Maryland football is in Randy Edsall’s hands; he needs to embrace all of it | The Boneyard

Maryland football is in Randy Edsall’s hands; he needs to embrace all of it

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Sep 21, 2011
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Even though Randy's gone, I did like him as a coach, but didn't like the way he left UConn. enough said. So it kind of makes my day to see the Washington, DC media get down on him for the way he manages the affairs of his new team. In an article written the day before Maryland clinched defeat from the jaws of victory in their loss to Clemson the next day, it stated: "Edsall has prohibited assistant coaches from speaking with reporters. Media access to players is more limited than under Friedgen. The majority of Maryland’s message is coming from Edsall. It’s on him to get it out correctly. The person chiefly responsible for re-energizing the fan base shouldn’t also be the one to demoralize it."

I guess things don't change much, even when you have your "dream job."

Some of the comments that follow the article are funny too.
Aug 28, 2011
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Randy is a public relations disaster. He was at UConn and that will continue. It's surprising that he seems unable to learn from his mistakes with the press.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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While Anderson may know Edsall’s true intent, Maryland fans know only what the coach says publicly. Edsall has prohibited assistant coaches from speaking with reporters. Media access to players is more limited than under Friedgen. The majority of Maryland’s message is coming from Edsall. It’s on him to get it out correctly.

This was a complaint I had about Edsall. It's a football team, for crying out loud, not Homeland Security.
Aug 28, 2011
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whenever your Athletic Department fires their current coach because they want someone more exciting, and then hires Edsall, it's safe to say things didn't go as planned. i still think Edsall's a great coach but i think he made a really stupid move by leaving us to go there. i think UConn is one of the few places where his cloak and dagger approach would fly. most fans are used to quite a bit more.
Aug 26, 2011
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whenever your Athletic Department fires their current coach because they want someone more exciting, and then hires Edsall, it's safe to say things didn't go as planned. i still think Edsall's a great coach but i think he made a really stupid move by leaving us to go there. i think UConn is one of the few places where his cloak and dagger approach would fly. most fans are used to quite a bit more.

If Edsall is a great coach, what is going on with Maryland this year? Do great coaches lose to Temple like that and give up a zillion points Clemson (Maryland had good talent returning, even a QB). If Edsall is the bar for great coach, there are a loooooooot of great coaches. :D

His act got old, the apologists drowned out any complaints.
Aug 27, 2011
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Why do we care about Edsall? Agree with Kingspoint he did a good job at UCONN but the way he departed left a sour taste. Wish him the best and think we need to move on.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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what's with the reporter comparing UConn unfavorably to MD? seriously?

do they win more? do they draw more? do they have a bigger media horde?

does he really think they're a bigger name brand? please
Oct 18, 2011
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Edsall did a great job at UConn in what many consider the toughest job in the Big East. Who cares how he many of you tell your boss etc you are leaving before you actually have a job. As far as comparing MD to UConn..are you kidding? Not totally fair to compare this year as both are transitioning but I doubt UConn's record would be any better than MD with the same schedule but I do believe that MD would have a better record than UConn with their schedule. Does MD draw more..yes but they also have a bigger stadium. MD's lowest home attendance would be a UConn sellout which doesn't seem to happen anymore. But UConn has HCPP to up the recruiting so it is only a matter of time when UConn dominates the Big East ...if there even is one.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Edsall's problem is that he's 2-4 and blew a huge lead at home last week.

Everything a coach says is 'cloak and dagger'. Look at our new staff, they share nothing either.

This stuff is only an issue when you lose. If you win you could show up every week and take a dump on the podium and get away with it.
Aug 24, 2011
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Excuse me? You think our former coach stopped being criticized on this collateral stuff just because we were winning? Weren't you on this planet with me?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You are right, Edsall could have gone 13-0 but there would have been a blocked punt in 2009 or a loss to Navy in 2005 to complain about.
Aug 26, 2011
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Edsall did a great job at UConn in what many consider the toughest job in the Big East. Who cares how he many of you tell your boss etc you are leaving before you actually have a job. As far as comparing MD to UConn..are you kidding? Not totally fair to compare this year as both are transitioning but I doubt UConn's record would be any better than MD with the same schedule but I do believe that MD would have a better record than UConn with their schedule. Does MD draw more..yes but they also have a bigger stadium. MD's lowest home attendance would be a UConn sellout which doesn't seem to happen anymore. But UConn has HCPP to up the recruiting so it is only a matter of time when UConn dominates the Big East ...if there even is one.

Complete BS by you....The way he left was wrong. I know I have heard from a hand full of current (2) players who feel the same way. This is not the same job you and I have. He asked kids to give him 5 years and to give up their bodies. The way he left was lousy and he should be ashamed. Did he do great things here? Absolutely. It's not black and white as many on this board believe it to be. He did a great job while he was here, BUT his media skills need some work. The way he left sucked and was 180 degrees from what he preached during his time here.
Aug 27, 2011
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The Dream Job thing still really bothers me. I felt that he played us. Hope that he goes 0 - 12.
Oct 18, 2011
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I also heard from a few (3) players that I know and they were upset he left but after the initial anger passed, they "got" it. You are right that his job is not the same job you or I have which gives you even less credence to judge the "right" or "wrong" way to leave. You don't think he gave up 12 years of his life trying to build a BCS program at a basketball school with no football history to speak of. Not to mention having to work for JH. I think from the way you judge and react that you really hate the fact that he left more than the way he left. You stoop to pick on his "media skills". You come off sounding like a jilted lover. Now UConn has "one of their own" in HCPP in what appears to be his dream job. Hope he doesn't play you like Edsall did.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think Edsall did a hell of a job here. The way he left and the fact that he was so hell bent on leaving give me little regard for what happens to the rest of his career.

That said, I am more and more convinced he made a really stupid move. Maryland is a mid-level football program. That is all they ever have been and all they are ever are likely to be - and they always have grand aspirations. He is now immediately on the hot seat and if they crap out next season he may very well be out the door.

At UCONN he was secure as any coach in the country and he could have waited for a much better opportunity to come along with a much higher probability of success (PSU among others).
Oct 18, 2011
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I think Edsall did a hell of a job here. The way he left and the fact that he was so hell bent on leaving give me little regard for what happens to the rest of his career.

That said, I am more and more convinced he made a really stupid move. Maryland is a mid-level football program. That is all they ever have been and all they are ever are likely to be - and they always have grand aspirations. He is now immediately on the hot seat and if they crap out next season he may very well be out the door.

At UCONN he was secure as any coach in the country and he could have waited for a much better opportunity to come along with a much higher probability of success (PSU among others).
Oct 18, 2011
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IF memory serves me correctly, he had 2 years left on a contract that was never extended and assistant coaches on one year deals. That is kind of a funny way for a school to show the love after the back to back seasons UConn just completed. So MD offers 6 years guaranteed. I don't know what you do for a living or what your mathematical abilities are but that part of it would seem to be a no brainer. Not to mention the questions surrounding the Big East. I don't see where you see him as being so secure with 2 years left on a contract.
Aug 26, 2011
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I also heard from a few (3) players that I know and they were upset he left but after the initial anger passed, they "got" it. You are right that his job is not the same job you or I have which gives you even less credence to judge the "right" or "wrong" way to leave. You don't think he gave up 12 years of his life trying to build a BCS program at a basketball school with no football history to speak of. Not to mention having to work for JH. I think from the way you judge and react that you really hate the fact that he left more than the way he left. You stoop to pick on his "media skills". You come off sounding like a jilted lover. Now UConn has "one of their own" in HCPP in what appears to be his dream job. Hope he doesn't play you like Edsall did.

The way he left was was wrong and I am providing feedback on his media skills. They were not a strength here and it appears they are not as strength in Maryland. He was the coach they needed at the time. I am happy he was here. Did you miss that in my post? Jilted lover?, sounds like you are the one in love. I root for whomever UConn puts on the field. They are our own. And thanks for reading my mind, incorrectly I might add; that must do wonders for you in the 9-5 world. Remember when you assume you make an ass of you. Also, did you work for JH? What makes you the authority on their working relationship. Come back with facts. The way he left was wrong and ran counter to what he said he believed in. Other than that, I am happy he was here.
Aug 26, 2011
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Edsall did a great job at UConn in what many consider the toughest job in the Big East. Who cares how he many of you tell your boss etc you are leaving before you actually have a job. As far as comparing MD to UConn..are you kidding? Not totally fair to compare this year as both are transitioning but I doubt UConn's record would be any better than MD with the same schedule but I do believe that MD would have a better record than UConn with their schedule. Does MD draw more..yes but they also have a bigger stadium. MD's lowest home attendance would be a UConn sellout which doesn't seem to happen anymore. But UConn has HCPP to up the recruiting so it is only a matter of time when UConn dominates the Big East ...if there even is one.

"Edsall did a great job at UConn in what many consider the toughest job in the Big East."

1. Edsall did not do a great job at Uconn. If he had, he would be coaching Michigan or ND. Edsall and great in the same sentence as a coach is setting the bar pretty low. Never had a team finish in the top 25. The two coaches that tied with Uconn for BE title were fired. In the SEC 1/12th of the teams won the championship, in the BE 3/8ths of the the teams won in a league with no top 25 teams.
2. Who are the many who consider Uconn the toughest job in the BE? He made it the toughest by isolating himself from media, fans, high school coaches. He'll get run out of Maryland if he maintains the same attitude he had at Uconn.
3. Edsall is pulling a Kragthorpe at Maryland and will get the same results if he keeps on his current course.

Most professions are not like college coaching. The appropriate process is the interested school contacts the employeed coaches school and asks permission to talk to him about an opening. That school gives or does not give permission and then the coach decides what to do. BCU didn't give permission and when the coach interviewed anyway they fired him. Edsall interviewed at at least Georgia Tech in person, not sure about "discussions" he might have had on other jobs over the years. Just to be clear, unless you know something that went on before Edsall told Hathaway about the interview at Maryland (i.e you are saying Edsall lied about the timing of events) Edsall did NOT HAVE a job before telling Hathaway about the interview.
Aug 26, 2011
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"Edsall did a great job at UConn in what many consider the toughest job in the Big East."

1. Edsall did not do a great job at Uconn. If he had, he would be coaching Michigan or ND. Edsall and great in the same sentence as a coach is setting the bar pretty low. Never had a team finish in the top 25. The two coaches that tied with Uconn for BE title were fired. In the SEC 1/12th of the teams won the championship, in the BE 3/8ths of the the teams won in a league with no top 25 teams.
2. Who are the many who consider Uconn the toughest job in the BE? He made it the toughest by isolating himself from media, fans, high school coaches. He'll get run out of Maryland if he maintains the same attitude he had at Uconn.
3. Edsall is pulling a Kragthorpe at Maryland and will get the same results if he keeps on his current course.

Most professions are not like college coaching. The appropriate process is the interested school contacts the employeed coaches school and asks permission to talk to him about an opening. That school gives or does not give permission and then the coach decides what to do. BCU didn't give permission and when the coach interviewed anyway they fired him. Edsall interviewed at at least Georgia Tech in person, not sure about "discussions" he might have had on other jobs over the years. Just to be clear, unless you know something that went on before Edsall told Hathaway about the interview at Maryland (i.e you are saying Edsall lied about the timing of events) Edsall did NOT HAVE a job before telling Hathaway about the interview.

But. We. Came. From. Trailers.
Aug 24, 2011
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IF memory serves me correctly, he had 2 years left on a contract that was never extended and assistant coaches on one year deals. That is kind of a funny way for a school to show the love after the back to back seasons UConn just completed. So MD offers 6 years guaranteed. I don't know what you do for a living or what your mathematical abilities are but that part of it would seem to be a no brainer. Not to mention the questions surrounding the Big East. I don't see where you see him as being so secure with 2 years left on a contract.

He would have gotten a contract extension and he had as secure a job at UCONN as there was in the country. There is a better than 50% chance that he is negotiating a buyout of his Terp contract in the next two years. There is little doubt that Randy was looking very hard for another gig over his last 3-4 years and I don't think it had anything to do with a failed attempt at a contract extension.

I'm a CPA and I run a 70 employee company that sells nationally and internationally.
Sep 14, 2011
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i know many people aren't fans of mike leach, but he was the right hire for that team

coach brings swagger and excitement that the maryland fanbase needed


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Why do we care about Edsall? Agree with Kingspoint he did a good job at UCONN but the way he departed left a sour taste. Wish him the best and think we need to move on.
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