Manuel Tears into Football Team | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Manuel Tears into Football Team

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Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Maybe when the coaching staff has shown they don't have the ability to get the players attention someone needs to show them how to do it.

If a coaching staff doesn't have the ability to get the players attention why would they still have jobs?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I thought Manuel was out of line here. It is not his job to lecture the team.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Maybe he was trying to help them. It's not like he's not allowed to do that.

It kinda is. They don't know him, and when he walks in and hits the team hard, it undermines the HC. As long as Pasqualoni is the HC, his word is final on all matters related to the football team, at least as far as the players are concerned.
Aug 26, 2011
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If a coaching staff doesn't have the ability to get the players attention why would they still have jobs?

Haven't you been paying attention? You don't fire a coach after just 2 years, especially if the buy out is a whopping $1,000,000.

By the way. Technically GDL lost his job and he seemed to be the center of the dicontent so I guess assistant coaches can get fired after 2 years, just not HC's.
Aug 26, 2011
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I went back and read the story again. I think this line is telling.

"......what happened this season is never, ever going to happen again."

It's not like they went 1-11 and looked like they didn't care.

I think it was his way of saying, like the coaches or not, you gave away some games by not giving your best effort because you were mad at the coaches.

Then he went to the coaches and gave them the same message and relieved GDL of his OC duties (players now know Warde gets it) and let the coaches know they need to do things differently or other changes will be made.

In essence his "tirade" was in support of PP at the same time supporting the players.


Aug 26, 2011
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This isn't the military.

There is zero confusion as to who the head coach of the program is.

This was an end of season wrap up, not WM standing over PPs shoulder overriding him on plays. Entirely, entirely reasonable for WM to give his input after the season.

The idea that the AD should be locked in his office, talking only to head coaches, is just crazy to me. Football is arguably the most critical program we have - the AD isn't allowed to take a direct interest? He can only be interested from afar, through some made up chain of command protocol? Then he gets killed for being "asleep" and "not showing people anything".

Reiterating to the team and the coaches the importance of being 100% focused for next season is in no way a bad thing. It's just not.

Time to step away from this thread.
Sep 19, 2011
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WM is a former player too who played at a high level program not just an administrative suit. He can probably relate better to them than most AD.
I don't think talking to them was a negative.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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He talks, people are concerned. He doesn't saying anything, and people make "donuts" and "monitoring" jokes.

This board is certainly in over his head...with duck*ing idiots.
I heard that the Manual's talk was due to a , um logistical issue, involving a courtesy table that had been set up prior to the game.

WM: Yeah, where are the donuts?
Player 1: Um, I'm not sure, Mr Manual.​

WM: Not sure? You are not sure, is that it? Well why do you powdered sugar on your mouth, Mr. Not Sure?
Player 2: I think there are some left on the table, Mr. Manual.​
WM: Oh you do, do you?
Player 2: Yes, sir.​
WM: Don't you think I am aware of what's happening at the table. I am monitoring the table and there ARE NO DONUTS!
Player 1: Mr Manual? I guess Coach DeLeone might have have eaten the last donut.​
WM: Oh, no. We're not blaming this on the coaches. It is unacceptable at this university not to have pre-game donuts available. Each one of you needs to look in the mirror and ask yourself where the choclate sprinkles came from! [Storms off.]​
Player 2: [sotto voce]Fat ass.​


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I thought Manuel was out of line here. It is not his job to lecture the team.
Have you ever talked to someone other than your direct superior at your place of business? Is the CEO of a Company not entitled to talk to the day-to-day workers? All communication should come from one's direct superior? I don't think that fosters a positive work enironment.

These guys may be kids in age and experience, but they know what wanted coming in and know what they've signed up for. Do you think they've never been yelled at before? That they've never been presented with a challenge? The reason that some of them are as good as they are, is due to the constant pressure, regardless of the person applying it!! As I said before, I think Manuel's actions mean more (demoting Coach Deleone, forcing a change in the offense, etc.) than his words, but time will tell.

You can't want to be considered big-time on one side and then shelter these young men from its harsh realities on the other. They will never mature either as football players or young adults that way.
Apr 21, 2012
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Agree fully with CTMike here. People are acting like its a bad thing that these young kids hear the same thing from multiple people. It only reinforces the urgency of playing well and committing to excellence. They are still kids and they need to be taught and motivated. The more people that they respect and believe in telling them that they need to do better and that their product is unacceptable, the more they will believe that they need to change.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Agree fully with CTMike here. People are acting like its a bad thing that these young kids hear the same thing from multiple people. It only reinforces the urgency of playing well and committing to excellence. They are still kids and they need to be taught and motivated. The more people that they respect and believe in telling them that they need to do better and that their product is unacceptable, the more they will believe that they need to change.
Actually people here, to the extent that they are using a work analogy at all, are arguing that if your boss is ineffective, getting dress down by your boss' boss is not going to improve moral. But the work analogy is flawed. An effective team needs to have a collective, us against them mentality. Having AD say that the team performance isn't up to par and calling for an improvement is squarely part of his job. That conversation needs to happen with the coach, however. My expectation is that Manual undercut P's authority and lowered moral if he called out players. On the other hand, cheerleadery platitudes are normal for ADs, in my experience.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Actually people here, to the extent that they are using a work analogy at all, are arguing that if your boss is ineffective, getting dress down by your boss' boss is not going to improve moral. But the work analogy is flawed. An effective team needs to have a collective, us against them mentality. Having AD say that the team performance isn't up to par and calling for an improvement is squarely part of his job. That conversation needs to happen with the coach, however. My expectation is that Manual undercut P's authority and lowered moral if he called out players. On the other hand, cheerleadery platitudes are normal for ADs, in my experience.

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Do you think that the players are going to try less hard to spite Manuel? I don't think that is the case at all.

Reality: The team is not winning.
Reality: The players and coaches have the most direct impact on the teams results.
Perception: The program is not considered big time by outside observers because the team is not winning.
Perception: The program does not deserve a seat at the big boy table because it is not big time.

Outside perception = team's reality.

The head coach was not changed this year, so the responsibility of changing perception falls to the players. A s**tty deal to be sure, but as I've said before its what they signed up for and knew it going in.
Aug 26, 2011
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WM is a former player too who played at a high level program not just an administrative suit. He can probably relate better to them than most AD.
I don't think talking to them was a negative.
I agree with that as well. He played under Bo Schembechler and I'm sure that Bo ripped a few football players while he as AD as well.
Aug 26, 2011
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Some of you people are so soft. Warde is like the GM or the CEO here.

Plus, the players aren't clients. They are students, and the coaches and the administrators are developing their student athletes into MEN.

So Nelson and Upstater can pretend that the players ought to live in some protective cocoon where their are rainbows and unicorns everywhere.

Or our Michigan Football alum AD can dish out some well timed tough love to let them know that they can do better and hopefully redirect their success and happiness and not become Indiana Football.
Nov 8, 2011
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WM is a former player too who played at a high level program not just an administrative suit. He can probably relate better to them than most AD.
I don't think talking to them was a negative.

This HAS to be considered, no doubt!
Aug 30, 2011
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Hathaway was just an administrator and everyone criticized him for being JUST an administrator, Warde is proving to be more then that. There is little to be critical of here, and we certainly do not know what led to this. There is a high likelihood that it was justified and needed.

It should have never gotten to the press. That I don't like.
Nov 8, 2011
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Hathaway was just an administrator and everyone criticized him for being JUST an administrator, Warde is proving to be more then that. There is nothing to be critical of here, and we certainly do not know what led to this. There is a high likelihood that it was justified and needed.

It should have never gotten to the press. That I don't like.

I agree with your position, but maybe it was needed and there was a purpose for this getting out. It could be as simple as a subtle message that we are on top of this, stay on board and we'll get there! Another thought is that he needed to redirect the team because like it or not P was forced to take out HIS guy in GDL. Whenever a coach has his legs cut out on ANY level, he inherently loses a certain level of confidence from the players because what the head coach has preached since day one did not work, why should tommorow be any different? I think Manuel was redirecting that, which could be the reason behind the meeting. Again, we need to think that he has been in the "Big Boy" locker room so he knows how quickly that room can be divided first hand. NOW, he brings the experience of having the "Big picture" to deal with (administrative role) and the consequences that come along with outside perception as well as internal morale. By this story getting out, right or wrong it lets the fans know that things are being done to make sure the focus and culture is where it needs to be in that locker room. Think about it, do you really want incoming players to experience a divided locker room as their initial impression? Could have a lot to do with it as well as that day is just around the corner. I think the only way we will ultimately know if its right or wrong is to wait and see what the results are.....
Aug 26, 2011
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Plus, the players aren't clients. They are students, and the coaches and the administrators are developing their student athletes into MEN.

So Nelson and Upstater can pretend that the players ought to live in some protective cocoon where their are rainbows and unicorns everywhere.

... in order to save their own arses. Just like so many adults and "men" these days.
Aug 27, 2011
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I totally support Manuel here.
Very typical for many Department Heads (Manuel) to gather the troops (players) and the division heads (coaches) to whom they report, together at a year end meeting where he/she might say "We cant tolerate another year like the last. We've all got to do better."
As a fan, I want my team knowing the AD is watching how we do. And all the coaches got the message. They need to lead better. No excuses. I like that the media reported WM's diatribe. At a time when some articles muse about whether UConn might drop football it's nice for others out there to hear how the school perceives it. Manuel is saying UConn takes its football seriously and it isn't satisfied with mediocrity. That's a good thing.


Mar 30, 2012
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Look guys. There has been a major problem with complacency in the football program. Too many people willing to accept mediocrity:
- PP was more interested in getting his pal GDL a job, than in finding the most effective offensive coordinator.
- Don Brown decided to leave, PP persuaded him to stay (a year ago when DB had the Yale HC offer), DB stayed but took the year off in recruiting, and PP let him mail in the recruiting year and didn't require other coaches to pick up the slack.
- You have to believe that complacency among the coaches, just trying to collect a salary and not do too much work and do just enough to keep their careers going, gets transmitted to the players and some players don't work as hard as they might.
- When the players don't show up for Western Michigan, you know there may be issues with commitment.

Conference realignment has made clear that UConn cannot accept that the members of its flagship athletic program -- and yes, that's football, not basketball -- have been aiming for mediocrity and #70 in the nation rather than elite status.

We have to assume that Warde laid down the law privately to the coaches, and that his address to the team was not addressed to guys like Sio Moore, but to others of the 85 players who were not always all-in.

It's entirely proper for the AD to communicate the university's standards to the team. For the coaches to communicate that would not have been credible because the players know that the coaches were taking it easy too. Warde has credibility and he can say, "The high standards that we're asking of you also apply to the coaches. Coaches will aim for excellence or there will be changes."

I'm glad he did it and I hope he is really demanding excellence and will follow through on that demand.
Aug 26, 2011
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Look guys. There has been a major problem with complacency in the football program. Too many people willing to accept mediocrity:

Manuel makes the decisions though. Right? I mean, did he talk to himself as well?
Aug 26, 2011
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I totally support Manuel here.
Very typical for many Department Heads (Manuel) to gather the troops (players) and the division heads (coaches) to whom they report, together at a year end meeting where he/she might say "We cant tolerate another year like the last. We've all got to do better."
As a fan, I want my team knowing the AD is watching how we do. And all the coaches got the message. They need to lead better. No excuses. I like that the media reported WM's diatribe. At a time when some articles muse about whether UConn might drop football it's nice for others out there to hear how the school perceives it. Manuel is saying UConn takes its football seriously and it isn't satisfied with mediocrity. That's a good thing.

Isn't it crazy how the typical people object to others exercising leadership?
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