Eric - I wonder about the 'administration not being supportive' meme at TN that is so current and whether it is not part and parcel of a changing of the guard and not really true. Yes FB and MB get the most attention at almost every school, but the situation at TN seems to me more complex than an AD 'trying to pull down what Pat built'. Pat had in fact built her own little kingdom and by the time she got sick, was probably the most influential single person at the university. If an AD wanted to do something she didn't like she could stop them in their tracks by creating a public stink about it. With Pat's stepping down, it was probably the first time in ten years that an AD could make any change that didn't have Pat's approval. The reorganization of the athletic department from outside does not look like such a bad idea - it appeared there were quite a few areas that by keeping genders separated, were unnecessarily duplicated and created larger overheads. And in such a reorganization, there are going to be some very unhappy and disgruntled employees who suddenly have their little fiefdoms disturbed or disbanded.
With Pat's legacy came a group of truly fanatic fans, who venerate everything Pat ever did or touched and everyone who Pat ever worked with, and brook no dissent from that veneration, and they raised an almighty stink about the changes that were getting made, and initiated a crusade against the AD and any changes from the way that 'Pat ran things'. It seems to me that this meme comes more from those origins than from any objective review of the actual actions that have been taken at TN. Yes the walls around Pat's kingdom have been pulled down, but is that actually a bad thing for the TN athletic department?
Anyway - eric - I agree with your other points. And I think it is a situation that has existed for a while, though it may be more pronounced this year. There were some strange tweets from Graves I think two years ago that suggested issues in the locker room.
NB - what I said about Pat's Kingdom, is likely to be true about Geno and CD as well - I suspect over the years there have been some walls built up around the WCBB team that Warde or a future AD might like to dismantle as well, but will have to wait until after Geno leaves. It is not that unusual with very powerful people in any organization. And there are a few fanatical fans of Uconn WCBB who might cause a fuss if and when those changes to what 'Geno is God' has laid down are made public, especially should one of Geno/CD's people voice displeasure.