Spartan Life Student Handbook - Article 4: Non-Academic Hearing Board Structures
This is the link to Michigan State Student Life’s Article 4, “Non-Academic Hearing Board Structures.” These articles govern the process for selecting a hearing board that would render a verdict on student misconduct (non-academic) and resulting punishments.
There are four classifications for hearing boards, dependent upon the nature of the complaint. All hearing boards adjudicate “personal misconduct.”
The hearing boards may be comprised of 1) undergraduate and graduate students only; or, 2) undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty. The nature of the person or
groups of persons responding to the complaint partly determines the composition of students, faculty, and staff on the hearing board.
One key question is if the alleged sexual assault attributed to Payne and Appling took place in 1) campus housing (governed by the MSU Residence Halls Association); 2) Greek housing (governed by...unclear from linked document); or 3) an off-campus location.
I worked in Student Affairs at a B1G private university for three years. My university held a mandatory education session on sexual assault during its six-day orientation for first-year students. The training session used role play (performance) and lecture to help the students define consent under state law and gauge the level of sexually suggestive interaction at which a large group (maybe 600 attending) would indicate that consent to sex had been violated.
The alleged sexual assault took place after the
female complainant completed
her new student orientation. It is not clear whether Appling and Payne, who were freshman at the time of the alleged crime, completed
their orientations.
That’s presuming that MSU offered sexual assault awareness and prevention education during their 2010 first-year orientation, which I don’t know.
Bottom line: The police needed to report the assault to...judicial affairs...student conduct office...really unclear which department and which administrator from this document. But once reported, all three parties to the complaint needed to
immediately be advised of their rights to a hearing within the University’s judicial system.
No word yet on whether the kids actually read their Student Rights and Responsibilities, which might have influenced the immediate fallout after the alleged crime.