-8, then 7-5. I'll certainly give him two more years at least. More problematic for him as a Coach is the school he's at. Maryland has a kind of curse or also-ran quality that may be hard to overcome.

Last time Randy Edsall coached a team to more than 8 wins in a season (including post season) was in 2003, in Dan Orlovsky's best year as a college QB. Randy, is nothing, if not predictable and reliable for what he is. He would never have been in danger of losing his job at UCONN, only would have had to deal with people in CT, wanting more, which is what happened. He will not last at Maryland, if he doesn't figure out how to break his mold and grow, which is all I ever wanted out of him at UCONN too. To get better.
Aug 26, 2011
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RE was great for UConn....he made UConn legitimate. Clean program....tough defense...a few nice wins here and there. I also think he is great to hire to clean up a program. He is so stubborn that I don't think any boosters or bad press would ever sway him from his strategy.

But...the jury is still out on whether he is the guy who can get his team to the top of a P5 conference. Top teams are very innovative and constantly evolving...that wasn't a strength of RE. I think he has done what Md wanted in cleaning up the program...he will be closely watched the next year or 2 to see if he can take them to the next level. With Brown leaving...and maybe Diggs (?)...hard to imagine them having a better year next year, but RE is good at making something of nothing.

I really hope that BD makes us forget RE. I hope he figures out how to make the product on the field exciting.

I think Randy ran out of ideas at UConn. I know some people here want a coach that comes and stays for his entire career, but that just seems to be a rare sort of thing and it probably always has been for any school. Sometimes it's good for a school and a coach to change. But both parties have to manage the transition well. We obviously did not.
Aug 26, 2011
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Last time Randy Edsall coached a team to more than 8 wins in a season (including post season) was in 2003, in Dan Orlovsky's best year as a college QB. Randy, is nothing, if not predictable and reliable for what he is. He would never have been in danger of losing his job at UCONN, only would have had to deal with people in CT, wanting more, which is what happened. He will not last at Maryland, if he doesn't figure out how to break his mold and grow, which is all I ever wanted out of him at UCONN too. To get better.


9 wins. And we lost the bowl game to a really underwhelming Wake Forest and were humiliated in the last game of the regular season.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I no longer harbor any ill will toward Randy Edsall. I think the recent dedication for Jasper Howard helped clear that up for me.

Having said that, I hope that his story becomes an enduring lesson for those who believe "the grass is greener." If he stayed here another 10 years, they would have made a statue of him and named a building after him, no doubt about it. Even if he never surpassed 9-3. Now, he can enjoy being on the hot-seat for the remainder of his time at Maryland...


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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During our 4 year run, which began and ended with conference titles, we were 1 solid QB away from being a legitimate top 25 team. Hell without one, we cracked it in 07 and 10 anyways.

Maybe it wasn't Edsall that had limitations but UConn given our infancy and location that held us back.

Put a Dan O or literally any of the dozen QBs from Cinci that they seemingly produce at will over that time and UConn is a top 25 team every season.

The fact that anyone would, and correct me if I'm wrong, take Diaco's unknown ceiling over Edsall's supposed 25-40th is crazy.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think Randy ran out of ideas at UConn. I know some people here want a coach that comes and stays for his entire career, but that just seems to be a rare sort of thing and it probably always has been for any school. Sometimes it's good for a school and a coach to change. But both parties have to manage the transition well. We obviously did not.
Were spoiled because of Jim and Geno. Stayed a lifetime and won at the highest possible level.

UConn has also done well in soccer baseball field hockey and the hockey coach looks like a solid hire. The probelm with football was that Hathaway hired P. you Jeff Hathaway.
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